Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Too Many Types GBA ROM Hack
- Creator(s): Kobazco, marinepez, and CannonsCreative
- Version: 1.6
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: September 17, 2023
Pokemon Too Many Types is a GBA ROM Hack by Kobazco, marinepez, and CannonsCreative based on Pokemon Fire Red in English commissioned by Alphared. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on September 17, 2023.
Also, be sure to check out Mega Moemon FireRed
About the Game
Took Pokémon Emerald and added almost 50 new types to the game, such as Gamer, Smash, Furry, Magic, Sus, and many more!
Gameplay Changes
- Added 44 types, for a total of 62
- Created 118 new moves
- Changed types of 180 existing moves
- Pokemon can have up to three types
- Created a regional dex of 295 Pokemon, all with new types
Story Changes
- Gym Leaders and E4 members use new types.
- All non-gym, non-rival trainers have randomized teams. Randomization is scaled based on similar strength.
- New cutscenes to obtain certain event Pokemon, and Gen8 Fossil Pokemon.
QoL Changes
- Added infinite Rare Candy key item
- Added Escape Rope key item
- Press L in battle to view enemy party
- Double press B to run from battle
- Pokemon can relearn moves from party screen
- Latest generation mechanics and Pokemon stats
- Ability patch and ability capsule can be purchased at most marts
- HM Items (credit: NobodySociety)
- Infinite TMS
- Evolution methods changed slightly
- Trade Evolutions evolve with Link Cable Item
- Trade Evolutions w/ item (Like Slowpoke to Slowking with Kings Rock) only require the item like evolution stones
- Scraggy > Scrafty @ 28
- Elgyem > Beheeyem @ 33
- Kling > Klang @ 25, Klang > Klinklang @ 35
- Axew > Fraxure @ 30, Fraxure > Haxorus @ 44
- Rufflet > Braviary @ 30
- Vullaby > Mandibuzz @ 30
- Deino > Zweilous @ 38, Zweilous > Hydreigon @ 50
- Lavaridge town sells all evolution stones
- All evo items can be bought at Lilycove Dept. Store
- Battle items can be bought at Lilycove Dept. Store
Special Type Interactions
- Dream type cannot be put to sleep
- Dance type cannot be paralyzed
- Fluffy type cannot be frozen
- Silly type cannot be confused
- Bad type cannot be burned
- Gamer type is immune to sandstorm
- Boring type raises spDef on turns where it fails to attack
- Pikachu type is the only type that can use Pikachu moves
- Reverse type reverses the type effectiveness of any moves hitting the Pokemon
- Type type doubles type modifiers
Obtaining Special Pokemon
- Anorith: Trade with the trainer in Rustboro City
- Lileep: Trade with the trainer in Fortree City
- Mew: After obtaining thunderbolt, look under the truck next to Slateport Museum.
- Latios: Roams map after obtaining surf. Will not flee if you use fly. Only has a 33% chance of moving when the player moves between map sections.
- Gen8 Fossils: Mirage Tower. The fossils the player did not choose will be available at desert underpass.
- Galarian Ponyta: Egg from Lavaridge Town
- Munchlax: Trade with the trainer in Pacifidlog Town

Useful Stuff
- Kobazco:
- Cannons:
- MarinePez
Additional Credits:
- RH Hideout Pokeemerald Expansion:
- NobodySociety HM Items:
- Mkol103 Remove Low Health Beep:
- voloved Push B in wild battles moves to Run:
i just lost 6 hours of gameplay because i saved the game but not the emulator.
It’s not the game’s fault but i kinda want to throw my computer away now
Here is my gameplay:
Wah!!! I just took the two fossils from the Mirage Tower when my bag was full, and now I have only one of them! Bye bye Arctovish… =>,<=
it’s in the fossil maniacs house (in the end of the hole there’s another hole where you can go to and obtain the fossil)
What does strike me as weird is that Magic Missile counts as a contact move and triggers effects like Static and Flame Body. My poor Magic Gender Friend Ponyta =^,~’=
where is mew?
Hope this helps.
It’s not working when I download it. I’ve tried both VisualBoy Advanced and ,GBA
The MyGBA Emulator worked for me
Vc devia fazer fazer um update novo
Anyone else had problems with rare candies? I tried using both normal Rare Candy and the Infinite Rare Candy, but my game crashes right after the pokemon level’s up
how do i check the enemy pokemons stats and types
click the L button
is madiafire is best website to download this rom hack on mobile
you can use any of the three – mediafire, mega, and one drive to download the rom hack, all of them are among the best file hosting providers.
there the file I downloaded it is not working at all it is error on data and it said file corrupted
what I do
Where to find rockruff
Need a type chart
Mega download, please, only if you can.
how do i play after download
first extract the .zip file, after doing that you’ll be left with a .gba file
now, you need to use a gba emulator to play this as this is a gba rom hack.
you can download a suitable gba emulator for your android, ios, pc or mac from here:
after installing the emulator, you just need to load the game and you’re good
Where’s xenoverse?
on their official site
There’s no extract button for me to press
you’ll need an app/software to be able to extract a zip file e.g. zarchiver if you’re on android or winrar if you’re on windows
Can Someone Tell Me All The New Types?
Holy shittake that’s a lotta types. Anyone got a type chart?
Alpharad (the guy who commissioned the mod) has a whole video playing it and in the description there’s like changelogs and a typechart and anything else u need!
or not