Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Beta Gold Remake GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Lanetis
- Version: Alpha 1
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: September 17, 2023
Pokemon Beta Gold Remake is a GBA ROM Hack by Lanetis based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on September 17, 2023.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Saiph 2
Pokemon Beta Gold version is a remake of the Pokémon GS demo from 1997. It will be like super gold 97′ and 97′ reforged, but on the GBA!
The story is pretty similar to GSC, You are a boy/girl who’s going to start his/her Pokémon adventure with his/her rival, obtaining all GYM leader badges, completing the Pokédex, and beating the Team Rocket
- New Region (Nihon)
- Improved graphics
- All the beta Pokémon from the demo are in the game
- New Story
- This alpha recreates at 100% the original Spaceworld 97′ demo
- New music
- Zeo (Tileset)
- LunaMaddalena (ho-oh sprite)
- POKEMON SHINY GOLD SIGMA (Zel+Alex) (Protagonist minisprites)
- Zumi Daxuya (title theme)
How complete is this?
Pkmn Saiph 2 just released. Can u upload a pre-patched pls
Barely 5 mins of content. I wouldn’t be surprised if this hack never gets completed
It’s recreating the Space World demo…it’s supposed to be about that long…
I dont remember but was the ’97 demo able to be completed or did it cut off after a certian point?
Good start bad end