Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Elysium GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: BlKaiser
- Version: 2.2.0 in Two Parts
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: November 25, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Elysium is a GBA ROM Hack by BlKaiser based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on November 25, 2024.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon IRONéMON Red Kaizo Edition
This is a lore-focused Fire Red hack designed for casual players. It was developed several years ago, with ongoing content additions and fixes until recently. Therefore, don’t anticipate modern features. It can be time-consuming, especially if you thoroughly explore everything and engage in various side quests. The game is divided into two parts, labeled A and B. You’ll need to use save states to transition your progress from Part A to Part B (detailed instructions can be found below in the “Playing Part B” section).
In terms of the story, the game comprises a prologue, four chapters, and a brief epilogue. In regards to difficulty, it offers a greater challenge compared to traditional Pokémon games, though most players should not encounter significant difficulty in completing it.
This game follows the journey of a 16-year-old girl hailing from the serene island of Crysta. Her aspiration is to attain the title of Pokémon Champion, vying for one of the coveted eight positions in the finals held on the enigmatic island of Elysium. Little does she know, an ancient malevolent force, orchestrating a scheme that has been in motion for over a century, threatens not just her and her companions but the entire world itself.
Playing Part B
When prompted by the game, you will need to use your most recent save file (saving state) to continue the story in Part B. Depending on your emulator, you may need to rename or relocate a file to a different folder.
In terms of the storyline, you must transition to the new ROM after boarding the ship known as S.S. CHALLENGER. This should occur after you have obtained all 8 badges and participated in the initial rounds of the championship at Battle Colosseum.
- A mix of Pokemon, moves, and types up until Pokémon X and Y. Gen I, II, and III mostly but there’s a good number of Pokémon from the next generations like Hippopotas, Garchomp, or Galvantula (Check the online Excel file for the full list of obtainable Pokémon)
- Fairy Type-Pokémon & Moves (replacing old ones)
- Physical-Special Split
- A very few story-only related fakemon and fake moves
- Several Regions to explore.
- Side quests that reward you with rare Pokémon, moves, or special items.
- This game comprises two parts, namely the Main Game (A) and the Finale (B).
The Main Game unfolds primarily in the Rhea region, which serves as the central focus of the game, along with a smaller region named Savahnn. This section of the story encompasses Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3. The prologue, on the other hand, transpires on the idyllic island of Crysta.
The climax of the game predominantly occurs in several key locations, including the enigmatic island of Elysium, aboard a cruise ship, and a series of islands referred to as the Therian Islands. This segment is central to Chapter 4 of the narrative.
What to do
- Use save states to preserve your progress instead of relying on the game’s built-in save function. This method allows you to transfer your progress to Part B seamlessly. (In Visual Boy Advance, you can achieve this by pressing SHIFT+F1 to save an instance as a .sgm file)
- For an added challenge, consider switching the Battle Style to “SET.”
What NOT to do
- Don’t get hung up on completing the Pokédex. You can’t catch all the Pokémon, the focus of this ROM Hack is the story.
- Do not release Pokémon that were given to you for obvious story reasons, as this may lead to the game being soft-locked. Only release Pokémon that you have personally caught using a Poké Ball.
Known Issues/Bugs
- At a certain point in the game, you will softlock if you release an obtainable Lapras before obtaining HM Surf. In very, very rare occasions, the player’s sprite (may) suddenly messes up. This can be quickly fixed by entering or exiting a building or cave or using FLY. This has been fixed but there’s still a very small chance you may encounter that bug.
- Sometimes in the player’s reflection palette on the water.
Please be mindful that there may be occasional spelling or language errors within the game, as English is not the creator’s native language.
Version 2.2.0
- The ending has been changed, introducing a new unique battle section and altered story resolutions for some characters. This new scene is based on a piece of lore that I always wanted to make more prominent in the game’s story.
- The EXP. Share has been tweaked. Now, the Pokemon holding it will gain full EXP even if it doesn’t participate in battle.
- A new feature has been added allowing repeatable trainer battles on specific routes by trading Heart Scales in the PokeCenter
- The game’s balance has been adjusted, particularly to reduce the level gap after the 6th badge. Grinding should now be minimal or entirely unnecessary with this update.
- Overworld sprites have been improved to make the game feel more unique, and some characters now have completely new sprites (like the 7th Gym Leader or the Pirate Arena Champion).
- Several minor bugs -mostly graphical- have been fixed (like one in several optional caves in Elysium Island).
- Minor dialogue changes. (i.e Made the 3rd puzzle on Eerie’s dark tower make more sense, etc)
- A guide for the game’s major sidequests has been added.
Version 2.1.0
- Fixed the English of the game (most of it at least).
- Visual overworld improvements
- Changes in the game’s level curve aim to reduce grinding and encourage exploration. Made the game easier since it’s story-focused.
- TMs are now reusable but limited, offering 7, 5, or 3 uses for each one you acquire.
- Adding Move Releaners/Deleters in several areas of the game in Part B.
- Rare Candies purchase is available right at the end of the game before the final battles.
- Changes in several Pokemon’s movesets
- Players can travel back and forth to Amira Isles even after completing the main mission in that area.
- Fixed a bug where the players enter the casino screen near the end of the game.
- Fixed a bug here the game warps the player into a cave after the end of the game.
- In the epilogue, a bug was fixed where the player can fly back to the Refugee Camp.
- Fixed the catch rates for some Pokemon that were uncatchable.

Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
- Diegoisawesome for their XSE Scripting Tutorial
- Haven1433 for HexManiacAdvance (godlike tool)
- Alistair for various Tilesets
- LU-HO’s for the Advanced Map
- HackMew for XSE and Advanced Trainer
- Rangi for TileMap Studio
- Silver314 for YAPE
- Kurapika for G3T
- D-Trogh for Nameless Tile Map Editor
- Link12552 for Nameless Sprite Editor
- karatekid552 for Pokemon Gen.3 Hacking Suite
- The Contributors of Gen VI and V: DS-Style 64×64 Pokemon Sprite Resource on Pokecommunity
- MrDollSteak’s Sugimori Palettes: The DS-style 64×64 Pokémon Sprite Resource
- thedarkdragon11’s DS-style Gen VII and Beyond Pokémon Sprite Repository in 64×64
- Doesn’tKnowHowToPlay for PSS
- Kimonas for OWM
- Unknown poster’s guide here on Pokecommunity for helping me create custom moves (didn’t found the post/poster, will update)
- u/Grazerous and Jex for playtesting and instructions about how to patch Part B on iOS.
- My cousin and my brother for playtesting
Umm admin do you know how i can access the discord to this rom?
version 2.2 has been released
Looks interesting as I’m a Story enjoyer. Does it has custom music?
The story is soooooooo good that even a movie can be made following it’s storyline 👌 good work I hope to see part 2 or continuation of this game it’s such a masterpiece
It is kinda ironic that the main series doesn’t manage something similar. Okay, maybe a bit less death and more “fainting” to make it for all ages but overall, this shows what is possible without overdoing it and being too mature for example. It had a decent balance, the concept of death, especially on-screen, was handled really well without spilling blood everywhere except for some side content.
In a way this is amazing of course and the creator deserves all the credit. Even as a non-competitive player, nor someone who really is deep into mechanics, it was doable with the grinding made easier by speed-up functions of emulators. But on the other hand it’s sad that a major company is degrading the games more and more into a hand-holding adventure where you are not a protagonist or even much of a part of the story but a battle doll. And this is not about silent protagonists. They can work just fine. But seeing your character smile as everyone looks shocked is terrible Not to mention that all potential Pokémon has in abundance gets sucked up by wanting to be more and more child-friendly even though most young children can’t even read. Everything is just implied, never talked about. So a protagonist you may not feel with all the time still felt so much better than anything the main games have produced in a long time. Not because they can’t but they won’t. Even titles of spin-offs often had better stories, without being too brutal. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (especially the Sky variant) is a masterpiece for a rather simple game. Even later Pokémon Ranger titles do story a lot better
This was amazing even with some flaws which I forgive because it’s fanmade by a non-native speaker at a time their English was likely still developing. And for that, you can still get the gist of everything even where some mistakes may happen. I also liked the complexity of relationships and to steer some things in different directions without romance being a primary focus. It was basically incorporated in a way that felt natural, especially considering the age of the protagonist, and it never became the main focus but only something developing over time, even shifting away from the expected and instead bringing characters closer through shared goals without hesitating to address conflict. Even non-malicious conflict. Where friends don’t see eye to eye but it doesn’t cause tons of drama. Characters grow a lot and the complexity is just right to be engaging but not too muddled nor trying to be ultra-profound. There are even a lot of gray areas. Parts where you think someone isn’t always wrong in thinking that way but you also understand the protagonist’s view, especially as a young person that’s no longer a young child but neither an adult yet. 16 is an age where you can grasp a lot of things around you but maybe not all complexities of life ye that come with life experience. Something that is actually shown in how characters develop in this game. How especially the younger ones are not so set in their ways yet but also easily lose their cool at times. Say things that may be insentive but also apologize for it. And that it’s not all black and white in life while still trying to see the good. But I liked that. I liked that she is a kind person but not a Mary-Sue. Because her outbursts, while at times right, don’t always change something for the better nor reach a person.
One thing I would criticize is that Pokemon you receive and then later leave temporarily due to story reasons will take your items and come back the same as before you got them. Without spoiling, a certain someone took my Twisted Spoons with it and never returned them.
The spelling and tile errors are overall fine. Crashes were minimal. I still recommend saving often, just in case, because Part A contains a lot of backtracking on foot and you don’t want to spend ten minutes doing it again because the cutscene crashed the game.
One thing I would recommend is not using the paid version of MyBoy unless you’re absolutely certain you’ll have access to the save files on your phone or have a PC. I couldn’t access them and can’t use a computer, so I basically started part A all over again. Which was worth it but John GBA is ultimately a bit inferior in terms of speed-up but it’s much easier to patch part B on your phone as the files are accessible. So check early if your emulator has accessible save files if you don’t plan on using a PC. The 1,99€ weren’t even the issue but starting it all again. Which is worth it overall to replay butafter just having spent 80 or 90 hours on it, it was just a bit soon but I wanted to know the rest.
Another thing I found a hassle were the W.P.A rules. It kinda sucked to always shuffle items around. I get the challenge and at the time the creator may not have had another solution but I feel some battles were unnecessary to have them. Especially to be more casual friendly. Like unofficial gyms. It takes time away from the story and its immersiveness to spend like half an hour at the end leveling up a wholly different team.
I got all side quests done and only missed some minor stuff since I’m hoarding and no one trying to buy stuff from me will ever get to in a game. Be careful that no is sometimes the right answer to progress a quest.
Some tips for those trying it out and struggling: Berries do not count as healing items and can be used in and outside battles like any other item and are fairly cheap to buy in bulk early. This will especially help you in part B at the end since you can heal up with Sitrus Berries in-between battles without wasting scarce healing items. Second tip: One-Hit KO moves work on all except one enemy even if your level is the same. If you struggle at the end, make a save state and load it when the attack missed. This is only for those struggling as the game even counts the same level as being vulnerable. For a challenge, don’t utilize the load function or the moves at all, but I’ve seen some complaints about the rather steep difficulty curve in part B even with a diverse team at level 100. Which was amazing story-wise as enemies felt like actual threats and you would debate whether it’s worth battling some optional ones but may cause problems.
Before loading part B, ensure that you have bought all Berries you may need. Same with some items in some stores like PP ups you can only buy in some areas which you cannot return to later. These are useful because you will be forced to use an entirely different team at some point for a bit and being able to up some PP isn’t a bad idea.
I would use rare candies only on story Pokémon at the end. You get a lot but I feel it’s nicer overall to be able to head to the climax without spending time grinding again. Like my Pokémon were level 100 way before the Championships started. I did grind but Lucky Eggs and EXP Share help greatly later.
Lastly, I recommend doing side-quests. They provide valuable things and are fun to do, adding more layers to the world. Not all are ground-breakingly relevant, but all are nice add-ons. Same with exploring. Not all mysteries will lead to a solution though. Like a huge part of my playtime was also trying to figure out if some things were just mysteries or actual quests.
So I agree with you. It’s an amazing story with only a few things that could have used some more detail maybe but for a relatively small ROM hack, it truly was astounding and giving the main games a run for their money.
Can anyone of you recommend pokemon rom hack with a similar storyline like this?
My sincere compliments to whoever made this romhack game.
A bright future in game development lies ahead of you.
One of the best rom hacks i have played!!! Story 10/10,good joob to whoever created it ! 🙂
is there an exp share in this game?
How to patch part a save in part b, please help
Hello! There’s a new update in this one!
updated it
How do you beat captain pires level one unknown. I’m stuck
Plse anyone how i can play Pokemon elysium chapter 4 i don’t know how to patch please tell me
It’s a bit tricky, but you don’t need to patch anything.
1. Save your game when prompted (after boarding the ship known as S.S. CHALLENGER. This should occur after you have obtained all 8 badges and participated in the initial rounds of the championship at Battle Colosseum.)
2. Go to the folder with your Elysium save files.
3. Change the name of the save file you want to use to the name of the part B file [Elysium – Part B (v1.2.0)].
4. Boot up the game, that’s it.
Is there any video that can show us how to? Still don’t understand how
Hey! I’m trying to evolve Feebas but what’s the requirements in this game to evolve her?
Add pokemon uranium, it’s a good rpgxp game with a lot ot features, you can download it here:
Bro,pokemon saiph 2 1.3 new update
😭 wait a bit I’ll update the post
Would you please update the game with the v.1.1.0? Thank you!
updated it
Hi, after I face Captain Drake, I talk to Rufus and the game crashes. Has anyone else had this problem and knows how to resolve it?
You must first get the package from the professor (the one you saved) 😉
Had the same problem, get the package and then Rufus will come to you
I play this if they include into the walkthrough about side quests
hey its me and theres a glitch where the screen stucks on the screen of water at starting of water
It’s really hard to find items hope if there’s a list of items location!
need help, cant gain access to KARYAP MONASTERY. just returned from sevahnn, got the call from director hilton, went to ranger hq but no cutscene. quest board still says head to hiltons office for briefing
Had the same issue. I asked the creators on reddit and i was told to just patch the latest version. I did it and I was able to continue
Hey is there any possible way I can continue playing part 4 in my android?
Yes, it’s a bit tricky, but you don’t need to install nothing. Just quick save in the right screen (it’s described in the post), then go into your phone files and open the saves from your emulator. In there, you will find every quicksave of every game you have on your emulator. Locate the one you want to transfer to part B and change it’s name to the name of the part B file (change only the number, if I remember correctly, it’s enough). Then just boot up the game and you are in
but its buggy asf and some sprites are horrible and it has the gen 3 mechanics
Where to get the puzzle solution documentation?
all though i gotta give it this game is humorous
were the developers so lazy that this game dosent have it’s own cover? why is it the fire red cover
sounds intriguing
I think I finished what I needed to do in Savannh, but I don’t know how to go back home. Is this a glitch? Or am I missing something?
Return to Porta Arkasia docks and speak to the sailor beside the ship that got you to the region. He’ll take you back to Rhea.
What is part A and part B give some detail about the part A andB
The game is divided into two parts, labeled A and B. You’ll need to use save states to transition your progress from Part A to Part B.
You must transition to the new ROM after boarding the ship known as S.S. CHALLENGER. This should occur after you have obtained all 8 badges and participated in the initial rounds of the championship at Battle Colosseum.
How to get to old factory? Also where is surf and fly hm?
These gba games have enough bugs and errors to make me quit and this one is just outstanding in that aspect
Hey can I continue part b in my android phone?
Krustymon Fire Red (Pokémon Fire Red Hack) exist the Krusty the Clown fusion on 386 Pokémon, Regirock replaced Krusty the Clown is Fakemon, Regice replaced Mega Krusty is Fakemon, Registeel replaced Gigantamax Krusty is Fakemon is new hack 2023
Is this even a real rom hack?
This rom is amazing overall, it’s one of the most amazing hacks I’ve played. However I might not continue playing to the Part-B since I’m having problems on how to use my saved state from Part-A ( I’m using an Android ).
No, the main character is Team Rocket, you idiot producer. 😡🖕
Thank you bro