Download Pokemon White 2 Extreme Randomizer NDS ROM
- Version: Completed
- Updated: July 29, 2022
Pokemon White 2 Extreme Randomizer is, as its name suggests, a randomized version of the original Pokemon White 2.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Black 2 Extreme Randomizer
The plot of the game is the same as in the original because this is just a randomized version of the original White 2. The events of Pokémon White are set two years later in the games. During this time, many changes have occurred in Unova: new locations in the region’s southwest and northeast are now accessible, while some previously existing locations cannot be visited or are restricted until later in the game. Three new Gym Leaders and a new Champion are introduced, and the Unova Pokédex, like in Pokémon Platinum, is expanded to include Pokémon from other regions.
What’s been Randomized?
- Wild Pokemon
- Trainer’s parties
- Pokemon Types/Moves/Abilities
- Pokemon Evolutions
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Note: These Pokemon ROMs are pre-randomized, starting a new game will NOT re-randomize the game, if you do not like how the game is randomized then try another one of the downloads below. Enjoy!
It says that OpenEmu needs a helper app. Any ideas what that is?
are the types and the abilities randomized??
Everything is amazing, except the random typing I wish there was a rom without random pokemon/move typing
im on android how do i make this work on my drastic its not working ive already extracted the file 🙁
Ele funciona tbm no DS ou só em emulador?
Is this playable on chrome?
what are the 9 starters?
How do I open/start the game on a mac?
you need to download openemu
What emulators does this work on?
desmume if you’re on pc, drastic if you’re on android, and openemu if you’re on mac
Bom dia uma dúvida um desses tem o torchic, combusken e blaziken com a habilidade speed boost?
Hey, can you mention if randomiser 1, 2 and 3 are different, if so what are the differences? Thanks.
they are just randomized differently, meaning the spawns, moves, evolutions, abilities and all of that stuff are different in each of them.