Download Pokemon Fire Ash RPGXP Fan Game
- Creator: Reinhartmax
- Version: 3.6 Part 1.2
- Updated: February 22, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Fire Ash is a fan-made Pokémon game. It took approximately two years to complete and is still being updated in its fifth year. It was designed using RPG Maker XP and Pokemon Essentials.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Infinite Fusion
The plot of the game is loosely based on Ash Ketchum’s adventures in the anime. You travel from Kanto to Alola, including the Orange Islands and the Battle Frontier adventure, all in the style of Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen versions.
You will be able to battle Ash’s traveling companions and rivals, recreate his team, and explore the vast world of Pokémon in the game. It has over 50 gyms and over 800 Pokémon.
- National Dex with over 900 Pokémon up to generation 8.
- Travel through Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, and the Orange Islands.
- Over 50 gym battles.
- Battle Ash’s traveling companions and rivals.
- Abilities and moves up to generation 8.
- Mega Evolution, Alola Forms, Z-Moves, Dynamax, and Ash-Greninja.
- Over 100 TMs.
- Pikachu follows on top of you.
- A large majority of the items up to generation 8.
- Graphics from generation 3.
- No HMs. Fly is replaced with a warping system located at Pokémon Centers.
- Includes the Battle Frontier adventure.
- Pokémon that evolve by trade now evolve by level or item required in trade.
v3.6 Part 1.2 (17-feb-2024)
Main Game Changes:
- Pokémon that couldn’t learn moves from dlc moves tutor are able to now
- Fixed Future Sight causing an error message (though it didn’t crash the game)
- Fixed Wonder Trade crashing under certain circumstances
- Fixed incorrect Game Corner Price being listed
- Fixed Palkia spawning in Mt. Coronet
- Fix an issue with Paul’s teams getting mixed up in some scenarios
- Fixed some collision issues in Fuchsia City, Wyndon and Galar Route 7
- Fixed an issue where some healing items were healing different amounts based on whether they were in the used in battle or in the overworld
- Removed the teleporter from the double battle room when doing the Hoenn League Rematch and added a check to the guard instead
- Level of Champion Ash battles have been increased from 85 to 100
Grandeur Club Changes:
- Fixed rewards not being obtainable on Master Difficulty in some challenges
- Fixed an issue where the whole team wouldn’t be recorded sometimes in Gauntlet Challenge
- Can’t save in Gauntlet anymore
- Gauntlet rewards now scale exponentially
- Mayhem Challenge bags have been adjusted
- Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in a barrier in Mayhem
- Added a surprise to the Vending Machine in the Lobby after beating Mayhem
- Can’t use items through Pokémon if items outside of battle have been disabled
v3.6 Part 1.1 (4-feb-2024)
- Fixed missing animations caused by 3.6 Part 1
- Brock being battled instead of Lt. Surge in Grandeur Club Gauntlet Challenge
- Fixed Grandeur Club Challenge teams being mixed up
- Fixed 3v6 battles occuring instead of 6v6 battles in Grandeur Club Challenge Master Difficulty
v3.6 Part 1 (3-feb-2024)
- Added rematches to the rest of the leagues, including a Masters 8 rematch
- The Dragon Pulse Move Tutor in Blackthorn City also teaches Dragon Dance now
- Added a Move Tutor for Eruption in the Sinnoh League for Quilava
- Added a Move Tutor for Cut on Route K11
- Hapu acts as a Move Tutor for High Horsepower after beating her Grand Trial
- Added a Move Tutor for the Isle of Armour DLC moves to the GC Lounge
- Added credit-money exchange added to GC Lounge Vending Machine
- Added a few trainers into Sync and Titan
- Added Master Difficulty for Club, Sync, Titan and Duet
- Rebalanced Mayhem rewards to compensate for the amount of time taken to complete it
- Gauntlet crashing after getting to 50 trainers
- Fixed an issue with Mayhem deleting the player’s bag if they won on Ace difficulty
- Fixed Sync and Titan crashing against Erika
- Fixed an issue with GC Lounge BGM
- Fixed an issue with Masters 8 crashing in certain scenarios
- Fixed an issue with incorrect badges on the trainer card being shown in Azelea Town
- Fixed an issue where a few Unovan towns not showing up on the town map at all
- Updated graphics for many sprites
If you want to play this on Android, download the game using any of the links below and refer to this article: How to Play Pokemon Fire Ash on Android

Useful Stuff
the game is not working, it says error opening openal device
Can I play this in an emulator
this might help:
I want to translate into Vietnamese, what applications do I need to be able to do that, thank you very much.
Why its not working i try to play it in joi play and add that game but it’s not working
If pokemon is not evolve in mega evolution form so what to do?
You need mega ring in your back pack and that pokemon’s mega stone holding by pokemon
i cant save the game what do i do
Pokemon fire ash randomizer?
Hello brother can you please help me🥺 please i really don’t know if my comment is visible or not but I played this game completely without getting any issue but I am having some problem. After defeating Leon in galar and becoming world champion. Songs come in play than the post game doesn’t start! Can you help me please!? I had installed joi play but I am getting issue to play post game! It’s incomplete without winning the world champion title please help🥺🥺 Post game isn’t available that’s the issue!..
Aad paldea
On the discord server they said there will be no Paldea since Ash doesn’t visit there
Same issue bro
When i click decrypt files it doesnt work how to fix that?
Hello I had played this game I beat Leon and became the world champion in Pokemon fire Ash version but I have a problem when the song plays after beating Leon in galar . There is no post game or anything after beating Leon like there the game ends what should I do please help me🥺 idk which youtuber I should ask or ask anyone i really don’t know 🥺🥺🥺
can someone give cheat engine table for game
Dyanamax Is Not Working In This game
Sinnoh region last gym battle is not working
I have a problem on opening the site where we download the apk of it even tho i am using wifi it is not opening, what should i do tell me pls
Here’s the link (it’s not an .apk file, you’ll need joiplay to play it):
Joiplay isn’t available in my device (Vivo) is this only for apple or is there any Emulator than. Access it?
Joiplay is only available on Android. If you can’t see it on the play store, you can download it from these links:
RPG Maker Plugin:
In my joiplay it is not working. It is showing pulgin error
Can you put Pokemon Clockwork up please.
@SRK plz tell how do we get to the snorlax, everyone is having the same problem.
Does it work on my boy?
it’s a rpgxp fangame, you can’t play it on my boy. you’ll need to use joiplay. here’s how you can play it:
I am getting script errors in joiplay emulator is there any solution to play the game or any other emulator
In which emulator it runs?
Is there a mediafire link?
The llinks above says needs access to them…
Updated the links on the post
I can’t get over the bridge on the orange islands the one on seven grapefruit island and I did everything right and I can’t get Snorlax meaning I cant complete the game so please tell me what to do or fix it
I just defeated Danny in Navel town and I went to seven grapefruit island and it’s not letting my cross the bridges the only one I can is to the south when you first get there can someone help me out
Can you download this for mac
you can play it on mac but you’ll have to use wine
can you please tell us the cheat codes and how to use it
it’s an rpgxp fangame you can’t use cheat codes. You can only use the built-in cheats menu, if you’re on android then swipe download from the top of you screen then click on the last button on the menu, there you can access all the available cheats
how do i make this a GBA file?
Yea… you can’t do that. If you wanna lay this on android, read this –
lol bro running in a different timeline
Pls provide a different download link if possible as mega download link states “download is too big pls install mega app”
here ya go
Pokemon fire Ash
The rpg maker plug in for Joiplay doesn’t work anymore on my phone, and I dont know how to do to lauch the game in another way.
Hello, a new version of this game was released recently so please update the download link for this game so that people do not download an outdated version of the game.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
thanks for letting me know 🙂 I have updated the download link
I beat Danny and got his badge and I went to grapefruit island and I can cross the bridge to get Snorlax what do I do
Or did I miss an event
It won’t let me go on the bridge north of the Pokemon center in seven grapefruit island
Sorry I can’t cross the bridge to get to snorlax did I miss an event
Hey I have problem with game right now .. iam In alola region first time ash went to school and after that kukui say to everyone gome home … I went Prof..kukui house he says to take rest .. but for rest I have to push entre button
And then also after that Prof kukui not giving another task
I have a glitch where when i walk out of the poke center im glitched above the door, can move or re enter the poke canter. I just beat the elite 4, and going to the islands
how do i getit on chrombook