Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Big Blue GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Mian Calendar Games
- Version: Final
- Hack of: FireRed
- Released: May 24, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Big Blue is a GBA Rom Hack by Mian Calendar Games based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And it is now available to download. It was released on May 24, 2024.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon TCG: Neo
The first step of your journey is unlike any other. Big Blue features 42 different starter Pokémon, allowing you to begin your journey with a wider variety of companions than ever before. Gone are the days of choosing between Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. You can befriend a feisty Cyndaquil, a playful Mudkip, or even a majestic Gible!
- Fully open world region (Kanto).
- Physical/Special Division.
- Fairy type.
- Optional reusable TMs/HMs.
- Trade items function as evolution stones (i.e. Link Cable, Prism Scale, Dawn Stone, Peat Block, etc.).
- All trainers, wild Pokémon and gyms are scaled by badges.
- 42 different entries.
- ALL Gen 1-3 Pokémon (cross-gen evolutions, permanent megas/G-Max evolutions added).
- Almost all species found in nature (including starters).
- Exp. All – Tons of new areas/locations.
- Routes, caves, towns/cities have been updated.
- Generation 4 overworld graphics.
- Menus/maps have a new visual style.
- Fairy Type – Running indoors.
- Greater chances of shine.
- Move-Reminder/Name Rater in each Pokecenter.
- PokéMarts scale for badge quantities.

Useful Stuff
Mian Calendar Games
Can you get shiny starter in this romhack?
sucks you cant buy repels.
Great game, you did a great job. I’ve picked up 2 shiny pokemon and had tons of fun. I have a question, I’ve caught Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon,Groupon, all three legend birds and all three dogs, and all three titans, Ho – oh, Lugia and both Lati’s. Am I missing any legendaries?
Game keeps freezing when trying to talk to random trainers around the map. Huge L considering you have to restart and lose all unsaved progress. No telling when or where it will happen either so you WILL lose a ton of time and progress on this crap. Don’t waste your time
Bro great job, great play loved the shiny rate just traveling some areas and going though the game I got 6 or 7 shinies. Definitely enjoyed playing throu it !
great and beautiful kanto romhack but i lowkey wish there was a non open world version, open world is too overwhelming for me
What’s the shiny rate?
Awesome so far. Would like a FAQ that has Pokemon locations.
Character customization, the default Kanto wild theme, and johto would all be nice additions to the game
Can you catch all Pokémon in game without having to trade and how many is there In total
My screen keeps turning black every I try to battle the Fucshia city gym leader he’s the last gym leader I need to battle before the elite four
By the discription it seems pretty promising I will give it a try I guess
Wow, I guess this is a worth to try.
thx for uploading! ^^
Mediafire didn’t register a playable game. Mega worked