Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Orange GBC ROM Hack
- Creator: Pia Carrot
- Version: Completed
- Hack of: Crystal
- Updated: May 20, 2024
- Language: English
Pokemon Orange is a GBC ROM Hack by Pia Carrot based on Pokemon Crystal in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on May 20, 2024.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Carmine Red
Welcome to the world of Pokémon!
Creator’s Note
Pokémon Orange is a Crystal hack by Pia Carrot/Kuroko Aizawa. The aim of this hack is not only to create a great Orange Islands hack but also to give me the experience to work on Ancient Platinum and raise it to an even higher standard.
I started hacking 8 years ago after playing Pokémon Naranja on a cartridge, and since then I’ve always wanted to see a good Orange Islands hack completed. However, it’s never happened to this extent, so I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands.
You are a kid from Valencia Island who wants to become a Pokémon Master, after hearing about a kid the same age named Red defeating the Indigo League 6 months ago. You set out on a journey to deliver the mysterious GS Ball to the esteemed Samson Oak, who is visiting the Orange Islands from the Alola region and to take on the Orange Crew! Play as Indigo or Orange, explore, fight goofy villains, and walk into a fresh and nostalgic world to learn more about the wonderful world of Pokémon and to Catch ’em All!
- The entire Orange Archipelago!*
- OI and Alolan Variants, and the Crystal Onix
- Pinkan Berries that work!
- Anime-based story in Gamefreak format
- 20th Movie-inspired Ho-oh/Marshadow event
- Dive and Rock Climb
- Clock Reset NPC for flashcarts
- Shiny Charm and Exp. All
- New cries
- Reusable TMs
- Gen 7 Base Stats
- Updated Learnsets
- …And much, much more!
*An island with Giant Pokémon was left out
Known Bugs
- Bug Bite effect is not implemented yet
- Form split still has some bugs to be worked out

Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
- Bloodless
- Bronzeswagger
- BynineB
- coraldev
- Doc
- EeVeeEe1999
- Froggestspirit
- Gmerc
- i0brendan
- Jaagup
- JustinNuggets
- Kalarie
- Koolboyman
- Kreestanala
- Lakeofdance
- Lepragon
- Luckytyphlosion
- Luna
- MakoReactor
- MayoRaptor
- Metalflygon08
- Mmmmm
- MonstaRules
- morganwalkup
- Mystelex
- Neslug
- Nuukiie
- Patrickackerman
- Pum
- Rangi
- Regen
- ShantyTown
- SirWhibbles/JaceDeane
- SoupPotato
- SteppoBlazer
- Sukiyami
- TriteHexagon
- triumph
I had the event in the keckleon cave with cross and also completed the events on shamouti island, but when i go to that early route cross and ho-oh aren’t on the small mountain. what did i do wrong? please help!
Can you update this?
updated it
; What is the difference between “regular” and “pps”?? I don’t understand.
pss has physical/special split, regular doesn’t
Before Gen 4, moves were classified as physical or special based on their type, which often didn’t make sense. The newer system in diamond & pearl and onwards classifies moves based on what they do rather than their type. that’s what physical/special split or pss means. the regular version does it the old way.
How do I get Dratini? I can’t seem to find it!
Why is starter always female? Not evenly gendered..
This got a big update on the 19th of May. It’s available on the discord.
updated it sorry for the delay
Any working cheats???
Do you have any cheat codes that work? I want to play this and would love to donate when I know if you can make all the hacks have cheat codes? Thank you!
This got a new update/Fix on pokecommunity, available on the last page
Download links don’t work put a mega or mediafire link
They work fine for me.
esistono trucchi? Perche quelli di Cristallo non funzionano
Pourquoi je n’arrive pas à nager plus haut que l’île non nommée? Ce passage est bloqué
[EN: Why can’t I swim higher than the unnamed island? This passage is blocked]
does anyone know how to get rock smash
Try youtube and see if there’s a vid on the game.
The island after you catch crystal onix is broke, badly glitched, cannot progress game any further… Was enjoying this too 🙁
why does squirtle uses poliwhrirl’s backsprite?
I got it… beautifully done beautiful 😻 lol fine game though. It’s a grinder but worth it thnx 😉 SKR
Yes that’s fine with me SKR. Yeh don’t get banned homie 😭
Can we please have nediafire links?
Don’t know if this is a known bug but in the pss version, squirtles back sprite is poliwrath
I think you patched this obto the wrong crystal ROM. Booted up the game and when I chose squirtle, it appeared with a Poliwirl back sprite.
I didn’t patch the roms. The creator has provided pre-patched roms on their github.
Have a different download link? Like MediaFire
What is the difference between regular and pss?
pss has physical/special split, regular doesn’t
[In Pokemon games before Diamond/Pearl, the type of an attack determined if it was physical or special. For example, Fire attacks were always special and used the special attack stat regardless of the move, while Rock attacks were always physical and always used attack stat. But in Diamond/Pearl and onwards, attacks of the same type can be either physical or special. For example, Fire Fang is now a physical move, while Flamethrower is a special move, even though both are Fire-type moves.
Simply put, before gen 4 moves were classified as physical or special based on their typing rather than what they did. This was pretty bad because, as I stated earlier, Fire Fang being a special move just because it is a fire type attack makes no sense.
Now as for the “regular” and “pss” versions, pss has the newer system and regular has the old one.]
Yo SKR do you have an alternative download link?
you fine with one drive? I have a feeling this might get my Mediafire account banned.
Cool enough SKR. Thnx again 😘
added the one drive links