Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Carmine Red GBC ROM Hack
- Creator: Wrulfy
- Version: 1.0.1
- Hack of: Red
- Updated: April 26, 2022
- Language: English
Pokemon Carmine Red is a GBC ROM Hack by Wrufly based on Pokemon Red in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on April 26, 2022.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Galacta
Carmine Red is a personal project of a Gen 1 romhack, based on the disassembly rather than a binary hack, as was common many years ago. Based on an idea I had for a romhack more than a decade ago that never got off the ground due to binary tool limitations and my decision to stop working on it.
My main idea is to improve on a lot of what Gen 1 had to offer while keeping the original games’ messiness.
The name Carmine comes from a bug that is used to extract a dark red dye, which is why Parasect is the Hack’s mascot and bugs are the most frequent recipients of buffs.
The plot of the game hasn’t changed all that much since the original. However, it can be viewed as an alternate reality of Kanto, with some elements set in the future in comparison to the original, while everything else takes place in the same timeframe. The main distinction is that there is an epilogue with Team Rocket’s arc near the end of the game.
For a more detailed list of features, please read the List of Features on Github’s Wiki.
- Massive Improve of learnsets
- New typings for several Pokémon
- Modified type chart
- Modified Base Stats for a lot of Pokémon
- Mofidied wild encounters across all of the game
- Modified a lot of moves, repurposing a lot of bad moves
- SGB support to make the game playable with custom color palettes
- All Pokemon are available, including Mew
- Improved maps and modified dungeons, and even new areas
- Improved map Tileset
- More inventory space
- HMs are deletable on the go
- Improved trainer and Boss battles
- A bit more difficult than the original, but nothing crazy. I would compare it to vanilla B2W2 Challenge mode.
- And more!
Most of the original game’s mechanics have been retained, but the following are worth considering:
- A handful of move effects are gone unused due to the moves that used them having completely changed, and a couple of unused effects are now used by other moves.
- Some Items have gone through rebalancing. For example, hyper potions have been nerfed, and the Great Ball no longer works like in vanilla but is just a step in between the regular pokeballs and ultra balls. SafariBalls have that buff now.
- HM Moves can be deleted on the go. However, the game will warn you when doing so, as you can potentially softlock youself in some areas. Several NPCs will remind you to carry the HMs with you at all times.
- The Inventory of the Bag and the PC have been increased by 10 items each. Now you can carry 30 items with you, and store 60 in the PC.
- The trainer AI is mostly the same, but trainers that like to use boosting moves on the second turn, now do on the first turn. Some special trainers will use X items that they dont use in vanilla.
- The old and good rod now has more stuff to catch when compared to the pitiful behavior of the base game
- Sleep should last from 0-3 turns
- Experience doesn’t get halved between participants, all get the full experience. This makes the Exp. All really powerful, like Exp share in gen6+
Known Bugs
- The new item DIRE GUARD is still widely untested and is in the game mostly as a novelty. Use at your own caution.
- Using Surf in front of an NPC that’s in the water lets you get inside it. I haven’t seen any unprecedented behavior, but I’m listing it anyway
- Prof. Oak doesn’t appear in the champion’s room when doing E4 rematches till the end of the fight, only the first time. I couldn’t get around it, but the whole dialogue of the E4 and champion only makes sense in the context of the first round, so I didn’t bother about it
- Since I couldn’t make you can’t store HMs in the PC and delete HM moves on the go, you can potentially get stuck somewhere if you’re purposely careless. If you always carry them with you, you will be fine.
- Pretty much all bugs present in Gen 1 can happen here as well. Missignos might be completely different, though.

- Everyone on the PRET Github for doing the disassemblies in the first place
- Everyone on the PRET Discord server for their invaluable help with my countless questions
- Rangi42 and the rest of the contributors to Polished Map
- Special thanks go to Rangi42, 33Dannye,
Drush, Chatot4444, and more over the PRET discord - FrenchOrange for the testing he did on my demo and the detailed report he provided
- Voltiene for the code under the warning message when deleting HM moves. I really couldn’t do without their help
- Especially for their immeasurable patience against my stubbornness of not learning for real how to program in Game Boy ASM and just trial and error the changes I made over existing code
Could you post Version 1.1 please
Apparently this the full release…no updates spotted yet SKR
Thanks SKR 🥰. I tell you what ..I will repay the favor by keeping you aware of off the wall ROM hacks. Pokemon etc. Like did you know about the GBC Halo Devolved ROM hack and Zelda’s Adventure
will check them out
Sorry the Zelda’s Adventure is a GBC hack too if a CDi game shoulda told ya..thnx again. Carmine is 👍