Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Exceeded GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Beniboy
- Version: 11.5
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: January 19, 2024
- Language: English
Pokemon Exceeded is a GBA ROM Hack by Beniboy based on Pokemon Emerald in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on January 19, 2024.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Regis’ Origin
Pokémon Exceeded is a new emerald decompilation hack. One major feature is Innate (a relatively rare feature among Hack Roms), which functions as a Pokémon ability, but the Pokémon can have up to three Innates. Some effects interact with Innates, such as Mold Breaker abilities and Gastro Acid, while others, such as Neutralizing Gas, have no impact on them. And some Pokémon can be unlocked via level, friendship, evolution, or even quests!
The basic plot is virtually identical to that of the original Pokémon Emerald, albeit it diverges at one point so that the player can wander wherever they wish. As a post-game, there are new Pokémon and strategies in Pokémon Battle Frontier.
- Pokemon up to Gen 8.
- New side quests.
- New maps.
- New items.
- Custom Starter Pokémon trio (you can also choose specific region starters, including from Pokémon Unbound).
- Over 150 new Abilities/Innates.
- Over 50 new moves, including terrains and Pokémon Unite’s ultimate!
- Over 150 moves were changed (base power, accuracy, PP, effect, etc).
- A lot of customization, you can choose if you want to activate:
- Nuzlocke mode, Randomization, optional challenges, Sandbox mode, Physical/Special split, Inversed type effectiveness, “No Damage” challenge from SmallAnt, AI choose your actions in battle, Mirror mode, etc.
- There are four different Game Difficulties – Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very Hard.
- Reusable TMs, including new TMs.
- Reusable move tutors, including new move tutors.
- Players can use HMs outside battle if a Pokémon in the party can learn the HM (badge still needed).
- Gen VI+ Exp. Share.
- Nerf to the weather (similar to Legends Arceus).
- Added Frostbite status (Frozen status still in-game).
- Hail increases the defense stat of Ice-type Pokémon.
- Stats & damage formulas were reworked (similar to Legends Arceus formulas).
- EVs can be distributed manually.
- Mega Evolutions.
- DexNav to help the Player capture Pokémon.
- Move Relearner & Egg Move Relearner.
- Decapitalization.
- & More!
- Abilities added: Unity, Dragon Hoard. Abilities changed: Forecast, Weathercast, Nocturnal,
- Moves added: Teleport, Ally Switch, Legend Power, Dragon Current, Psyshield.
- Moves changed: Slowbeam, Dreep and Destroy, Midnight Slash, Bounce, Mega Punch, Mega Kick,
- New Level Up Ability system (up to gen 3)
- Added the first ability tutor that teaches Dragon Hoard
- Added Castform’s form during gloom moonlight (And sandstorm but no sprites)
- Increased Slowbeam duration to 3 turns
- Fixed Gattling Gulp Missile 100% chance of applying secondary effects
- Mimic copies the move and immediatly use that copied move
- Fixed Mystical Mirage use in single battle
- Added Shield effect that works very similar to Substitute (Purple for Mewtwo, Pink for Mew, Blue default color)
- Improved Fighting Dojo movements and sound effects
- Power Gem now changes its type to the helding Gem (and consumes it and is boosted by it)
- Fixed Battle Tower door animation
- Fixed Mossdeep Gym gimmick moves
- New Abilities: Plague Spreading, Stocking Prey. Changed Abilities: Nocturnal, Camouflage, .
- Changed Moves: Confusion, Nightfall Daze, Camouflage, Gatling Gulp Missile, Triple Trample, Draco Impact, Swallow.
- Weather Ball becomes Dark-type in gloomy night
- Fixed Mystical Mirage and Stalk invulnerability
- Fixed not being able to catch in double battle after partner faints
- Fixed Jaw Trap triggering on non-contact
- Fixed black screen with Trainer’s mon randomizer
- Fixed Techno Blast type
- Fixed Yuki Onna (and maybe other effects that curse).
- Fixed not being able to steal in Rocket Edition in Lavaridge gym
- Fixed Triple Kick effect having more power than intended
- Fixed Infinite Psyburn only damages the enemy party
- New Moves: Compute & Crush, Ignite Midnight, Cotton Cloud Crash, Moonlight Prance, Triple Trample, Dreep & Destroy, Infinite Psyburn, Sovereign Sword, Azure Spy Vision, Mystical Mirage, Slowbeam, Nightfall Daze, Spinning Flame Fist, Spinning Flame Kick, Glacial Stage, Lapras Express, Flowery Fields Forever, Green Illusion Dive, Red Illusion Dive, Emerald Two Step, Fairy Frolic, Ebon Fist, Flowing Fists, Psychic Solaire, Right As Rain, Showtime, Plasma Gale, Starlight Recital, Floral Flourish, Gloomy Night.
- New Weather: gloomy night
- Changed abilities: Nocturnal / Changed moves: Moonlight, Hypnosis, Coup da Grace & Tyrannical Rampage (execution 15% > 10%).
- Added Toedscool in-game trade
- Pokémon defrosted receives Frostbite
- Incinerate and Cinder burn any consumable (Incinerate deals 50% more damage)
- Fixed Pickup and Field Explorer not giving items after battles. Also, if the Pokémon is already holding an item, it is sent to the bag instead
- Fixed Zygarde Cell and Core Animation
- Fixed Hakamo-o shiny palette
- Fixed Aqua Ring animation activating with no burn and full health
- Fixed stat-increasing abilities crash with Stat Boost handicap on
- Rampage reverted (removes 3 PPs again)

Useful Stuff
Note: Save files from before v7.0 will not work on v7.0+
Previous Versions
How long is Pokemon Exceeded?
Pokemon Exceeded is approximately 35 hours long when focusing on the main objectives. If you are a gamer who wants to see every aspect of the game, you will most likely spend around 60 hours to complete it completely.
Where can I find evolution stones in Pokemon Exceeded?
They can be traded in for Battle Points at the Slateport Battle Tent. Although some are missing, it is recommended that SandBox be used.
How do I get DexNav in Pokemon Exceeded?
Simply go to Rustboro City and speak with Mr. Stone in Devon Corporation after giving the letter to Steven in Granite Cave.
How to play Pokemon Exceeded?
You can download the Pokemon Exceeded rom from this page, and you can also download the emulator you’ll need to play the game.
- Beniboy
- Pret
- RHH Team
- Dizzyegg
- ghoulslash
- Merrp
- TheXaman
- Sierraffinity
- Artrious
- Jaizu
- Lunos
- AsparagusEdu
The game crash when I tried to use fire spin and wrap
Please give this hack an Emerald tag/label 🙏🏽
How do I find the Malicious Armor in Pokémon Exceeded Emerald?
I know this is not the right place to say it but I hope that the creator will see this. So my problem is about the randomizer not working on ability and innates and also i can’t neither one of them idk if I’m the only one having this problem coz I didn’t see no one mentioning about it. if I’m missing smth plss tell me or if not plss fix it I love the game this is my favorite emerald hack so far.
Highly likely creator can’t see your comment, he’s focus in discord, join discord, you can suggest new moves, abilities, innates and also report bugs there
Bro freaking copied
unite moves
If you still want to use the ability/innate randomizer, you’ll need to play on 11.4 until a new version comes out; It’s a known broken feature.
The game freezes whenever the trainers/player use wrap like when I fought the fisherman in the beach that uses a wiglett,even though my pokemon being higher level the wigglet outspeeds it and my luck is bad so my moves miss because of that it had the chance to use wrap,when it used it it freezed the game, I hope it gets fixed soon.
Hi! Is this Bug still on 11.4 or just in 11.5 version
hi I know this is might not be the best place to ask help but last week my discord got hacked and I was banned because it was spamming nsfw links. it was not me and I already activated the 2fa security measure. can you pls unban me? it won’t happen again I swear. my discord name is rocper
God you’re a lifesaver, thanks admin
I almost rage quited fighting her because her shuckle knows the move wrap which freezes my game but I managed to win it by over leveling please fix it
Why does my Gible have 136 hp at level 5!!!!!!!!!
By default, this game uses the Pokemon Legends stat and damage calculations, which puts far more emphasis on base stats, and far less on level. As a result, the things that matter the most are your Pokemon’s species, abilities, and moves.
How can you find Feebas on route 119?
Are the move relearner and the egg move relearner in Fallabor Town free to use after a certain number of times or is it always for mushrooms or Heart Scales?
ability and innates randomizer doesn’t work??? idk if I’m missing smth but if not they needed to fix it coz I’m dying to play a randomized innates/ability nuzlocke ;-;
Some Pokemon’s Abilities are locked out because the Ability Capsules and Patches dont work in new update
So I wasn’t the only one that had the problem as well.
The patch and capsule aren’t needed. When you level up an ability will be learned. Ralts learned Trace by leveling. If the abilities are full you can drop one, and add a new one.
Please make firered version with sandbox mode and inate abilities so you can edit pokemon abilities
Plz instruct me how to set the clock in game! I enter the game and the time is 12:00 am but I cannot touch the clock
Here’s a tip. If you chose to random your items in the game, like pokeballs, receiving items from people, etc. Just save your game before opening it and seeing what it is. If it’s not what you like, ex.” Cheri berry”. Then reload the save, and a new item will there instead, like a “rare candy” or something.
Not sure if you know but I played pokemon uranium I downloaded from here and tried to use the tandor network it says there’s an update for 1.26 if you hadn’t done so
V 11.4 is out, update pls.
updated it
11.5 has been released
updated it
I have to say this was the best pokemon rom i have played. Is there more like this with 4 innetiaris and a randomizer built in.
Maybe like another gen. Im so happy i found this one, but i beat it so many times.
None of the current download links are working?
thanks for letting me know, I’ve fixed them now.
When I tap on the download links they don’t work the copy text button pops up but it works for the older versions
thanks for letting me know, I’ve fixed them. they should work now.
Quand je un attaque comme Sand tomb le jeu frise
Found some glitches after latest update from November. (Version 9.0) when gyarados gets buffed through its intimidate ability game freezes. Game freezes on a couple moves too like tailwind, etc. Using the pizza boy GBA emulator.
Not here, tell the glitches on discord for them to know and fix it, here you can only download, discord is for telling bugs
It always freeze when you capture one of the new pokemons
Join the discord and tell there for bugs, here admin only give us already patched roms not to fix bugs, there’s a discord button up
can anyone please tell me a emulator i can actually run this game on because my boy isn’t working anymore after the newest update v9.0
Pizza Boy should work
Lmk if it ever works cause I want to play this game on it
So….. This is a major up date for the masses ….and clearly a lot of us is unable to play on the Mgba apk so …..hopefully…..when you guys find the time… fix this problem ….. I’ve been playing every pokemon game on my ….my boy… And now this is the only one it crashes…. Also… It Is a fact we got the warning…. But that isn’t any good when the some of of the masses don’t have compatible devices to my Mgba on….only my boy….. Please help
Every tym I try to save the game by clicking start the game crashes I’m using the latest version on my boy emulator any fix?
Its quite a few of us having this problems wit the game….. But it was a warning about this and to down load the Mgba…. But hopefully they will have another update soon…. Instead of diverting from the game boy we been playing the games on….
Download retroarch and run mgba core
Needs some cheats. Where do I find them at??
i have problem i cannot push start when i push start it stop everything i cannot play how do i resolve this problem can you help me
Why its only playable on mgba hope it can be played in my boy in android its always crushes when i click the start button
It was already said mgba before playing, other emulator can work but said mgba for best experience, either you adjust to what creator said or wait for it to be playable to my boy again, though waiting takes more time, you can still play version 8 on my boy tho
The game comes with cheats built in. Just when you make a new game you enable sandbox mode. Iven reccomeended to do this since it’s the only way to do some things at the moment.
Is there a money or master ball cheat the works for Exceeded? I only ask because I spent all my money on balls and ran out catching a legendary on the first route and now have no cash or balls and only like 3 Pokemon. The normal Emerald cheats during work. At least on Android MyBoy
If your sandbox is ON, then just hit I+ENTER at the same when your in the beginning of the game or the path. The list will show it self. Maxed on all pokieballs , maxed money and so on
V8.4 is out, update pls.
On version 8.3 in the 5th gym, I beat all of the trainers, but when I go through the gym leaders door he (Norman) is not there. Can you please fix this error… Thank you.
Hello. My game keeps crashing when I try to heal at pokecenter after finishing the gym Mauville City. Any idea what I can do?
isn’t 8.4 the newest Version? 😮
Hello, thanx you si much for fixing the problem in nuzlocke with HMs because i was stuck 2 times, one where no one could learn cut and an other with surf,
But now we dont need to learn HMs, just a question, how do i use fly ??? I cant by the map
Yo can you play on mobile?
yes, it is a gba rom hack. you can play it on android using myboy, johngba or retroarch and on ios using gba4ios or delta.
Update to 8.2 pls
updated it
Hello, im playing nuzlocke, no one can learn cut.. and im stuck. But i know some of my mons should, what can i do?
Hi. It seems that Norman is not appearing when I’m trying to finish his gym. Is this a glitch?
Version 8.1 is out with bug fixes and added new abilities/innates, new moves
When come gen 9 in this game?
I appreciate this as I’m playing my first play through and I’ve got so many items where I have no idea what they do and the description doesn’t explain it. But even on this document it still doesn’t 😞
Fortree’s and Mosdeeps gyms οι πόρτες κολλάνε και δεν σε αφήνουν να περάσεις …πατάς απάνω στα τετραγωνάκια στο γυμναστήριο της Mosdeep και δεν γίνεται τίποτα με αποτέλεσμα να κολλήσεις μέσα στο γυμναστήριο..το έχω ξαναπεί φτιάξτε το παρακαλώ
Documentation if anyone is looking for it
Were any cheats ever found yet?
You don’t actually need any cheat codes since there is an option before game starts to turn on sandbox mode. Sandbox works as a group of cheat, items, pokemons, etc
Pokemon Exceeded v8.0 is out
updated it
I’m playing the recent version and trying to boot up the dexnav just freezes the game and has a pitch black screen with only music playing.
I hope this gets fixed because the dexnav is a great feature
Join discord and ask there, they can help you there.
Can’t submit a new comment for some reason, but 8.4 is out.
It’d be an awesome rom if it wouldnt keep crushing every 5 mins
Maybe it’s because of your emulator, I have no problem like that
Please update the changelog to 7.0-7.1
v7.1 is out. Unfortunately any save file from 1.X, 2.X, 3.X, 4.X, 5.X and 6.X are incompatible.
Great rom and am enjoying it a lot with all of the QOL changes and variety of encounters.
Though I’ve found two bugs that completely freeze the game. One is early on just after the battle to rescue Peeko, using cut on a tree with your pokemon following freezes the game. The other one is just after getting into the Magma hideout with the magma emblem-using strength also freezes the game. Will those be addressed and fixed for the next update?
Dexnav isn’t working properly, u can search, but rhe Displayd iv and items Arena not apllied Wien going into battle
Can u get pokemon fused green
i can’t use my save file from 6.0 to newest version 7.0
Version 6.0 is out, please update!
As is version 7.0, this is getting updates fast!
updated it
I keep getting a black screen
This romhack is terbblie its keep on crashing every time you level up
Any rare candy code? I don’t have much time to grind the lvls.
Maybe you can play sandbox mode, but only if it is enabled from the beginning.
5.3 updated in the discord.
updated it
Hey, I’ve noticed I can’t switch Pokemon after making the opponent Pokemon faint. Is this a bug or a feature, if so where to disable
Can you had stiker please and other kick ability because we really need it and the only ability who use Kick IS Unbound air style
what are the base shiny odds ?
Hey SKR, this rom has been updated to 5.2
Just giving you a heads up bro!
updated it
Need cheat for this rom
Note to the Dev or anyone playing this game
1. Don’t/Never use the Day Care because it messes up your current selected inventory. I had a game where I lost all my Key Items and another where I lost all my PokeBalls.
2. Some pokemon especially legendaries or mythicals are next to impossible to catch even with1 HP and a status condition. It’s like 99.99% capture rate failure.
3. Inconsistencies in Pokemons HM usability. One game my Beartic can learn Cut, the other it can’t.
4. Inconsistencies in Tyrogues evo. One game it can evolve to both Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, the other it only evolves to Hitmonlee regardless of Attack and Defense.
My lvl 14 machop got defeated by lvl 4 arcanine in 1 hit -_-
Broken dmg, pls fix it.
You have to set the damage modifier at the beginning of the game to emerald setting I recalled.
Restarted my nuzlocke and now it doesn’t seem to work. Every Pokemon says “you’ve already used up your encounter”. I’m playing on OpenEMU, but was working fine before…any ideas?
Game freezes on black screen when I fight the first (unavoidable) trainer. v5. Would be nice if I could fix it as I’m hyped to play this.
A bug fix update was released for this. I’ve updated the post so, you can download the updated version.
Damage needs some fixing. lvl 5 porygon vs lvl 2 meowth. Meowth did 30 damage with a scratch. lvl 7 porygon vs lvl 2 meowth. Meowth did 34 damage with a scratch (no crit)
A meowth should not deal that type of damage with a basic scratch on a porygon. Tried different random runs but enemy pokemons hit like a truck while i deal no damage at all. It is as if all damage i deal gets properly calculated and mine says, screw your def.
Please update with gen 9 pokemon and mechanics such as tera types Please
The Game is always freezing at John GBA Emulator for Android
Does anybody know what to do after beating the league. I mean is this update to the moment when the post game is available? Mainly the thing with the Dragonid tribe?
Why don’t the cheat codes work on myboy for the game as it’s a hack of emerald.
Has anyone found Ho-ho and Lugia?
need working cheats for this rom, can you please provide some?
any guides for this game?
– cant seem to find location for riolu/lucario
– cant find all legendaries
– cant find all starters
When we have new update ???
Game keeps frezing. Tried diferent emulators, but It always happens…
a new update is out try playing that on myboy if you’re on android (paid version – you can get it for free on many websites) and mgba if you’re on pc
How do you mega evolve?
I have gyrados holding its mega stone and I have the Meg bracelet of Steven?
How to I download it
the download buttons are just below the screenshots. In case you still can’t find them here you go:
V2.0 is Out please Update
thanks for letting me know, I’ve updated the post
Pokèmon emerald cheats didn’t work
that’s too bad then If I find working cheats for it I’ll update the link
Hello, i want to ask, why my in game time not same like real time? how to fix this? i play other pokemon game with real time is works, but only this game the games time is not same like real time, and the month is january not like real time…how to fix this? thank you
Just a heads up, update 1.6 was released on the 5th of this month.
thanks for letting me know, I’ve updated the post
And 2.0 just got released today.
I’ve updated the post
Mine stuck in black screen after I enter the first trainer battle
Mine did the same thing and I really hope they fix this issue so that you can play the game in its entirety.
I have the some problem…
I don’t know how but all my key items got lost including the bike. How to fix this?
Please update this hack
I just started the game and am beaten over the head with ideology. Not the game for me, thanks. No genders and climate change references. Had to delete. Forewarning
It’s, a modified version of a kid’s game??? Why does it need to have climate change??? They have a way better world than ours, if you even looked at Sword and Shield or even the Alola games you would know they have good ways of dealing with pollution. The base game was even made before genders were a big deal, and don’t say I’m “homophobic” or something else. I suggest you don’t expect any games to talk about Climate change. Go read the news if you wanna see that.
Bro this dude is a clown. No way anybody clicks on a Pokémon rom website and says “hmmm, I sure do hope I get to pick literal child characters from ages 10-12 and see 61 different gender choices and being aware of climate change!” Like bro, we’re you never a child before?
The game froze on exceeded 5.0 after I fought the first trainer in the second town after receiving the pokeballs from leaf…Please fix this
most pathetic comment
que haces jugando pokemon?
you gotta be joking, this has to be a joke… please