Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Alex Sanchez
- Version: v1.5 (Completed)
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: January 1, 2024
Pokemon Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma is a GBA ROM Hack by Alex Sanchez based on Pokemon Fire Red. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on January 1, 2024.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Fire Gold
Pokemon Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma is a new, revolutionary take on Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. In addition to Johto and Kanto, the Orange-Alola Islands and Hoenn are also present.
- More than 900 Pokémon, Gen I to IX, legends, and Alola Forms, catch’em all without need trading.
- Mega Evolution & Treastallization available. Rightful evolution at every single Pokémon (no need to trade to catch’em all, Cable Link Item at PC Storage is available to that.
- New evolutionary stones include Cable Link, Metal Coat, King’s Rock, Prism Scale, Oval Stone, Shiny Stone, Dawn Stone, Dusk Stone, and a bunch more, including new eeveelutions.
- Battle Pyramid, Battle Tower, Battle Pyke, Battle Palace, Battle Arena, Battle Dome and Battle Factory available.
- New effects were added, like entrance into a new place, ash grass, high grass, and micro grass.
- Competitive stuff available, colored stats, IV and EV suggestions.
- Be able to rightfully fly everywhere and use Clear Bell to UltraFly between regions.
- Leaders offer rematch in Johto, Kanto, Orange Islands, and Hoenn.
- Badges as Crystal order and colored.
- Improved graphics, colorful & elegant.
- New music set list.
- New pokémon, eggs, and events.
- Pokémon Center Second Floor avaliable to trade, play and battle with your friends using Colisseum Battle Mode. Also a Wonder Trade feature is available.
- New moveset to use out of the battle.
- System clock automatically walk with 5 changes.
- System clock automatically walk with 7 weather times.
- New sprites include: new main character minisprite, new places, tiles, trainers sprites, Pokémon sprites, several graphs, etc.
- Pokemon are more likely to capture that were previously quite rare (Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar and Paldea species).
- Sounds remastered & enhanced, more aligned to Pokémon Crystal version.
- New rivals.
- Leaders reinforced, more difficult & new Ex-Elites.
- Several improvements through the years, including now more legendaries like Walking Wake, Gouging Fire and Raging Bolt.
- Full decapitalized.
- Get exclusive Pokémon like Pichu Spike Ear or Crystal Onix.
- Weather times works on battle.
- Be able to use Dive and Vine Whip.
- New items, new main characters, history, places, music, events.
- New Pokémon icons, new trades, Bicycle fixing, new improvements Black & White style, includes: Earn EXP while capture, TM unlimited use, 1 PS survival, repel’s system, Kanto Alola Forms, among others.
- Complete Pokémon Location and available Pokédex to index them all. Gotta catch’em all!
- Various mapping improvements for all regions, adding almost 98% of Hoenn Zones. Be careful though, as Orange-Alola will change drastically later on.
- Completed Hoenn so you can travel to all regions (Sootopolis/Ever Grande). Remaining: Diving Locations/Events.
- New Pokémon make their debut, including Galarian birds, Paldean paradox legendary dogs and some alternate forms, and eeveelutions.
- Clear Bell is now available in Mauville, which will allow you to access an UltraFly beta mode with Ho-Oh to fly through all available regions.
- Rotom Gear aims to improve the overall quality of life experience, similar to later versions (Paldea).
- Terastallize emulates Paldea mechanics. Pokémon Skill window and press A to tell which TeraType your Pokémon has.
- Added and improved music tracks, especially for the Hoenn region.
- Max level up to 255, random weather fixed, various bugs fixed including bad eggs for new players (still in testing), cross-device compatibility and more!
- Mahogany’s Path. along with stability and various bug fixes, and performance updates.
- Brand new music for most regions and places, adding unique and different ones for each zone, like Ilex Forest, Slowpoke Well, each City, even wild battles, and a complete Hoenn soundtrack adapted for SGS. Hope you guys take the time to listen and enjoy.
- A new special “-Eevee” (Eternal Eevee) was discovered and available to find at National Park (rare). This special one will allow you to evolve into the new Eeevelutions discovered. We present to you the following remaining eevelutions per type: Brawleon, Toxineon, Sandeon, Windeon, Vespeon, Bouldeon, Whispeon, Metaleon, Draceon, Eeveeon! ➔Improve routes in Hoenn including 118,119,120,121,122,123,124, Fortree and Lilycove City.
- Portkey WormHoles started to appear in the Hoenn Region, seems that nobody knows how to activate them yet.
- Hoenn is up to Lilycove City (ORAS Style). Will you be able to find a PortKey Wormhole?

Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
Alex Sanchez, Zel 2.0, NarenJr, Sayer301, Javi4315, GogoJJTech, MrDollsteak, Ruki, Compumax, SageOne, Klofkac, CloneX, Desntknowhowtoplay, Diegoisawesome, Touched, LeParagon, VersekrDark, NarenJr, jiangzhengwenjz, Wan, Franco, Sergio
Why are the cheats not working?
How do you access the wonder trade feature
The update is good, they even modified it to go with the title, and they come out pure shiny, the bad thing is that on the route there is only one type of pkmn, a Ratatta, a geodude, a caterpie and nothing more than that.
There’s a bug on teleport (field move) it to teleported me to pallet town but haven’t been there, I’m still at Johto violet city.
I think there is a bug in the radio tower, the director in the underground did not give me the card key is there any solution to this? Pls answer
Isn’t there i small bug with eggs ? I have the feeling that even with flame body or magma armor, the number of steps required is absolutely not divided.
Is there any reason why you can’t get past the Ice gym? The ice skating thing is impossible.
Have you tried the a youtube video? There’s ton’s of walkthrough vid’s there for pokemon games.
1.5.1 is out, here are the links to update on this post
At least the clock is fixed in this one. LOL
What they said.
When you go in the ice cave, there is an item above you. How do you get to it? I’m assuming this is the waterfall th/hm I’m missing
That is it. Just had to explore a bit more. The ice puzzle just after the waterfall, go down to get the HM.
female cumbee evolves into wyrdeer
“cum” “bee” 🤨🥵🤤
hoenn still not complete !
Idiotic that the enemy or you who causes a status effect like confuse or paralyze will automatically have the advantage because it will never allow you to move.
all the cries need to be fixed like right now cause all of them sound like Bulbasaur and i do not like a Pokemon rom hack where the rest of the Pokemon from Generation 4 and onwards use the same cry. Can the rom hack creator fix this cause i am not really enjoying this hack so much.
Game somehow bugged out, gave me the 8 badge and completed the dragon’s den as soon as I got to Blackthorn City? Could continue as normal to the leauge but still bothers the hell out of me
someone please tell alex sanchez to add exp all from the start like in gs chronicles, grinding exp is still a problem in johto games
Why can’t I use surf? I have fog badge and hm but my krabby can’t use it on water
There’s a new version out 1.5.1
I apologize 1.5.1
When I try to fight LT surge, the battle doesn’t begin. What am I doing wrong? I can’t go to any other city in this region yet as far as I can tell
Same here! I’ve wasted hours… he’s just standing there un-battle-able… and there is nothing in any of the trash cans in his gym. Kind of sucks cause it holds up the whole rest of the game.
1.5.2 out
The codes work, because I’m using them now.
Not able to use HM03 surf in olivine. Please help.
It works differently in this hack, you have to go to the Cainwood Island through the cave system. I think that on the way back you can use Surf. (After beating Fighting Gym leader)
You have to go through deep cave west off olivine anda beat Chuck até cianwood city gym. After that you can use surf. Its a little diferente from The original game. Hope i helped
Can’t seem ro find that ‘cave’ any more specific you can tell us?
How to evolve Seadra?
link cord freeze the game so no trade evo can evolve smh
This creator always adding features to his romhack from didn’t give shit about the bugs.
true, i have played so many version of gold sigma and the bugs is just there … like there is no perfect johto gba romhack at all unlike fire red and emerald who has many great romhack
bro ,pokemon saiph 2 new update
Dude I keep telling you I had already updated saiph 2 to v1.3.2 when the update first came out, check the post or my replies for once before commenting the same thing over and over again 😭😭😭
Bro you have any job for pokemon fan game i can really help you
any chance of there being a ds version in the future?
I don’t know if these cheats will work, but I hope they do.
I used the code for the master balls and it worked. I don’t know what repercussion will happen though
Master Ball-Generic- 820257C4 0001
It worked for me, so it should work for anyone else.
why so hard the mode?we just want to have some fun with just end a nice pokemon rom after a whole day hard work we dont wonna break our nerves omg make it like original silver/gold the gyms jesus cris if y wonna break your nerves with 4 top pkmn at gyms do it yourself iam never gonna play your hard story go play it yourselfs….
It’s not hard, it’s just you. If you want something so easy to play. Then go play a board game, or go for a walk.
You’re a hard one son
That’s what she said. 🫡
mine freezes inside ruins of alph beside violet city whenever I run underground in the unown random encounters.
I literally only commented to say this: DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS PIECE OF SHIT GAME. Whoever’s r******* ass idea it was to give the first rival fight Growl, Leer, Stun Spore and Double Team should straight up never make a hack again. I REPEAT: THIS HACK WILL WASTE YOUR TIME. It is a shit hack DO NOT PLAY IT.
skill issue
If you can’t handle the game, then don’t play. It’s as easy as that.
Get gud.
Capture and raised geodude which later can learn rock throw to defeat the first gym leader who uses bird pokemon.
I can’t get past the first gym… After I beat the first gym I’m supposed to get the egg in the pkmn centre but the dude who’s supposed to give it to me is not there
He’s in the pokemon mart
does this new version (v1.4) remove Hisuian forms and Klevor? coz i tried the Razor Claw thing to Scyther but it just freezes the game.. using PizzaBoy emu btw..