Download Patched Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter GBA Rom
- Creator: c067912881
- Version: Beta 1.1
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: July 11, 2016
Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter is based on the Pokemon Adventure Manga. The game follows the manga closely with nearly all the events inside. However, some events were changed to make it longer. The fact that the game follows the manga closely, you don’t get to chose your own starter Pokemon. However, you’ll be able to get them all later in the game. Despite the game following the Manga’s storyline, some events were changed or alter to make it longer. Blue Chapter is part of the Pokemon Adventure series I am making.
Blue returns from the Johto Region to Pallet, after years of training, to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps as Kanto champion. At the same time, a young man from Pallet Town is pursuing the same goal. Blue finds himself competing against his rivals, but he must put those aside when Team Rocket reveals their sinister plans that will harm those he cares about.
- Story follows the Manga exactly
- Scyther is the starter (base stats increased)
- Blue and Green make more appearances
- New tiles, maps, textures, items, trainer class and pokemon sprites
- Game has optional events that can change the storyline
- References to the anime
- 3 new Pokemon types: Fairy, Shadow and Glitch
- Day and night system
- Can travel to the Decolore Archipelago
- Gen 6 attacks and abilities included
- Mega Evolutions for Charizard, Scizor, Butterfree, Rapidash, Porygon

it’s been 7 years since this hack is still stuck in beta 1, let that sink in
but how is it possible that this hack hasn’t been completed yet?? That is, have hacks as stupid as useless ended up and this one, one of the main pokemon hacks, has been abandoned? Bah