Download Patched Pokemon Adventure Green Chapter GBA Rom
- Creator: c067912881
- Version: Beta 3
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: July 11, 2016
Pokemon Adventure Green Chapter is based on the manga Pokemon Adventure. Almost all of the events in the game are based on the manga. Some events, however, were changed to make it longer. Because the game closely follows the manga, you do not get to choose your own starter Pokemon. Green’s storyline is followed in the game. The majority of the events in this game are implied rather than shown in the manga. This is a continuation of my Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter hack.
A mysterious flying Pokemon kidnapped a Pallet Town girl one day. She returned home a few years later to find that life had moved on without her. Lost and enraged, she resolved to exact vengeance on those who kidnapped her, which led to her becoming involved with Team Rocket and a boy named Red.
- Follows the story of Green
- Jigglypuff is the starter Pokemon
- Silver debuts in this game
- New tiles, maps, textures, items, trainer class, and pokemon sprites
- Has optional events that can change the storyline
- See the old and new Kanto
- 3 new Pokemon types: Fairy, Shadow, and Glitch
- Day and night system
- A bit of Hoenn and Johto Region is playable
- Gen VI attacks included
- Mega Evolutions for Blastoise, Wigglytuff, Nidoqueen, Milotic, and Parasect
- Primal Evolution (Cloyster)
- Pokemon Contest
- Doesn’t focus on badge collecting
- Create evolution items
- Pokeball Changer

I hav mudkip at level 17 but it wont evolve
i hope this hack continues soon
from the adventure series games most of these games are not better than adventure red
AFAIK, Green/Blue/Yellow are made by one person, Gold is made by another person, and Red is made by another person.