Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Lazy Green GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Senhor Mankey
- Version: 1.1.15
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: December 29, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Lazy Green is a GBA ROM Hack by Senhor Mankey based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. It was last updated on December 29, 2024, and is now available to download.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Pathways
Want to play FireRed/LeafGreen without the hassle of cheats, trading between games to complete your Pokédex, or struggling to catch elusive Pokémon like Chansey in the Safari Zone? Looking to take on a Nuzlocke challenge without the grind of constant leveling or tracking your levels after every few battles?
Try Pokémon Lazy Green—an enhanced version of FireRed/LeafGreen with thoughtful updates for a smoother, more enjoyable gaming experience!
- Gain 1 to 3 levels per battle, making grinding faster and more efficient.
- You can change the level cap to the lowest mon Pokemon from the remaining bosses. Just talk to the NPC in Route 2 near Pewter City
- Trade evolutions are removed; you can use the Linking Cord from the Celadon Department Store.
- All Starters Available: Charmander is on Route 24, Bulbasaur in Cerulean City, and Squirtle in Vermilion City.
- The stats screen now shows each Pokémon’s IVs.
- EVs are disabled in battles by default. Speak with an NPC in Pallet Town to re-enable them, and once you reach Celadon, you have full EV control with cheaper vitamins and EV-reducing berries.
- Optional Badge Boost: Defaulted off, but can be activated by an NPC in Pewter City to enable badge-based stat boosts.
- Most items are significantly cheaper, and Pay Day now rewards 500 times the normal payout.
- Hidden Power, Return, and Frustration are at max power by default. Hidden Power’s type displays in the summary menu and Meowth’s Pickup ability can only yield Hidden Power TMs (also purchasable in Celadon).
- Full Regional Dex Access: All version-exclusive Pokémon are catchable in Lazy Green. Refer to the documentation for route changes.
- Infinite Eevees in Celadon: You can have a team full of Vaporeons!
- Safari Zone Overhaul: Increased encounter odds for rare Pokémon, with areas now interconnected.
- All TMs for Sale: TMs in Celadon’s store unlock progressively as you advance.
- An NPC allows you to reuse move tutors anytime.
- Cheaper Game Corner: Coins and prizes are more affordable, making rare Pokémon like Pinsir and Scyther easier to obtain.
- Shiny chance boosted to 5%.
- An NPC in Celadon enables cross-gen evolutions temporarily, allowing access to Pokémon like Espeon and Crobat before the Elite Four.
- A Route 22 NPC grants IV-maxing items after you defeat their randomized team.
- For added difficulty, an NPC on Route 2 offers a Challenge Mode tailored just for you!
If you want a classic FireRed experience, simply ignore features not present in the original game, like additional TMs, version-exclusive Pokémon, boosted shiny odds, and Hidden Power updates. Play as you would with regular FireRed, focusing only on the vanilla elements.
Pokémon Lazy Green keeps things simple—no Physical/Special split or Pokémon beyond Gen 3—making it easy to enjoy a familiar FireRed adventure with some added conveniences!
- Your mom: you can activate Monotype Mode by talking to your mom before meeting Prof. Oak. Check documentation if you want to see which Pokemon will appear in which route;
- Pallet Town Southwest side: you can activate EVs obtained in battle;
- Pallet Town Northeast side: if you’re playing Monotype Mode, you can get some random eggs relating to the type;
- Viridian City southwest side: you can enable move tutors from Emerald and XD in four different locations (Route 25 near Bill’s House, Cerulean City Southwest side, Vermilion City Northeast side, and Celadon City Northeast side);
- Viridian City Old Man tutorial: talk to him again after his tutorial and you can guarantee all poké balls to work on the first try;
- Route 22: beat a random battle and receive items that maximize IVs;
- Route 2 (near Viridian City): activate Challenge Mode;
- Route 2 (near Pewter City): change Level Cap mode (default is lowest ace from remaining bosses; talking to this NPC will change to lowest mon from remaining bosses);
- Pewter City Northeast side: activate Badge Boost;
- Route 4 (near Mt. Moon, accessible from both Mt. Moon and Cerulean City): you can reuse move tutors from FireRed;
- Route 5 (Daycare House): maximum power for Hidden Power move;
- Vermilion City (near Pokémon Fan Club): you can erase HMs moves;
- Vermilion City (near Diglett’s Cave entrance): if you’re playing Monotype Mode, you can get a Smeargle egg with Flash, Cut and Fly moves;
- Vermilion City (near the path to S.S. Anne): items for sale;
- Celadon City (near Route 16): you can activate cross-generation evolutions, like Umbreon or Crobat, before beating E4;
- Route 12 (Return TM room): you can maximize power for Return and Frustration moves;
- Fuschia City (near Fishing Guru house): items for sale;
- Route 19 (near Fuschia City): if you’re playing Monotype Mode, you can get a Smeargle egg with Surf, Strength, Waterfall, and Rock Smash moves;
- Route 23: items for sale;
- Four Island (near hidden Pearl): makes all gen2 pokémons appear in Sevii Islands (check the documentation to see detailed changes).
To-Do List
- Intro Animation: I’m learning how to change the intro animation—ideally, I’d like to feature Slowbro or Snorlax instead of Charizard.
- Event Tickets: Aurora and Mystic Tickets are available post-game, but I haven’t yet figured out how to trigger their events.
- Egg Moves: Working on a way to make egg moves available.
- Post-Game Updates: Possible major post-game changes may include adding more Gen 2 Pokémon, as FireRed/LeafGreen only has a limited selection. For now, only Pokémon available in vanilla FireRed/LeafGreen appear in the post-game of Lazy Green.
Changelog – What’s New!
- Post-game monotype bug solved
- Gen 2 bug solved: now you can catch all of them on post-game by talking to the NPC
- Emerald and XD tutors are available
- Monotype mode available
- All Gen 2 Pokemon available
- You can delete HMs
- The tutorial guy teaches you how to really catch Pokemon
If you have suggestions for v2.0, I’d love to hear them (drop them on the game’s PokeCommunity thread). Just bear in mind that I’m still a beginner with decomps, so changes may take some time.

Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
- SenhorMankey (senhor.mankey on discord), with assistance of pret community (
- Lovely artwork by u/jc93732 (
They’re updating this too fasssttttr I can’t keep up 😭😂
It was JUST at v1.1.12 like yesterdayyy lmao
At least v.1.1.5 only fixes one thing that I’ll never even need anyways. I think I can skip the update til a more significant change or improvement is introduced lol
Man Snorlax is one fat fuck
this version isn’t updated. there is v1.1 with Monotype options!
Not sure why you got downvoted, it’s just stating facts. People don’t like unbiased truths and new information? Some people will never find happiness, looks like.
Anyway, just patch it yourselves when it’s not up to date here. It’s literally so easy. I know it’s called Lazy Green, but stop being lazy. Be more like Mr. Mod. They are human just like you. If they can patch the games, so can you. Get the patch file from the source (pokecommunity in this case), use your brain and the tools and resources available to you to find the proper base rom, download a verified patching app or software, and patch. Boom. Complete. Now add to ur emulator and play.
You can literally do all this on your phone without so much as getting out of your seat. This is 2024, less than a month til 2025. Technology is easy as shiz as long as you know how to use it.
Hey, i cant play the game, is just a white screen please fix this
my bad i think i accidently patched it to the wrong rom. i’ve fixed it now.
Okay thank but how do i update my game
Will there be a randomizer option in the future?
I came here for the same question!
Add the Dexnav in the future
Up your ass
“Infinite Eevees in Celadon: You can have a team full of Vaporeons!”
Oh hell nah 💀
What’s wrong with Vaporeon? I love it. Best water type Pokémon AND Eeveelution by FAR.
Fiet me bitch
the level cap system needs an option to be turned off.
Skill issue
not my fault if i don’t want to do the pointless sevii islands stuff.
Can’t or but the recent pokemon games that have been added are not that good or special just a lot of boring stuff
How many generations are this one??
Wondering the same thing
Can’t find the freakin mew😭
With it being a fire red hack and no specific mark in the deets you can assume it has gen 1 to 3 like normal
where’s the npc who re-enables ev’s in battle?