Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Silver Rival GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Caminopreacher
- Version: Final
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: November 16, 2023
Pokemon Silver Rival is a GBA ROM Hack by Caminopreacher based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. It is a modified version of Link&Zelda’s Liquid Crystal and is now available to download. It was last updated on November 16, 2023.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Peridot
The story is the same as the Original Crystal, featuring additional events and an entirely new region to discover—the Orange Islands.
- Complete remake of Pokémon Crystal.
- The story follows Silver, with significant changes.
- Option to join Team Rocket.
- Additional events and new regions, including the Orange Islands.
- Original Pokémon Crystal main story with extra events.
- New evil teams and rivals introduced.

Caminopreacher, Link&Zelda (Liquid Crystal)
The first switch in the underground during Rocket’s hostile takeover of Goldenrod. The other two work fine, but without the first switch, the puzzle’s unbeatable.
the officer in front of ice path wont let me in the cave. how do i make him leave???
Nice game, I really enjoy playing it. I would like to know how to get to orange islands though.
I’ve beaten the E4 twice, beaten leaf and red, saw all legendaries (I think), but I still get the message that the route to orange islands is closed permanently?
how to evolve Haunter?
What’s up guys!? Has anyone made it to the lost woods yet? Or to the orange islands? I’ve beaten the elite 4, went up to Mt. silver to challenge Red but instead I found Leaf and defeated her. Went to challenge elite 4 again. I still can’t access these points of the game yet. Any ideas on how to unlock these?
Yes i beat red and been in lost woods and catched a legendary there (no spoilers) im uploading daily walkthoughs on YouTube
Where do you get razor claw for sneasle?
I have chicorita,bulbasaur and squirtle, where you get cyndaquil and charmander?
u get charmander in kanto and cyndaquil surf south goldenrod city look at 6:34 :
Thanks but Charmander in Kanto exactly where?
How to evolve kadabra to alakazam
Nevermind I found charmander 😅
The game is good and I think it needs an update with better graphics.
IS there a way to get Dusk Stone or make Murkrow evolve? Ty
Hey there’s no evolution for Murkrow in this version, even Sneasel can’t evolve 🙁 you can see how to evolve pokemons with a NPC in the house at north of Cianwood
Where is the whirlpool?
lance gives it to u after clearing the Mahogany town rocket hideout : u can watch this if u want more detailed playthrough
Onde acho Houndom e Gengar??
Where is Magnemite? There is someone blocking the road above the house on Route 39.
Where do I get houndour or houndoom? I need to progress in Kanto
The name of the hack is wrong….the name is Pokémon Liquid Crystal – Silver Hack Rematches and you forget give credits to original devs of liquid crystal….
Caminopreacher has it uploaded by the name Silver Rival, tho they have mentioned it was made using Liquid Crystal ( As for the issue with the credits, I do apologize for forgetting to credit the creators of Liquid Crystal. I’ll do it right now.
Dark cave
How do I get the strength HM. The rocket grunt in Cherygrove city fled, but I don’t know where
Nvm found it
Where? I can’t find it
From the place you meet the rocket at cherygrove beach, go left and you’ll end up on a dock with a fisherman on it. From there keep surfing south until you end up on another dock with 2 fishermen on it.
Now surf further south, you’ll see a cliff, go left along the cliff edge and you’ll see a house on it, and an opening that you can land onto.
Hope that helps
The door of the house is locked
You might have to find the rocket guy at cherygrove again. Try beating a gym or doing something else and come back to cherygrove, he should be there.
Once he runs, go back to that house and steal his HMs
I’m really enjoying the game, but I wish that some QOL changes would have been made. Such as not requiring HMs to be learned and could be field used, HM Slaves are really annoying.
Alguém conseguiu o HM04? como fizeram?
To many glitches on to the next hacks
How do I join team rocket? I was never given the option to join, and I’ve beaten Lance already.
I would like to know that too.
how do i get into mahagony town gym?
how do i go through sudowoodo?
How do i evolve sneasle is it by leveling up and where do i find tge razor claw
Hm for strength I can’t find it
Did you ever find out? I can’t find it either
Team rocket grunt in cherry grove has strength and multiple hms
Where in cherrygrove is the rocket grunt?
Near the beach of Cherygrove
Where does he go when he flees, I’m like way off the map at this point I feel like lol
Where does he go after he runs off? Feel like I’ve gone everywhere in the area. Accidentally ended up in Kanto!
From the place you meet the rocket at cherygrove beach, go left and you’ll end up on a dock with a fisherman on it. From there keep surfing south until you end up on another dock with 2 fishermen on it.
Now surf further south, you’ll see a cliff, go left along the cliff edge and you’ll see a house on it, and an opening that you can land onto.
Hope that helps
Tbem não tô achando
What do I do after Arianna knocks me out and leaves me at the forest shrine?
Head back north to Goldenrod then travel north again,the path to ecruteak city opens up…I think
How do you evolve hunter? Btw great game
If it’s the same as the original Liquid Crystal hack then Haunter should evolve with a Moon Stone which can be purchased in Goldenrod City Department Store
Go back to the radio tower from the front door
It evolves at Level 36. Additionally, there is a woman at Cianwood in the northernmost house who will tell you the evolution method for any Pokemon in your party.
Evolves at level 35
Where to find magnemite
Blocking the left side of of the Kimono Girls in Ecruteak City Dance Hall or on Routes 38 & 39 on the way to Olivine City. Hope this helps
Thank you