Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Francium GBA Rom
- Creator: Sergeant Doof
- Version: Beta 1
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: 2017
Pokemon Francium is a hack of Pokemon FireRed. It is one of the newest Pokemon hacks in this new year 2017 in general.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Turquoise
Welcome to Kanto Region, the basic and the first place to start any Pokemon adventure! You are Red and you have been living here for more than ten years. When you were a young child, you wanted to become a Pokemon Master someday and you always get so excited about seeing and learning anything related to Pokemon. With that burning dream inside, you grow up day by day. And now, you have grown up and got enough Pokemon experience for yourself.
One day, you get a call from Professor Oak who is the most respectful man in this region. You come to his laboratory and meet his grandson, Green. Here, you two get the first Pokemon starter and battle each other. Well, the result of this battle is not a problem. And after officially starting your adventure, you meet an evil gang called Team Rocket with the boss Giovanni. They are the bad guys who want to use Pokemon and rule this world for themselves. Nah, this is not good and you have to fight them for a better world of peace.
- The original story and maps have remained the same.
- Now you can choose one from four different starters, not only three as usual.
- Pokemon will be available from Gen IV to Gen VI.
- Fairy type is added.
- The textures are unique.
- The TMs now are infinite.
- There are only two HMs left.
- Music from Sinnoh Region.
- Many Legendaries are obtainable.
- Mega/Primal evolution.
Trade Evolutions Changes
- Machoke > Machamp Lv.40
- Graveler > Golem Lv.40
- Kadabra > Alakazam Lv.32
- Seadra > Kingdra Lv.40
- Scyther > Scizor Lv.30
- Haunter > Gengar Lv.40
- Sneasel > Weavile Lv.30
- Magneton > Magnezone Lv.40
- Lickitung > Lickilicky Lv.33
- Rhydon > Rhyperior Lv.50
- Tangela > Tangrowth Lv.40
- Electabuzz > Electivire Lv.40
- Magmar > Magmortar Lv.40
- Togetic > Togekiss Lv.36
- Yanma > Yanmega Lv.33
- Gligar > Gliscor Lv.36
- Piloswine > Mamoswine Lv.44
- Porygon > Porygon2 Lv.20
- Porygon2 > Porygon-z Lv.38
- Nosepass > Probopass Lv.38
- Dusclops > Dusnoir Lv.48

Sergeant Doof, Kyle
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