Pokemon Firered Remixed

Pokemon Firered Remixed

Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Firered Remixed GBA Rom

  • Creator: RemixV4
  • Version: Beta v02
  • Hack of: FireRed
  • Updated: ???

Pokemon Firered Remixed is a Pokemon GBA Rom Hack by RemixV4 based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And It is available to download.


RemixV4 created Firered Remixed, which is his first and final hack. He’s always wanted to go on an adventure where anything could happen. Due to the small encounter lists per area, everyone always catches the same Pokemon.

He desired a ROM in which everyone’s collection would be VERY different by the time you arrived at the Elite 4. He’d seen a similar ROM where you could catch gens 1-3, but the majority of them were only on the islands.

So there you have it. All Pokemon from Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn can be found in the wild. Before facing the Elite 4, you can obtain one species from each evolution line (Legends an exception). We believe this is a fantastic Fire Red hack that you should try.


  • One of every evolution line can be found in the wild.
  • Evolutions fixed. Trade and Hold Item Evolutions now use either levels or Sun/Moon Stones.
  • New items added to Celadon. Training items, Evolution Stones, and cheap vitamins!
  • Move Relearner now lives with the Deleter in Fuschia.
  • Wild Legendaries! Special Legend Hunters will tell you where they hide.
  • Now includes a different version that has the Physical/Special split.





Unreasonably gorgeous proprietor of PokeHarbor