Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Pokemon The Last Fire Red Rom
- Creator: RomsPrid
- Version: 4.0.3
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: February 14, 2021
Pokemon The Last Fire Red is a GBA ROM Hack by RomsPrid based on Pokemon Fire Red. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on February 14, 2021.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Fire Gold
A FireRed hack with the same story but with new features & events to discover.
- Fairy Type
- High difficulty
- New Rivals
- Expanded PC Boxes (up to 24!)
- Expanded Bag
- All Moves, Abilities, Items, Item Effects through Gen 7
- A complete set of move animations
- Vastly improved AI system with decision-making skills for all new battle effects
- Z Moves with Animations
- Mega Evolution / Primal Reversion / Ultra Burst
- Ability pop-ups
- Hidden Abilities
- Disappearing HP-bars during Attack Animations
- New Items (Shiny Charm, GEMs, Mega Stones, Z-Crystals, and more)
- Totem Pokémon
- Item Image on obtain
- Mega Evolution in Battle
- Dynamax in Battle
- Wild double battles
- Trainers with EVs
- Class-based Poké Balls
- Team Magma & Aqua
- Some New Events
- Graphics Updated
- New Spirits
- Running indoors
- All Pokemons From Gen 1 to 7
- Pokes’ IVs
- Double battles
- PSS System
- Physical Special Split
- Repel System
- New Overworlds
- New Trainers
- New Evolution Methods
- Level Scaling (Trainer Pokemon levels will be set to the highest in your party)
- Ash Greninja-z (transforms in battle with his ability)
- Gen 1 Starters but all Starters in the Game except Gen8
- Exp Share (a device to enable/disable EXP sharing)
- New Evolution Stones (Dawn Stone, Dusk Stone, Shiny Stone, Trade Stone, Ice Stone, Oval Stone)
- Alolan Form
- Evolution at night & day and evening (for example Rockruff in the night evolve to Lycanroc Night, and during the day it evolves to Lycanrock Day or in the evening it evolves to Lycanrock Dusk)
- Every trainer has improved AI
- Day/Night/Seasons System
- DexNav
- Poke Montures
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Useful Stuff
How can i evolve Abra?
By leveling him up. You can use him on the first turn, and then switch to another pokemon, the Abra will still get XP
I’m stuck to save lorelie didn’t fight. I can’t playing the story.
Me too
I have a little problem…. I’m in CELADON CITY and so far everything has been fine. I don’t know if I did something wrong, but my pokemons no longer gain EXP, and when I go to the pokemon menu (START> POKEMON) I can’t switch them, nor can I see or exchange items while held. Did I do something wrong? How do I get back to normal?
Uh maybe u battled cup in the room next to the market,u should play any cups again to fix that problem ig
U started no items and no switching
Go to gym and turn that off
Where is the location of Vs. Seeker, and what location is best to train ev?
Can you give me a google drive link?
Thanks a lot! However, for some reason mediafire takes longer to start
When I play with processor ok the screen is black colour only in front of me please 🥺 tell what to do
This game is insane. My pokemon have pokerus.
Its says that the file for mega isn’t there
i cant evolve my toxel into amped form it only turns into low key form
It needs a certain nature to evolve to amped form. Sadly I don’t know them so just Google them.
hello i didn’t find the link pls herlp
It should be on the download section
Please update the last fire red v4.04
I searched around and am not seeing a 4.0.4 anywhere. They’re all the same as here. 4.0.3
Hello ik it has been 1 year but can you tell me are you developer of this game ?
Pls help me tell me a trick for levelling up fast i cant able to defeat 1 gym leader brock
Hlo I have completed Pokemon the last fire red and now I want another game like fire red but I can’t find a game like last fire red so please give me a game like last fire red please reply I want a game in which all features of fire red is added
Where are the gen 1 starter as starter in this game? Its gen 8 starter not gen 1
My game doesn’t move forward because lorelie is just talking and not fighting team Rocket
O my God
I’m stuck to save lorelie didn’t fight.
How do I get to 4 Island? Because according to the Normal Fire Red, I have to beat the Elite 4 First. But I can’t do that.
Hey, I got a problem. I got to the Elite 4, but apparently, Lorelei has gone missing. I can’t beat the game because of it, and I don’t know how to find her, or where she is. Any Help?
Go to icefall cave on Four island and go up the Waterfall. You’ll see Lorellei trapped by team rocket guys, help her beat them
I am facing a problem in which I cannot make lorilie fight in ice cave from team rocket and the story just over there
Is there any Trainer documentation or at least does someone know the level caps? can’t find anything online
Skr do you have any cheats
here ya go
My game is permanently stuck in nighttime. How do i fix it? I cannot evolve my riolu or any other daytime-based events. Please help, is this a game issue or an emulation issue?
my menu is stuck as my dexnav
Where can Is the the move tutor for secret sword
Here’s a cheat for yall that will get you unlimited bottle caps to use for maximize all your ivs.
Enter this code. I used my boy.
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063
Place a bottle cap in the pc make sure its in the top slot.(You can get your first bottle caps from an NPC in Celedon restaurant.)
Get out of pc and press B and Down simultaneously. You will now have 99 of the item in the first slot. Withdrawl 98 and do it again.
I’m having a problem using a Shiny cheat. Whenever it’s activated, all wild poke.on become males (this is a problem because I’m trying to get a shiny Salandit to evolve). I tried it along with a gender Modifier, but the Modifier disables the shiny cheat. Anybody know a way around this?
My game seems to be bugged. I can’t open my bag in any types of battle. I know that some battles like legendary and romsprid battle you can’t open bag but i can’t open my bag even if it’s a wild Pokemon. I can’t catch wild Pokemon nor heal kid battle with a random trainer.
Same happened to me but just do koga and blain then come back to Sabrina
Why is the gym in saffron city closed even though I already defeated team rocket at the silph co? There’s no one blocking the door but it says the gym is closed.
hey there. any info about shedinja? thanks
floor 2 lavender town
Why is the gym in saffron city closed even though I already defeated team rocket at the silph co? There’s no one blocking the door but it says the gym is closed.
I am stuck at Vermillion gym. The game freezes when I defeat Lt. Surge’s 2nd Pokemon. Tried Save/Load, tried resetting. If anyone has a fix for this, please help.
Where’s the link?
just below the gameplay
Skr, you br? Do you know what tool to use to edit the trainers teams? The h!p site did this last year, entitled hard boss Edition, but I want to do my own changes. Thx
No, I’m not from brazil. And I think you can edit the trainer data using a program called ‘Advance Trainer’. You can probably find it on PokeCommunity or something
In the Pokemon menu, after getting Eevee in Celadon, it only appears “Summary” and “Cancel”, no more “Item” or switching command.
there is glitch in your game I can’t save elite four lorelie on team rocket pls fix :((
can we breed in this game?
So it’s very fun!
But now my game is bugged… i can’t get anywhere important! All my efforts where in vain plz fix this
I can’t get passed the first rival fight with my OpenEmu emulator
any way to fix this?
unfortunately, this rom hack doesn’t work properly on any other emulator besides myboy and vba
I can’t use my bad items against wild pokemon how do I fix this?
best use my boy emulator
Are you sure its 4.03 coz if its 0.3 then it will have kanto starters and also i have played version 0.1 and it has galat starter?
I have re-patched and updated the download link. This one is v4.0.3 for sure.
if anyone’s seeing this ,
please tell me how to solve the problem which happens in the very first battle with rival
it just keeps crashing
btw i am playing this on 2ds
Please understand if my english is weird (using translator). I used myboy and had the same problem. Disabling the gba bios solved the proble
I’m using VBA and after I get to Lavender town for the first time all wild pokemon have a modest nature. I’ve tried resetting the game, but they just stopped having different natures.
Apologies and thanks for reporting the bug. The author’s website is no longer available so there’s no way for me to report the bugs right now. But, I’ll make sure to report them as soon as I find some other way to contact them.
Can you tell me where can I get the pokemon and item locations that romsprid had made pls
here you go
pokemon locations:
item locations:
Me Too I use no$gba emulator
i have the same problem, i use mGBA.
I have an issue : As soon as the first fight with my rival starts the game freeze just after he sent his starter… Any idea ?
What emulator are you using? ’cause this issue seems to be related to incompatibility with some emulators.
I have the same issue in OpenEmu, tried a lot of things but nothing. Pretty sad, seems like a good game.
I face problem when i download it.It does not work properly.
Help please
what emulator are you using?
Is this the newest version
yes it is
Axew location plis
I just realized something else. Your game might crash if you’re using cheats or fast forwarding
Eu quero baixar
basta clicar no botão mediafire e se não funcionar, use este link:
I came the 4 island and talk with lorelei but i can fight the rocket with he
Pls help me
Help, please
How to disable autorun
I will let you know when I figure it out 🙂
Do you have discord or something ? I want talk with u something about some glitch in pokemon yhe last fire red
Click on the L button lo disable autorun