Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Emerald Imperium GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: iriv24
- Version: 1.1
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: January 28, 2025
- Language: English
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Emerald Imperium is a GBA Rom Hack by iriv24 based on Pokemon Emerald in English. It was last updated on January 28, 2025, and is now available to download.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Grass Jewel 2
Pokemon Emerald Imperium is a challenging and quality-of-life (QoL) focused ROM hack of Pokemon Emerald. Version 1.0 is now fully released, offering a complete gameplay experience from the start to the Champion battle, with additional post-game content. Designed as a difficulty hack inspired by Pokemon Radical Red, this project brings enhanced gameplay mechanics, new battles, and thoughtful balance changes to the Hoenn region.
While not affiliated with Radical Red, Emerald Imperium adopts many of its acclaimed features, including updated abilities, stat adjustments, type and learnset changes, evolution method updates, and much more. The goal was to recreate Radical Red’s intense, strategic gameplay within the Hoenn region, offering players a fresh and challenging take on a beloved classic.
Whether you’re a fan of difficulty hacks or a seasoned Nuzlocker, Pokemon Emerald Imperium delivers an engaging experience while staying true to the original game’s spirit. Dive into Hoenn like never before, with new battles, enhanced balance, and the same nostalgic charm.
- Almost all Pokemon from Gens 1 – 9 are available (still need to add some Legendaries)
- Vastly improved battle engine with modern mechanics and much smarter AI
- Configurable Minimal Grinding Mode (MGM, described later)
- Built-in Difficulty Modes: Easy and Normal for now, would definitely be open to adding more options if there is interest (described later)
- Built-in Randomizer with configurable species and ability randomization (described later)
- Built-in Level Caps
- Mega Evolution
- New custom Megas have been added for several Pokemon, including Gen 4 starters, and several Gigantamax forms converted to Megas
- Several Gen 4 characters have been added, including Dawn as an additional rival, all the Gym Leaders (only Roark is a required battle), and more!
- DexNav
- Toggleable following Pokemon
- Gen 5 style party menu and Pokemon summary screen
- Includes built-in functionality to view EVs and IVs
- Type icons displayed in battle
- Move power calculator in battle
- Sleep Clause
- Heart Gold / Soul Silver style Pokedex
- Form-changing Key Items for Rotom, Genies, Shaymin, and Hoopa
- Form-changing NPC scripts for Silvally and Genesect (still requires their held items)
- Cheat code system (available cheats listed in documentation)
- Increased difficulty of trainer battles, with a focus on Gym Leaders/Elite 4, Rivals, Team Aqua/Magma battles, route Mini-Bosses, and optional Mini-Bosses (over 100 of these battles in total!)
- Several additional optional Boss Trainer battles (with hopefully good enough rewards to incentivize the player to actually want to do the battles!)
- Some music from Gen 4
- Balance updates for Pokemon to match Radical Red, which includes type-changes, stat updates, ability updates, learnset updates, etc. Differences from the RR balance changes are explicitly noted in the documentation, but the goal for this was to be able to match the data on and to be able to reuse the damage calculator at
- Some fairly small story tweaks, mostly with the goal of lining up difficult battles
- Post-game Legendary events including access to Mystery Gift locations from vanilla Emerald
QoL Improvements
- Not needing to teach HMs to use them, and they are forgettable if taught
- Reusable TMs
- Held Items are restored after battles
- Expanded Bag pocket size, added Mega Stones pocket
- Bag sorting by Name and by Amount per pocket
- Capability to register multiple Key Items
- PokeVial with infinite uses to heal your party from anywhere
- Access to the PC from anywhere
- Time changer
- Stat Editor (for EVs and IVs) given in Mauville
- IV Perfecter NPC in Mauville
- Hidden Power type changer NPC in Mauville
- Toggleable Infinite Repel
- Toggleable Auto Run
- Hold R to speed through NPC dialogue
- Option to rename a Pokemon in the party menu
- Option to relearn level-up moves and egg-moves for a Pokemon in the party menu
- Move Pokemon around in the party menu more easily with the Select button or the R button
- Move-tutor moves converted to TMs so they can be taught anywhere, no more move tutors in-game
- Item care packages
- Includes Infinite Candy, type-boosting Hold Items, type-resisting Berries, plus many more
- Ability Capsules and Ability Patches to easily change between abilities for a Pokemon
- In every Pokemon Center, a 2nd Nurse has been added who can:
- Change Pokemon’s natures
- Swap genders for Pokemon with gender-specific evolutions
- Set Pokemon directly to the Level Cap
- “Quick throw” option for Poké Balls in battle
- Can scroll through options easily by holding the L button
Minimal Grinding Mode
- It’s the same as RR’s. With MGM enabled, all Pokemon are guaranteed to have perfect IVs, and EVs are not obtainable for the player nor NPC trainers. With MGM disabled, IVs are random, EVs are obtainable, options for instant EV and IV customization are still provided, and NPC trainers will still have perfect IVs and will be EV-trained.
Difficulty Modes
- Normal: the intended difficulty of this game, and the one it was balanced for. Boss battles will be difficult, you cannot access the Bag during trainer battles, and the battle style is forced to Set.
- Easy: this experience should still be harder than a vanilla Pokemon game but should be considerably easier than Normal mode. All Boss Pokemon will be 2 levels lower than in Normal mode. Additionally, you can access the Bag during trainer battles, and you can change the battle style to Shift if desired, but it will still be Set by default.
- Accessed in-game.
- The player can choose between normal species randomization (fully random), scaled species randomization (Pokemon randomize into Pokemon with similar base stats), and Legendary-aware species randomization (fully random, but ensures Legendaries get randomized into Legendaries), all of which applies to encounterable Pokemon as well as regular NPC trainers’ Pokemon. Boss NPC trainers will never be randomized.
- Ability randomization is also configurable and is independent of species randomization.
- A list of abilities that are included/excluded from the randomizer is in the documentation.
Info for Stat Editor, IV Perfecter NPC, and Hidden Power type changer NPC
In Minimal Grinding Mode:
- IV Perfecter NPC is not enabled, you can just use the Stat Editor to perfect your IVs
- Stat Editor can only change IVs and can change them freely. Cannot change EVs.
- Hidden Power type changer NPC can change HP type freely, with no limitations.
NOT in Minimal Grinding Mode:
- IV Perfecter NPC: You get to perfect the IVs of 5 Pokemon per Gym Badge earned. After all 8 Gym Badges are obtained, you can use the IV Perfecter NPC freely.
- Stat Editor: You can edit the EVs of any Pokemon freely. You can only change the IVs of a Pokemon who has had their IVs perfected by the IV Perfecter NPC, and you can change those Pokemon’s IVs freely.
- Hidden Power type changer NPC: can only change the HP type of a Pokemon who has had their IVs perfected by the IV Perfecter NPC.
Please avoid using VBA or MyBoy, as they are known to cause visual glitches and crashes with this game. For the best experience, use mGBA on PC and PizzaBoy, Lemuroid, or RetroArch with the mGBA Core on mobile devices.

Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
Credits and Special Thanks
iriv24 (Creator)
The full credits can be found here
- pret, for the pokeemerald decomp
- RHH, for the pokeemerald-expansion hack base
- The Team Aqua’s Hideout Crew, for everything 🙂
- Pokemon Radical Red and its developers, for being the inspiration for this game and for the ideas behind the majority of the balance changes made in this game
Again, another QoL hack without new adventure. Well I think based on the features listed, it’s not that bad
So I think only a very few people that aware if MyBoy developer released a new GBA emulator called Linkboy just 2 weeks ago that shouldn’t have issue with modern romhacks (as the app was also modern, like it was released 2 weeks ago). Might want to give that emulator a try. It’s free too, for now maybe
I’m having an issue whenever my starter pokemon is at lvl 15 it won’t receive any XP at all, how do i fix this?
I’m having an issue in regards with the game, whenever i’m already at lvl 15 of my starter it doesn’t receive any XP at all how to fix this?
You have to continue the story and battle the gym leaders
How to evolve Formantis in this game?
Just started. Got the exp share and activated it. My starter pokemon stopped getting exp points. Thought it’d resolve if i deactivate the exp share; it did not. Now i cant even use the infinitecandy. Will this get resolved?
Level cap it’s not to let you be over lvld until you beat the next gym leader
Blue Kaizo, Intense Indigo, and Crystal Kaizo: These game was updates by SHF today!!
I downloaded the ROM on my R36s Handheld but I am experiencing the problem, that saving the game does not work. Any suggestions ?
Need more mega evolution like Mega flygon and more mega evolution in starter
Where can you find ditto or what Mon should I put in the daycare with a Froakie I’m shiny hunting for one and just want Froakie eggs no other starter eggs
Just take another frokie and use gender swap if it male
Tried that doesn’t work
Maybe find here
Mirage tower in the desert between mallvile
There is a bug in 2 grunt in volcano with lileep and mega fire bug i only battle lileep trainer it happen maybe after defeating the guy that give 3 stage evo pokemon in desert accesable by mach bike i dont know how it happen but i guess that was the reason i battle them for like 30 times and that didnt happen now i beaten them
how do you mega evolve
you’ll have to press start before selecting a move
I can’t find the ption to relearn level-up moves and egg-moves in the party menu
How to evo to sytcher to scizor even i put metal coat and use linking stone it says no use how ti get scizor i want scizor
I only have one issue and it’s that I can’t exit the poke nav and I’m unable to skip its tutorial
my only issue is i cant use my healing items in battle so it locks me out of my bag when i battle any person
That’s a feature of normal mode
I was about to download until it says do not play this game if you have MyBoy emulator. :’) hmm okay
actually i play it using myboy and it works just fine, just save often just in case
How do I download it?
I used the rare candy early, and now i don’t get any xp while fighting?!
anyone knows the problem?
this game litrally have unlimited candy build in as key item you don’t need to use cheat at all lmaoo, you can also set pokemon to level cap in pokemon center
There’s a level cap in game.
Ninjasks split evolution appears to have either been glitched or changed. Given it’s also weirdly changed to a slow experience group this feels weirdly purposeful, how do you not notice an early Pokemons entire gimmick doesn’t work anymore?
Shedinja is post-game, because it can cheese majority of the game
Mf just put more fire, ghost, dark, flying and rock types in the game, tf?
Not to mention all the Pokémon that aren’t that type, that can learn moves of that type.
And hail, sandstorm, spikes, stealth rock, toxic spikes…
Like there’s no excuse for this. Trash decision ruining enjoyment for people.
Shedinja happens to be one of my favorite Pokémon and favorite of many.
If a single Pokémon with 10 fkn weaknesses is able to cheese thru an ENTIRE game, then the difficulty is ass and only superficial. Seems like a pretty fragile structuring of difficulty if you ask me bro
How can I turn off Minimal Grinding Mode ?
Is it possible to get masterball cheat code?
There is literally a cheat code for 100% catch rate built in the game
What is randomizer thing that give free IVs i dont know IVs but if i off it will i get random IVs not perfect one i like to have random pokemon IVs so what should i do
MGM mode gives every Pokemon perfect IVs and no EVs (both the player and NPCs).
Randomizer has nothing to do with it
Need more mega evolution like Mega flygon and more mega evolution in starter also new rivals
Just started playing and the randomizer gave me a Hydreigon who knows Dragon Rage I think I’m gonna have some fun thank you for an amazing game 🙏🏽
fuck you
that’s not fair
you’re supposed to get weedle or fuckin bidoof
not win
He was my best option and honestly is still my valued member of the team
Would like the pc to be to like 45 or 68 boxes I want to do a challenge on this game and see if I can collect all pokemon but with only 14 boxes that’s not gonna be visible can you put enough boxes so we can collect all 1025 pokemon
you illiterate dumbass retard
That not a proper sentence so…
It’s literally impossible to add more boxes
They would have to remove content in the game, then add the current max possible (30 boxes thanks to ROM Hacking tools) and it still wouldn’t be enough for all Pokemon
RR was actually a problem. If you copied and pasted, you should’ve just not, unless you fixed it. Then you got people who can’t get a rom to run on arguably the best user friendly emulator out there. Lazy work. Deserves removed from here
Hi! I’m trying to put the game on my modded 3ds. Everything went fine until I wanted to boot it up and was met with a white screen. My 3ds uses gbarunner2. Could that be why it isn’t loading or could it be that my 3ds just can’t handle it?
What controls do I use to mega evolve
deez nutttz niqqqaaaaaaa
1.1 update is out, fixes dex nav bug.
updated it
I downloaded the new patch and it hasn’t fixed the dex nav it still doesn’t keep count of encounters.
Pardon my ignorance, but I can’t figure out how to make this work. I have pizzaboy and an emerald rom and it works fine and emperium is in the same folder but it simply doesn’t do anything/says I don’t have anything to open it with….. What am I missing?
i hope in future update they put evolution method in summary screen just like radical red
Yea I need that
The evolution method is shown in the Pokedex, or the RR Dex
nigga who asked? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
How cohd a nigga get the difrrent forms fr Epmoloen Epleon
how to get em shits bro
what the condktkn for evolve to anorxic on or tha fatasd one hahshagahaha
Maybe not hit the bottle before you post bro?
Our generation is cooked than mf bruh 💀💀💀 Showcase video of the Game if you want to use it <3
yeah but who asked? 🤔
I’m searching far and wide to find out who asked 🫡
But I don’t see anyone 👀
You stupid fat ass 🍔🍔🍔
This game has a Bad Egg issue … 🙁
That makes it unplayable for me. Other than that, I really liked it.
ur mom had a bad egg issue, leh breh
Most ROM hacks have a bad egg issue when you use unofficial cheats
E como evolui os pokémons que são por trocas?
speak english, fa99ot
Hopefully they can get it to work with MyBoy. Will keep my eye on this.
Hopefully MyBoy devs can update their emulator to work with modern hacks instead of depending on devs to fix their problems
Use Pizzaboy or Retroarch, MyBoy is trash for decomp hacks
I hope to god this is a good game
Nigga it’s trash
How about trade evolution?
how about trading deez nutz? 😂
Can the starters be found in wild?
No but ur mom can
I’m not sure exactly why but this website is loading very slow for me.
Is anyone else having this issue or is it a issue on my end?
I’ll check back later on and see if the problem still exists.
Same here. When I press to rate a comment, it takes a few seconds to actually register the shit.
So slow and laggy lollll
Discord link is broken
where’s the cheats i cannot find?
Can you upload pokemon emerald extended cut, it can be downloaded on team aqua hideout discord and sorry to contact you through comment section because there no requests section
where are da cheats in documents
Hello im new here and i wanted to post my game, please can you help me?
tysm Admin