Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Heart Gold Reloaded NDS ROM Hack
- Creator: GameCorner
- Version: 0.0.001b
- Hack of: HeartGold
- Updated: October 29, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: Progressing
Pokemon Heart Gold Reloaded is an NDS ROM Hack by GameCorner based on Pokemon Heart Gold in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on October 29, 2024.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Pure Heart & True Soul
Pokémon HeartGold Reloaded is an enhanced version of Pokémon HeartGold, introducing new features like Generation 9 starters, a following Pokémon feature, a day-and-night cycle, and a fully explorable Johto region, with more to come. The game is still at an early stage of development, and a complete feature list hasn’t been shared yet. If you’ve played and discovered additional features, please share them in the comments to help expand our list!
- Generation 9 Starters
- Following Pokémon
- Day/Night System
- And much more!
- Fixed an error displaying incorrect names for Gen 9 Pokémon in starter choice Poké Balls.
- Adjusted settings to enable a 10% chance of encountering wild double battles.
This is an early build meant to showcase the engine’s capabilities. Please give it a try and share your thoughts!

Why TF would you replace the starters with gen 9?
This is an explorers of sky hack that I think sounds pretty sick
Please? xD
I’m not argumentive. If it’s not possible for you to do I’m ok with that.
Please add pokemon Lavender, it’s a new short hack: