Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Let’s Go Lugia GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Ricardo Stone Team (English Translation by Sacred Almighty)
- Version: v6.3
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: July 4, 2020
- Language: Portuguese / English / Spanish
Pokemon Let’s Go Lugia is a GBA ROM Hack by Ricardo Stone Team based on Pokemon Fire Red in Portuguese, English & Spanish. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on July 4, 2020.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Dark Pearl Ruby
A hack based on Fire Red, its story is based on Soul Silver with slight changes.
Let’s go Lugia aims to make the user go back in time and play a hack, only with Pokémon from Johto and their evolutions.
Some from Kanto were added due to GYM leaders or ELITE 4 using these Pokémon. We want to allow you to use the best of each Pokémon and assemble your dream team with just 199 Pokémon.
The difficulty of the game is NORMAL even so we activate the
EXP.ALL for those trainers who are not very fond of training each Pokémon individually, the game allows you to use
Infinite TMs and all evolutionary stones are for sale at the MART.
It is possible to capture ALL Pokémon but MEWTWO and LUGIA only with ASH, and HO-OH and MEW only with MAY.
- New Maps.
- Updated moves.
- Pokémon from Johto visible on the map, Kanto only on grass.
- Pokédex with information on how to evolve the Pokémon.
- Exp.All (Shared Experience).
- Reusable TM’s.
- Egg on Route.
- Elite 4 (Can battle 5x merging with the Battle Tower).
- Items hidden in routes and houses.
- Remastered Johto Region.
- All Pokemon in the game are catchable.
- All Johto characters.
- Moves updated.
- New sprites.
- Protagonist Ash (kalos) and May (hoenn) .
- Exclusive Pokémon depending on your choice of character (eggs).
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Useful Stuff
Ricardo Stone Team, Sacred Almighty (English Translation)
Got to Lugia and I’m assuming you capture it after beating the team rocket grunt and I checked my team and it says I have a bad egg this game needs to be updated also sleeppowder and poisonpowder completely crashes the game
Same im stuck against rival after 1 rst gym once he launch beleef and poison powder game freeze..
why the game crashed/freeze when it start to challange jessie and james in Base E.R, please fix the bug so i can continue the story 🙂
How the heck do I catch Mewtwo and lugia, already beat Lance…
ash’s hat and looks are from kalos but its still cool tho
Is it completed.
Where do I get hm fly I think I missed something
The English one doesn’t work for me.
Pls Update to the latest version (English) or both….
Rom is buggy rom freezes when I use sleep powder please update English version to fix the bugs
it turns black and crashes after the starting credits things and doesnt do anything
There is a glitch in the Cianwood gym where I cannot get up the stairs to face Chuck. This is extremely disappointing after Ive played through so much of the game already. I have also experienced the same glitch with sleep powder and stun spore as the users stated above. Please update! Thank you in advance!
I downloaded this yesterday and tried to give it a chance but every time the opponent used sleep powder or poison powder the game just froze & got stuck there so i couldn’t Finished the second gym i really wanted to played the game but is useless if it keeps doing that.
I have the English version but when I go into falkner’s gym it’s completely empty of other people and I don’t know what’s going on.
The powder moves just break the game witch is bad if any one uses a grass pokemon because this are usfull
You gotta go through Ilex Forest and talk to the girl at the gate at the end of the forest and then go back to Violet City. By then, it should have people in the gym.
I downloaded the English version and it doesn’t show up in my list when going to select it, it’s there when I look at the files. I’m using tempgba so I’m not sure if that is why or something else is the problem.
Unplayable after the museum
Any pokemon that uses a powder attack freezes the game
When i play there always a bug when my pokemon use sleep powder
Can I use your thumbnail? I’ll give you proper credits in the video & as well as in the description.
oh I didn’t make that one, I have changed it now
speak Korean too
Me to can someone pix that glitch