Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Extreme Yellow GBC ROM Hack
- Creator: Rainbow Metal Pigeon
- Version: 1.3
- Hack of: Yellow
- Updated: October 25, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Extreme Yellow is a GBC ROM Hack by Rainbow Metal Pigeon based on Pokemon Yellow in English. And it is now available to download. It was released on October 25, 2024.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Factory Adventure
Kanto at its Max (and Beyond!)
Pokemon Extreme Yellow is a difficulty romhack of Pokémon Yellow featuring much tougher battles; complex dungeons; restored content; more elaborated, deeper, and darker lore and story; completely new areas and story arcs; virtually infinite post-game content; a plethora of customization and randomization options.
The driving principle of Extreme Yellow is to provide “Kanto at its max (and beyond!)”:
- all Pokémon-related to the original 151 via evolution, so pre-evo, evo, branched evo, etc (this comes with the introduction of the post-gen-1 types) for a grand total of beyond 200! This includes some surprises! More info to come!
- wider movepool with moves from more recent generations
- higher difficulty: all “named” trainers have a full team, with max Stats and DVs
- various new locations, including two new cities, secret areas, new buildings, etc
- two new story arches taking place in the middle of the main canon story
- multiple optional subquests
- selected trainers engage in Inverse Battles
- possibility to complete a Living Dex via enhancement of the encounter tables
- new items, like Heavy Ball and Fast Ball
- revisited and expanded the backstory and psychology of the main characters
- vast (virtually infinite) and challenging postgame, including rematches, new areas, new trainers, and more
- non-binary gender selection
- a plethora of QoL: improved move info box; improved Safari Zone experience; options for regulating level scaling, badge boost, and exp gaining; modern-like usage of field moves; portable PC, etc
- enhanced interaction with Pikachu: friendship plays a pivotal role and a new custom overworld Fly animation
- many Easter Eggs, references, and optional secrets
- Mega Evolution appears as permanent evolution in Extreme Yellow
- the Legendary Birds are unlocked after completing three special subquests
- an NPC that appears randomly in any city after besting the League, and is in search of the final member of their ultimate interdimensional team
- The author themself (yes, me!) makes an appearance as a fightable post-League boss
- the so-long-sought super fusion Venustoise is finally catchable
- Celadon Hotel has available rooms
- a whole new location, the Lunar Temple, will play a key role in the main plot
- Mt Moon has been expanded to be part again of the main plot with a new, much harder maze
- Stater Pikachu obedience is based on happiness rather than level and number of badges, and at high happiness it will gain extra power
- a Light Ball is hidden in the region, doubling the damage of the Starter Pikachu
- Pikachu can Surf and Fly, and it has custom animations and sprites
- possibility to surrender in trainer battles
- multiple rumors and urban legends have been merged to create the ultimate end-game maze…
Changelog v1.3 – What’s New!
- added a Cheat Candy item in the player’s PC that acts as a Rare Candy which doesn’t get consumed upon usage, to offer an option to players who don’t want to grind their levels up
- improved Altered Types (previously “New”) description, added spoilerless info on all modified typings, and updated Dewgong from Water/Fairy to Ice/Fairy
- item randomization has been improved: drinks cannot be found anymore as pick-up items, and some other key items cannot be substituted with different ones
- fixed a bug that showed the wrong information when teaching a move via TM
- fixed a bug that prevented Slowpoke from evolving into Slowking
- fixed a bug that froze the game if one accessed Route 22 after defeating Brock and before reaching Cerulean
- fixed a bug in the Secluded Atoll map
- adjusted learnsets for Charmander and Oddish lines
- moved Cerulean Jenny to prevent softlocking
- improved the switch AI to prevent infinite switching
- fixed a bug with the sight length of trainers in the Saffron Dojo
- fixed a collision bug that allowed players to go out-of-bound in Route 8 and crash the game
- fixed a number of typos
If you are using a savefile from V1.0, make sure to NOT save in Rival’s House NOR on Route 4.
If you are using a savefile from V1.1 or V1.2, make sure to NOT save in any of the following maps: Secluded Atoll, Route 4, Cerulean City, Fighting Dojo, Safari Meeting Room, Pewter Gym, Vermilion City.
Whenever you update from an older savefile, it is highly recommended that you be able to Fly/Teleport/Dig/Escape Rope your way out of wherever you may end up to minimize the risk of glitches.
Known Glitches
All of these are glitches I am aware of, that I want to fix but they are quite tough to deal with and cause no harm whatsoever to the gameplay:
- the intro page of the surfing minigame has a random unwanted tile
- after playing the surfing minigame, the surf enthusiast disappears. It re-appears upon exiting and re-entering the building
- when using the Portable PC, some tiles may be glitched, specifically the one representing the level of the Pokémon
- when using the Item Randomization option, the TMs available in the Marts will not correspond to the ones you actually picked up

Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
Rainbow Metal Pigeon (Creator)
- pret (Pokémon Reverse Engineer Team) first and foremost, as they enabled me to work on this project in the first place
- Vortiene, for their invaluable help, suggestions, teaching, and support over the months; this game would have likely never seen the light of day without their help (their contributions include, but are definitely not limited to: code to give trainers’ Pokémon Stat Exp; code to have the elevators’ wirring depend on the number of traveled floors; code to expand the number of hideable sprites; code to allow instant re-usage of Repellent; directions on how to free needed memory; too many to be counted times when they taught me about assembly, Game Boy architecture, and RBY framework)
- jojobear13, for their precious technical insights and open-source bug fixes (the code to give trainers’ Pokémon Stat Exp was originally developed by them; they provided fundamental insights on a pesky TM-related bug; they implemented a new and better RNG)
- Porygondolier, not only for being a very pleasant and interesting person to interact with but also for working with me on the mid-battle evolution (admittedly, they did most of the job!)
- Sanqui, for granting usage on the gen1-style sprites used in their Pokémon Red randomizer; all sprites that are not the original 151, Kleavor, Annihilape, Mega Evolutions, Anomalies*, MissingNo, or taken from Gold/Silver, are taken from their project; detailed credits to single artists can be found on their website
- Plague Von Karma, for some suggestions on speed-ups, providing the move deleter/relearner code (which uses code from jojobear13, based on Mateo’s code), as well as Kleavor and Annihilape sprites (I modified the latter)
- FrenchOrange, mauvesea, and LJSTAR, for their many many improvements and fixes on the sprites I drew; FrenchOrange drew the Flying Pikachu sprite
- Xillicis, for their tutorial on how to increase the number of usable Pokémon, as well as many useful exchanges over the months, and for some back sprites: Electivire, Tangrowth, Rhyperior, Lickilicky, Magnezone, Porygon-Z, Magmortar
- ZetaPhoenix, for the TM name displayer code
- BlueZangoose, Mord, and Cram-O-Dev for having helped, supported, and motivated me and just being great people during this adventure of mine
- Mega Evolution, Eternamax Eternatus, Arceus, and Venustoise sprites are my own production, bar the aforementioned help
- Mega Rayquaza and Zygarde Complete sprites are from Axel-Comics:
- Ultra Necrozma sprite is from SageDeoxys:
- Pokémon overworld sprites that are not from the original Green/Blue/Yellow are from Crystal Clear via the help of FrenchOrange
- Overworld sprites of the gym leaders are from: Brock: Vortiene; Misty: Vortiene; Lt Surge: Mord; Erika: Mord; Koga: Game Freak (Gold/Silver); Sabrina: Vortiene; Blaine: Game Freak (Gold/Silver); Giovanni: Game Freak (Green/Blue)
- Green sprites are from Ghost-MissingNo:
- Yellow sprites are from LouLilie:
- overworld non-vanilla sprites (legendary birds, Slowking, etc) are from Crystal Clear
- Game Freak, Creatures Inc., Nintendo, and TPCI for creating Pokémon
- PLEASE CONTACT ME (Rainbow Metal Pigeon) if I forgot to add your name for anything of yours that I have used!!! In which case I first apologize, and then I’ll put a remedy as soon as possible!
(*) “Anomalies” refers to Zygarde Complete, Ultra Necrozma, Mega Rayquaza, Eternamax Eternatus, and Arceus.
1.4 is officially out and adds a lot more to the gam such as a new battle GUI.
thanks for letting me know, will update it in a bit
Please do add 1.4
Please add 1.4
Where can I find the lunar temple?
1.3 update is available now.
Version 1.3 out now 😎
Come si scarica la versione 1.3? Ho provato a patchare ma mi da errore
Can you publish Yellow Legacy 98
Can you update it to 1.3 please ?
1.2 is out.
updated it
I download pokemon extreme yellow
Which is brilliant but gameshark codes won’t work on it, why!
Can you upload yellow legacy 98 please!!