Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Hyper Emerald v5.6 – Lost Artifacts GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Destvol, Satochu, Popy, Potato, Hurricane, Feiyixiang, and others
- Version: 5.6 (Final Version)
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: January 20, 2025
- Language: English
Pokemon Hyper Emerald v5.5 – Lost Artifacts is a GBA Rom Hack by Destvol, Satochu, Popy, Potato, Hurricane, Feiyixiang, and others (translated into English by Luciano fire, Gustavo Neves, and Li Yun) based on Pokemon Emerald in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on January 20, 2025.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon The Wooper Who Saved Christmas 2: Electric Boogaloo
This game boasts numerous features including Mega Evolution, Z-moves Gigantamax, Pokémon moves and skills up to Generation 8, a challenging hard mode, expanded sidequests, and much more. The latest update introduces a plethora of new content inspired by Generation 8, specifically “Pokémon Sword” and “Pokémon Shield,” without overwhelming the existing system. It also enriches the narrative with fresh plots, fully realizing the prophecy introduced in Ultra Green IV.
Despite facing various challenges stemming from the pandemic and personal commitments, the development team persevered. Potato Chips spearheaded the creation of new abilities and special effects spanning eight generations. Furacão and other new team members contributed to trait and skill development. Feiyixiang refined the combat system and polished unfinished aspects. Cat Play contributed new Pokémon designs and character maps, while Waji crafted additional storylines beyond the initial weeks.
- Combat Enhancements:
- Strengthened AI across generations.
- Plot Improvements:
- Enhanced original storyline.
- Pokémon Features:
- Includes all 898 Pokémon up to Sword and Shield.
- Incorporates some original Pokémon.
- Generation 8 Features:
- Completed features such as mirror armor and chemical gases.
- Moves and Skills:
- Completed moves from all 8 generations.
- Finished skill animations.
- Props:
- Completed props for all 8 generations.
- Introduced characteristic capsules and plasters for modification.
- Skill Machines and Teaching:
- Synchronized to 8th generation.
- Mega Evolution, Z Moves & Gigantamax:
- Complete system integration.
- Experience Mechanics:
- Pokémon receive experience in battle and training.
- Regions and Gyms:
- Includes Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Ultimate Cave.
- 16 gyms and three major alliances to challenge.
- Transportation and Real-time Calculations:
- Sinnoh region offers town-to-town transport.
- Real-time battle calculations.
- Training Levels:
- Introduction of player trainer training levels.
- User Interface Enhancements:
- Displays character bonuses.
- Battle Backgrounds:
- Specific backgrounds for major venues and final battles.
- Effort Value Viewer and Egg Hatching:
- Moved to earlier gameplay stages.
- Improved egg hatching process.
- Convenience Props:
- Added riding devices and news searchers.
- Gameplay Optimizations:
- Improved secret learner mechanics.
- Price optimizations for items.
- Battle Regulations:
- Restrictions for formula battles.
- Trainer Progress and Customization:
- Brand New Trainer Card.
- Special Pokémon Characteristics:
- Independent acquisition methods.
- Dynamic Weather:
- Continues outside of combat.
- Museum and Alliance Operations:
- Strengthened lineup and flexibility.
- Side Tasks and Lotteries:
- Abundant side tasks and lottery mechanisms.
- Game Progression:
- Acquisition of bicycles and partner Pokémon.
- Communication Features:
- Return of evolution of communication.
- Surfing and Diving Updates:
- New Pokémon mount images.
- Opponents and Battles:
- More rivals and stronger opponents.
- Team Battles and Special Modes:
- Added team battles and special mode battles.
- Official Rule Matches:
- Inclusion of singles and doubles matches.
- Challenge Mode:
- Ability to challenge powerful opponents post-plot.
- Interactions and Secrets:
- Interaction with the Hyper Emerald team.
- Hidden information in Dawu’s private park house.
New Features
- Gallade now has access to the Sharpness ability.
- Fixed a bug where Trainers did not have access to their Pokémon’s Hidden Abilities.
- Teams revised to have a more balanced difficulty, reducing the use of Legendary Pokémon and the use of mechanics before the player has access.
- The translation was revised and updated up to Champion Island.

Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
- Destvol, Satochu, Popy, Potato, Hurricane, Feiyixiang, and others
Translators (English Version)
- Luciano fire, Gustavo Neves, and Li Yun
Had the post game been translated yet?
The game crashes when you reach the xerneas part I am using myboy emulator.,..
Do you know how to fix this bug cause I’m in that part too and idk how to get past this😂
95%… the entire Mansion on Steven’s Island is in Chinese. Maybe they also say something important and they didn’t translate it
Had too download an 5.5 Chinese version rom transfer my save too pass the bug.bee. playing for a while why did they remove the noc that trades perfect IV ditto for skitty in the battle frontier and also why no destiny knot item??
90%…. In international police missions, in the cave on Route 129 and in some battlefrontier combats, the language is Chinese
85%…The inhabitants of the hidden village of Koga have Chinese language, including the teacher who will train Greninja. Yes I Play the versión 5.6
this dumbahh romhack no matter how many times they release a new version alwaysssss gonna break/crashed like tf code ur game rightt
100%…all the information on the Pokeblocks and the pokeblend is in Chinese and the names of the pkmn shiny
Do admin knows the translator, I saw they did a few change to the original game. such as respawning, gym challenge etc.
5.6 is out, the rest fo the postgame is in English. Download can be found on A-start gaming.
when I catch a pokemon my game crashes why
My game crashed catching a grookey why
I am in the post game English version. I am trying to go through the portal near fortree city even with cosmoem but when I try it says (The space fluctuations in the Ultimate Cave are extremely chaotic. It would be dangerous to enter rashly!) this what Google translate says. is there something I missed or messed up to stop me from going into the ultimate cave or something.
IF anyone has questions leave them here and if I know the answers Ill reply, if not then no. This website has been a huge time save so I would like to give back.
Hey man, can you confirm if this game is fully translated to English?
does pokemon hyper emerald have multiplayer capability
Dude answered one question then disappeared 😂 Epic troll
hey i have a question i am trying to play the game and its not loading is there a download that works that fully loads the game its freezes at the pokemon screen when it first loads
I have the master ball but its not catching the pokemon
I just started playing the game, and everytime prof. Elm asks for my name. My screen turns dark…why?
Hey game keeps crashing as I enter the battle against Lysandre post game. I’m on android using my boy emulator and can’t seem to get anything to work. If you know what to do mind helping me out?
Im still in mauville but when do I get mega evolve
I got i after the fifth gym
Spent over 20 hours, than the game crashed and everything is gone
How did you get crashed? Is it in slateport?
Dónde se ubica absol no me aparece en su ruta habitual y también tengo la duda de que si está Mimikyu? Y dónde lo atrapó?
How did you get crashed?
How do you get to Sinoh? I’ve beat the game but can’t figure it out
There’s one issue that’s really grating and that’s that any pokemon from 4th gen onwards has Grovyle’s cry. Is there any way to fix that?
Mega evolution is heavily relied on this game. Kyogre and groudon mega evolution? Nahh fw this game.
one of the best hacks
I got freeze in Slateport City. At the crowd Aqua members event, whenever I talk to the ship builder on the second floor, the game frozen.
When it will post game gets translated ?
The main fun and story is in post game
Let me know when it will get translated
I HIGHLY recommend fixing broken RNG, IPS patches are available on poke community. Or else you’ll get the same shiny over & over in each area.
THE BEST ROM HACK I’VE EVER PLAYED ! the postgame content is huge !! i love it
So I have a quick question: What is the password for the Mauville Event with Skitty? I tried ROCKETnoyesno and it didn’t work then tried in all caps still didn’t work then tried ARCHER, that didn’t work either. So what is the password because none of them is working at all? I even tried ROCKET in all caps by itself that didn’t work. I’m stuck at this part, please help. 🤔😩
There is a closet at the Rocket base. He’s the only one there. There is a note in it. Read it to the end. At the end will be the name Host – I started with Ploton. You’ll have something else. You’ll write it, and after the code works, write ROCKET. It will work only for capital letters.
Is there going to be English Translated version for the After League win?
Cannot catch a pokemon without it crashing.
Same here i can’t catch any legendary pokemon Even though i am using Master ball
They still not letting me catch normal and legendary pokemon
How evolve Meltan?
Does this have a discord channel? I’ve encountered a bug somewhere? Also in need of pass inside Rockets hideout
where and how to get dexnav?
how to evolve rockruff into dusk form lycanroc?
You can catch it in the attack hole in pascifidlog behind the pc.
Same, tried evolving and trading it holding the hisuian pill and didnt work. Tried it with all previous formms too.
Anyone know how to get Hisuian Sneasle
on mnt fuji
Where is.the dawn stone and the day stone?
Can someone please reply, I want a Gallade but I can’t find a dawn stone
Is there gonna be a new update like 6.0 with post E4 translated ? ty
I’m bugged and idk what to do. I go to help prof.birch. I choose my Pokémon but I can’t beat the ziggazon. It says the attack is blocked by gluttony but the ziggazon can’t hurt me because of charmanders blaze. I’ve tried on standard and hard mode. Any ideas?
I have The same problem. Did you figure it jit somehow??
Nope. I’ve tried doing to the pc before the clock, going to the clock first. Standard and hard mode can’t beat the first zigazoon
Same problem
same thing happened to me
post game after become champion, after left prof birch lab, suddenly the the language become chinese
are u guys encounter the same problem?
look like translater doen not have any idea about post game
The post game must be translated because the best part of the game is the post game and this makes us very upset because the game is in Chinese
im agreed with that HAAHA
How do I evolve trade evolution Pokemon? It says union room is locked until I become champion
Head to the house east of fallarbor town where you normally obtain the soot sack and exchange “ash steps” for flutes. Talk to the young boy and choose no, you can trade whatever with him and get the same exact mon back(stats, nature, ability, OT, item held etc.). This counts as a trade and evolves mons which has trade evolutions.
Hi, im just wondering how to use the hosuian pills? I cant find a qay to get the pills to turn zorua to hisuian zorua
the pill can only work on those previous form is the same as normal form, like quilava. For zorua, since his previous form is already different from the normal form, you can’t use the pill to turn it. You need to go to Rustboro city and find a man to exchange
How to get hisuian pills?
How to get hisuian pills?
In verdanturf town, an old man selling this pill
Anyone know how to use the hisuian pill?, i want to get the hisuian Goodra.
in verdanturf town, talk to the old man. he will give you some and later you can buy it
Goomy right now is lvl 51 and holding a hisuian pill, everytime goomy Evolved I see a silhouette of a normal sliggo, and I cancel the evolution process. I don’t know how to use this pill for goomy
seems like you need to trade your goomy with the one in the flying gym city (the one for you to do trade evolution) while holding the pill, and it will evolve. but not sure if level matters, since the old man giving me pills said that pokemon like the starters will only evolve to hisuian form on or before the level it suppose to evolve even if it is holding the pill.
Did you try this?
tried this on my scyther and evolve but scyther need to hold the black stone instead of the pill
I’m stuck in a npc near ultimate cave how to pass my game keeps freezing when I battle the sec trainer
How to evolve my Quilava into Hisuian Typhlosion.
Anyone know where a link stone is, or know how to evolve a Haunter? Good game so far
there npc can trade your pokemon in fortree city
I beat the game I think since I defeat the elite four took me 7hours no hacks need but I still have more to I am now a Steven private island
The game crash i tried to fight the purple shirt man who have mega steelix, mega aerodactyl, mega salamence, mega gyarados, mega altaria and mega Y charizard. Please fix it so that i can move on
Where to find blastoisite and eviolite?
Is there a cheat to force you only encountered alola form pokemon?
I want to ask does this game have a sandbox mode? And if it does how to use it?
Were to get a water stone i want a vaporeon i have complete upto 7th gym to try and look for it like in normal emerald but not there instead a dusk stone plus thw translation isnt done proparly like some wormholes and some dialogue are in chinese
Where is froakie
Can I get ash greeninja in this game??
Stuck in sky tower, the event with Zinnia dosn’t start, when I try to interact with her anything happen.
Does anyone know how I can challenge the 7th gym? The lady said to go to shoal cave but it’s flooded and I can’t progress
Is there any documentation of the game? I know it’s might be early, but just wondering …..
Haven’t played this game yet…
Crashes after catching any Pokemon.
Anyone know what are considered as partner pokemon? I found out about it in the air gym where an npc that looks like red teaches it And what’s the deal with that rocket evee? It won’t evolve nor obey
Partner Pokemon are Pikachu-LG and Eevee-LG. You got one from Oak back in Petalburg Woods.
When my treecko is in the process of learning detect it just doesn’t stop, I can’t do anything I’m stuck
partner pokemon should be the Pikachu or eeve professor oak gave you in the forest, and that rocket eeve you need to wait until victory road or later to let it under control. (All from Chinese source. not sure if it is accurate)
Is there more information on where to catch certain pokemon?
im looking to find shinx
u can get a shiny Luxray in the new mauvil basement after u beat walter
The first city….I found him, am actually stuck there, how do I cut the tree down to get to the next city.
Anyone know the shiny rate with the charm?
’m stuck on the second password for the team rocket base anybody know it? It says the first one is Archer
If you’re referring to the verification code at the game corner, it’s ROCKET. No, yes, no.
Second one is ROCKET all in capital.
To all the people wondering what the verification code at the game corner is, it’s ROCKET. No yes no.
Thanks dude you rule would have done my head in for ages
Solid game but I’m stuck on the second password for the team rocket base anybody know it? It says the first one is proton
The verification code is ROCKET then no yes no.
Why do you only include 1st generation Pokemon starters? It’s really getting better. I just put in the 1st generation…😡🤬
Please include start Pokemon from Generation 1 to Generation 9 other than Generation 1. 😡
Mfer, he didn’t make this game. He has no say in that. Stfu.
golden cap location?
There are starters from Gen 1 to 8 just press Right on the starter select screen to access them
Lose your attitude, rude boy. The creator of this game doesn’t have to do anything they don’t want to.
Stfu they only put up the roms on their website not make them
Please fix the english version i cant get pass the zigzagoon because i cant hit it with any move.
Samee helppp
how i can cut the tree in the beginning on route 102 ? i stuck there and i dont know how
You have to go around it.
There is an entrance to a field somewhere near it/above it. You have to cross the field and get out the other way.
Very nice, the new features and features that the game brings, everything is incredible, I have a serious doubt about when they are going to make an effort to include the damn cries?
the english version is not fully translated
Where to find treeko which route
isn’t there a mediafire link? i live in china and mega doesnt work there
there is (it was just above the mega links) –
What’s the verification password for the team rocket hideout in mauvile city?
Nel caso in cui troviate le risposte alle domande del team Rocket potete scriverle please
Hey guys i know the password in tge gane corner is Archer but i dont know the verification answers…. help please
I have a glitch where the girl in vermilion wants me to rescue her skitty but the event isn’t happening
you have to go to Game Hall and find a trash can which contains a button can open the hidden door of Rocket base. I am a Chinese fan, I played this version over and over again and I love it so much.
Then what is the verification code in the game corner? Dyk?
I can’t find the second password for the team rocket hideout in mauvile. Is it not Team Rocket? Rockets?
The second password hide in a cabinet next to four yellow boxs.
bro there’s no answer for who “they” are in the cabinet.
The cabinet says the password is Archer. The PC accepts it.
After that, there are two verification questions. Do you know the answers to them?
Apparently its “ROCKET” and then theres a yes or no question after.
I tried it it didnt work
Quale sarebbe? Archer la prima, la seconda?
The english version has a bug. I get stuck in the battle with zigzagoon after i chose my starter.
This one Is cool
The game won’t load. Shows a black screen but nothing else
try using a different emulator
The game file won’t play properly
The english version has a bug and I get stuck in the battle with a man in the mount silver after defeating red first battle, is there anyone who can have a cheat code or something to walk through the walls, because i get stuck when i face a man in mount silver
I’m stuck there too and still waiting for help or update. Anyone have any idea?
I made a video how to pass that issue