Download Pre-Patched Digimon Emerald Project GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Guzeinbuick
- Version: 2.0
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: May 22, 2022
Digimon Emerald Project is a GBA ROM Hack by Guzeinbuick based on Pokemon Emerald in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on May 22, 2022.
Also, be sure to check out Digimon Nova Red
Emerald but with Digimon instead of Pokemon!
- 350+ new monsters with unique stats, abilities, Typing, and move pools built from the ground up!
- No more filler mons!
- Every single Digimon is viable! Don’t be afraid to build a team out of your favourite Digimon!
- As many as five or even six stages for prominent Digimon!
- Custom moves from the Digimon canon!
- Every single Digimon has its signature attack! Diversify your strategies with over 350 new moves!
- Digidex Entries state criteria for evolution so you never need to feel out of the loop!
- Convenient Shop Data
- Tired of random encounters? Repels are cheap as heck now. (Also Move Reminders in every shop)
- HM Moves are no longer garbage!
- Cut now raises ATK, Flash now deals 50 Electric damage and still lowers accuracy, and Rock Smash always goes first. (Suggestions on how to improve Strength, Dive, and Waterfall? Feel free to post a comment. 🙂 )
- EV/IV Checker, Up to Gen VII Abilities and Moves, Reusable TMs, Deletable HM moves, Fairy Type, Physical-Special Split, Poison Survival, BW Repel System, Reusable TMs, etc.
- Minor Dialogue Tweaks
- Dive is a TM now.
- So don’t freak out when Steven gives it to you and you can’t find it at first.
Known Bugs/Glitches
No game-breaking glitches so far. There are a few graphical glitches that can lead to certain awkwardness/hilarity.
- When meeting Steven in Sootopolis, he takes you on a magic walk-though-walls trip before finally dropping you off in the Cave of Origin. Again, completely graphical and doesn’t harm the progression of the game. Certainly looks funny though.
- Sometimes Cyberdramon will pop out of a rock after you Rock Smash it. It’s catch rate is 0, so don’t waste pokeballs trying to catch it.
- Poyomon will evolve into all sorts of wacky things when given DigiEggs. PGE won’t let me edit this for whatever reason so there’s nothing I can do. 🤷
- I haven’t edited the postgame AT ALL. So don’t bother checking out the Battle Frontier unless you feel like entering Glitch City lol
The game runs on mGBA & VBA for Desktop, and MyBoy for Android. It hasn’t been tested with other emulators.
Plans for Future Expansion
- Doing away with HMs entirely. One day I’ll figure out how to replace HMs with key items. One day…
- Replace the word “Poke” with “Digi” in every piece of dialogue. Trust me, it is mind-numbingly boring to go through every single event on every single map changing “Pokemon” to “Digimon,” “Pokedex” to “Digidex” for hours on end… I did it for the better half of the day and I got so sick of it I gave up lol
- Hammer out those glitches. I’m sure I’ll figure out the above two glitches one day, and hopefully, any more glitches my playtesters find. I’m counting on you guys!
- If I could figure out how to include MIDIs of songs from the anime’s ost that would be sweeeeeettt.
- Save often. If you use VBA, then you’re probably used to abusing the speed-up button. Go easy on that. Using it too much will make the game freeze, especially during battles.
- Don’t go “Shiny hunting” because there are no shinies in the game. Sorry.
- No need to go fishing more than once. Only one Digimon can be caught via fishing: Manbomon.
- Breeding is not possible because the Day Care only takes one Digimon at a time.
- While all Digimon are viable, some have higher stats than others. They generally run on “short-term gain, low investment” vs. “high investment, high payoff” archetypes. If you come across a horribly weak baby Digimon, chances are it will grow up to be a total monster if you put in the time.
- The game is about 1.5 times harder than vanilla Emerald. I’ve playtested the game four times now and was able to beat it pretty easily, but then again I made the damn thing so of course I’d know all the best strategies.
My advice is to use strategy. Grinding is not the answer. If you lose against a Gym Leader once, don’t go off and grind for five hours. Try a few more times and see if you can figure out his move pool. Using brute force will not work in this game because all Gym Leaders have an “ace” with full coverage. Use strategy instead. - This game is a bit easier than Digimon Nova Red (my previous romhack), if you’ve played that.
- You crazy nuzlockers should probably keep the dex open so at least you know what you’re up against.
- 5/25/2022: Version 2.0 – Definitive complete version. Dex is now at 352. HM moves are now deletable. A few bug fixes.
- 5/8/2022: Version 1.1 – Every Digimon now has a signature move. Also a few minor bug fixes.
- 4/9/2022: Version 1.0.3 – Daycare no longer allows breeding, fixed some Typing issues for attacks and a few mons (“Cool type,” lol). some catch rates have been improved, some Mons have been given better Abilities, etc. Minor fixes like that.
- 3/27/2022: Version 1.0.2 – Patched a few bugs, all signature moves have custom animations now, item pickups are actually useful
- 3/18/2022: Version 1.0.1 – Waterfall now obtainable (next to Juan in the gym)
- 3/16/2022: Version 1.0 – Initial release

Useful Stuff
Most sprites were ripped and modified from official sources (Digimon World DS and Digimon Adventure 02: D-1 Tamer) by me.
The following sprites were ripped and modified from original pixel art from Wooded-Wolf (
Spinomon, Rafflesimon, and Gusokumon sprites ripped and modified from original pixel art by DragonRod (
Turuiemon sprite ripped and modified from original pixel art by Agirl3003 (
Kazemon sprite ripped and modified by original pixel art by mysticdragon234 (
MetalGreymon sprite ripped and modified from original pixel art by kimardt (
Darcmon sprite ripped and modified from original pixel art by MOC-7 (
Hexeblaumon sprite and Lucemon X sprite ripped and modified from original pixel art by AnimaThesq (
Venusmon sprite ripped and modified from original pixel art by KajiAtsui (
Lilithmon and Imperialdramon Paladin Mode sprites ripped and modified from original pixel art by Hamurand22 (
Wingdramon and SkullMammothmon sprites ripped and modified from original pixel art by SergioGranSol (
MetalPhantomon and Chamelemon sprites ripped and modified from original pixel art by Herolnuzuka (DeviantArt account deactivated! :0)
Jotumon sprite ripped and modified from original pixel art by garuda9, Garmmon, and StriderTheReaper (
BanchoMamemon and Kleptomon sprites ripped and modified from original pixel art by neegasai (
Labramon sprite ripped and modified from original pixel art by Bre-Ishurna-SpriteAC (
Meicoomon sprite ripped and modified from original pixel art by TheLuca (
Hydramon sprite ripped and modified from original pixel art by Sharkmon (
Pusurimon sprite ripped from original pixel art by rayjt9 (
Apollomon sprite ripped from original pixel art by Demo9ic (
Thanks to Li Yun for the wicked Emerald rom base! (
Thanks to Ortz3 for the awesome animation editor! (
Not exactly a harmful bug, but I’m was farming exp on the left sea of Lilycove city and I started encountering a question mark digimon, with the level ranging from 0 – 3, that when captured doesn’t leave anythinbg on the box, wasting the pokéball
Shoutmon keeps unevolving after I mega evolve it WTF
Won’t open
I tried to play this ROM but so much was bugged out. The summary of the Digimon wouldn’t show anything, sometimes the move bar would disappear in battle, and if a digimon learned a new move it would never learn it. I use VBA which said works so maybe its my game that had something wrong.
And does it work with VBA bc I run into the same problems…
Its an amazing Rom, Its divine, but its too easy, wish it were harder, but i everything else is marvelous
Started playing today. I have not played Digimon in a long long time. Overall the game is pretty good so far. Caught like 15 or so in the first 20 mins of game. Leveling up is a bit annoying. It would be nice to have an Exp. Share sooner. But overall pretty nice so far.
Does work on tempgba, but none of the information on your caught digimons will be visible.
For strength maybe has a 50% chance of lowering the targets Defence;
For Dive always crits or small chance to flinch but raise the move attack to 70;
For Waterfall, maybe ups the user speed.
Atleast these are ideas that i think people would like
For strength hm you can do up *2 atk look like huge power but they are 50 accuracy