Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Classic GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Daninrl
- Version: v1.3
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: August 13, 2023
Pokemon Classic is a GBA Rom Hack by Daninrl based on Pokemon Emerald in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on August 13, 2023.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Fission One Hall
A Pokemon Yellow Remake in Pokemon Emerald.
Pokemon Classic is a remake of Pokemon Yellow but built in the Pokemon Emerald engine. Revisit Kanto with your Pokemon partner and experience improved features, new questlines, and more post game content.
PokeClassic seeks to recapture the nostalgia of the Gen 1 experience but with more of the features you’d expect from modern Pokemon games.
New Features
- Journey with your Partner Pokemon right behind you!
- Explore Kanto in style with multiple outfits
- Physical / Special Split and Fairy Type
- Find more Pokemon, and hidden abilities, with the PokeNav!
- Battle Engine upgrades
- Skip trade evolution with Power Stones
- Train your Pokemon at the Dojo
- Day / Night system & changing encounter Tables
- Infinite TMs
- Customize your room with PokeDolls
- and more!
New Post Game Content
- Rematch the Gym Leaders
- Hunt down Rocket Fugitives with daily quests from Looker!
- Challenge the Battle Tower!
- What are these strange stones that Bill has discovered?
- And other daily events!
Changelog v1.2
Major Changes
- Fixes Fly flag setting
- Fixes Silph Rocket flags setting prematurely
- Player can no longer Surf or Fish on cycling road
- HMs should be tied to proper badge requirements now
- Cycling Road grass can now generate encounters
- Prof. Oak’s Aide (Cedar) will now properly progress their gift questline
- Safari Zone warps now send the player to the correct zones
- Pokeblock spaces now have collision
- Lavendar Town warps corrected
- Bill’s postgame quest now begins properly
- Moltres’ cave can now be entered
- Legendaries now clear after being encountered
- Seafoam Island boulders now properly set (fixes softlock)
- Seafoam Island currents adjusted (fixes potential softlock)
- Karate Master has been removed from the Dojo
- Silph Co elevators completely reworked
Minor Changes
- Rival items updated
- Adjusted Berry dialogue
- Removed more references to the “Wailmer Pail”
- Rival route 22 battle should no longer auto-start
- Rocket Hideout barrier should remove if you clear dungeon without beating Rocket Grunt 12
- Screen fade should work properly after battling Rooftop Rocket
- Screen fade should work properly after battling Cerulean Rocket
- Nugget Bridge cutscene triggers should disable after both choices now
- Various signs corrected
- Various metatile text corrected
- Various dialogue issues (typos, message length, ‘garbled’ text) fixed
- Lapras NPC will disappear after gift, no longer overlapping a Rocket in postgame
- Various NPC movement types adjusted
- Fixed Play Nice’s description
- Egg hatch fonts corrected
- Retiring from the Battle Tower should no longer get stuck in a trigger loop
Save Data from 1.2 and earlier should be compatible with these changes. However, due to the extent of some changes, I cannot guarantee all fixes will correct issues (or not cause issues) for currently active playthroughs.

Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
How do I get X? Where do I find Y?
Check the Wiki for Pokemon or Item locations.
Eww, why Gen 1?
I like Gen 1. This game was a personal project, but I decided to release it.
Wait, where are all 900+ Pokemon?
This game is a true Kanto/Gen 1 remake. You’ll only find the originals, sorry!
Why Emerald? Why not Fire Red?
I like working with the Emerald decomps, and this originally started as a project to add the Battle Tower to Kanto.
Will you add more?
Honestly, I don’t know! I’ll probably try to fix major bugs that get flagged, but I think I’m done with this one.
This project wouldn’t have been possible without the community. Thanks to all the open source repositories, art, and tutorials! I’ve listed as many of the sources or collabs as I could on the github, but if you helped me out and I forgot to list you, please let me know!
It looks like it’s based on Fire Red, not Emerald. Minimal modifications.
it is based on emerald and not fire red
I saw the FAQ after I wrote my comment. The graphics are Fire Red so I thought there was a mix-up.
Does anyone know where TMs Ice Beam, Thunderbolt and Flamethrower can be found?
Are we able to get crobat before elite four? in the original game we need to have the national dex to evolve golbat into crobat, is this game the same?
Crobat was not in Gen 1 games.
Only 3 moonstones available so can’t complete the Pokédex
Get HM Rock Smash at Mt. Moon Pkmn Center 2nd floor and smash some rocks at Mt. Moon. You will find evolve stones, fossils and many other items.
can you get both Helix and Dome fossils?
Yes, just get HM Rock Smash and keep smashing rocks. You can get multiple fossils (old amber, dome and helix).
Where I can find the evolution stone?
Leaf, fire, water, thunder & power (trade ev. substitute) stones are obtainable at Celadon City market.
Moon stones can be found by smashing rocks at Mt. Moon.
How do I transfer the saved data from earlier versions? I’m new to all this
I can’t find the v1.3 patch to download. All I see is 1.3 pre-patched. Can someone help me out?
Anyone know how to check if the clock works? I set at the beginning and not sure if it’s working. I’m running my rom on my Anbernic V353
When will it be updated to 1.3?
how can i get the police to stop blocking the way to saffron, and how can i fly. usually i can fly after thunder badge, now it said a new badge needed. only gym left i need to beat is giovanni and sabrina
but I wanted a toggleable gen 6 exp.share ☠️
stuck here too
Just figured it out you remember where you get eevee on the top floor you battle the rocket member there before you get to the eevee room
Thanks a bunch!
Do you know where to get Rock Smash without 1 Island in the game?
The Dexnav is very unreliable. No matter how slow I walk, the Pokemon always runs away before I reach the patch of grass.
Why isn’t there any cheats for this game yet
The notes for this game state to use power stones instead of needing to do the trade evolutions. However, that doesn’t work for Seadra. Water stone, moon stone, any other stone, and holding a dragon scale and leveling up doesn’t work either. Was really looking forward to using a Kingdra for the first time as my water type… is there another way to evolve Seadra?
He said Kanto only
Are there HM Moves (Hidden Machines) in the game? I’m not a fan of those. 🙁
Hold “A” while approaching pokemon
Hi are there any cheat codes for Pokemon classic GBA ROM hack
How can I get in cerulean cAve after beating final 4 (5)?
In the area only bikes can be used, there are no pokemons appearing in the grass, and i believe that is the only place we can find eevee…
me neither
Where can I find dratini? Fishing safari doesn’t seem to work.
It’s very rare bro
And enter to Moltres not working. Can’t pass through the enter.
I have the same problem, did you manage to figure it out?
No, I didn’t. I just continued to the League.
Please Pokemon classic cheats
Fly don’t work to several cities and Zapdos don’t disappear after catch. And it’s possible to catch it multiple times until you leave the building. I have three, then I ran out of pokeballs and revives. 🙂
Pokemon don’t seem to learn moves through evolution. My Caterpie didn’t learn Harden when evolving into Metapod at level 7 and he didn’t also learn Confusion at level 10 when evolving into Butterfree.
I don’t know if there’s a bug but whenever I use dexnav to hunt some Pokemon it keeps telling me that I need to walk quietly. I use the 3×3 method grass using cut but I can’t find wild Pokemon
I’m on route 17 (cycling road) and have no Pokémon encounters, seems like there’s no collision while on bike and even tried to dexnav eevee and says none are near by. Probably a bug. However, there a way I can have encounters on this route?
When you enter the fighting dojo and exit, Pikachu will remain there. Please refrain from clicking on Pikachu, as it may cause the game to freeze. It is advised to save your progress frequently while playing the game.
Stuck in saffron city, I can’t talk to dojo owner.
As well, team rocket doesn’t move from the store.
I cant find moltres, I think he is in victory road, but I cant enter, I tried strength to open the secret entrance, but it does nothing
I cant go to saffron city tým
I beat silphco and rocket at casino
And rocket stay All tíme in the saffron city
Can somebody help me? Thx
how do i get to saffron the police is still blocking the way
How do I enter the battle tower?
Where is the Rock Smash HM ? I’m all the way to cerulean cave and I can’t get by any of the rocks. Please help lol
At Mt. Moon Pkmn Center 2nd floor.
Hey, can you please add this new emerald hack?
posted it
If you go into the fighting dojo and you leave. Pikachu will stay behind, Do not click on pikachu because the game will freeze. Make sure you save often in the game.
Looker event at saffron after beating game doesn’t activate? Also flying is bugged and only limited to first 4 towns
rock smash freezes game
How do I get to Saffron? Beat the rockets at the tower and in Celadon at the casino. Got the tea to give to the guards but there’s an officer blocking the entry from all around Saffron.
Тоже застопорился на этом
EN: Stuck on this too
Do you know the elderly woman who gives you tea? Then. Climb her house to the top floor and there will be a battle.
Sorry for my english. I am Brazilian
Thank You!
Please put the discord of the creator of this rom hack if they have thnks.
I can’t seem to find it. I will keep looking for it and add it to the post if I find it.
It doesn’t allow me to face rival, Giovanni and Jessy & James at the silph co. Is it a bug?
I haven’t encountered this issue in my runthrough.
Having the Same issue can’t progress to the next gym
bro im on my chromebook and it is not working
Cause you’re on a chromebook obviously
Bro you need to download the emulator I recommend using vba
I’m about to play for the first time. I’ll come back and let you know. What are you playing on?
It’s a little laggy for me anyone else
Some people wants to play game with cheats
Thank you for the game, Any cheats available?
Bruh, just play vanilla firered if you wanted to play with cheats.