Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Theta Emerald EX GBA Rom
- Creator: LCCoolJ95
- Version: February 27th 2017 update
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: February 28 2017
Pokemon Theta Emerald Ex is a GBA Rom Hack based on Pokemon Emerald. Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Theta Emerald Renev.
- All 721 Pokémon obtainable
- 600+ Moves- All moves up to Gen 6
- Proper Physical/Special Split
- 100+ Abilities: All abilities up to Gen 6
- Fairy-type
- 100+ reusable TMs
- Proper Mega Evolution/Primal Reversion
- Level 250
- Running Indoors
- New Repel System
- Gain EXP from capturing a Pokémon
- Deletable HMs
- Level 1 Eggs
- New Battle Backgrounds
- Stay away from the Battle Tent, or risk losing your TMs/HMs
- Entering a Pokemon Contest could cause the game to freeze
- The game freezes when you touch the board in the Trainer School in Rustboro
- The game freezes when you teach your Pokemon Hydro Pump from the boy in Fallarbor Town
- In Mauville city, the game will freeze when one of the trainers sends out Mareep in double battle. You can single battle them to prevent this
- When you beat the game, on the hall of fame screen, some new Pokémon will show up as one of the original 386. It might have to do with some limiter somewhere.
- When leveling up, some new Pokémon will have a different colored icon if they leveled up while not in battle. As I said, a limiter needs to be fixed somewhere.
- When selecting multiple Pokémon in a box, some new Pokémon will have a different colored icon. Same thing, unknown limiter somewhere.
Useful Stuff
LCCoolJ95, DizzyEgg/KDS, MrDollSteak, Chaos Rush, Sky High/SBird, Starfall321, Blue, PurpleOrange, Drayano
There is a bug with eggs of gen 4+ pokemon. They dont hatch, they just infinitely level when in party
Consider this all as constructive criticism. This Games gym leader difficulty spike isnt winnable without cheating unless youre willing to do a grindfest with wild pokemon. I have a full party and have fought every trainer available and caught nearly every wild pokemon that appears I dont already have, which gets my party up to level 38 by the time of reaching Norman, who has level 39s and 40s? The frack is that. The game demands rare candy cheats to get even the same level pokemon as the leaders
The game lags into a freeze in double battles after Fortee City
The very first battle of the game zigzagoon avoids every attack you use whyyyyy can’t even play the game dude wtf
blame ur luck -_- not the game
hello there
The Pokémon locations are not popping up.
And there is theta emerald last dance that came out… if I’m saying it rifht
I love this ROM! It’s so much fun to play on my GBA!