Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Skyline GBA Rom
- Creator: destinedjagold
- Version: Beta 1 Fix 1.3
- Hack of: Ruby
- Updated: ???
Pokemon Skyline is a Pokemon GBA Rom Hack by destinedjagold based on Pokemon Ruby in English. And It is now available to download.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon V.
In this game, you will be a son/daughter of Professor Birch of the Hoenn Region. You decided to go to the Kanto Region by riding a boat. Well, you didn’t do that because you were blown away by a weird and violent storm on that fateful night. You were attacked by a very large group of Water-tye Pokemon. And when you woke up on a shore, you found an Eevee. It decided to come with you as you continue your trip to Kanto. After some events, you changed your way to the Crest Region instead. Along the way, you will meet many trainers who have the same dreams like yours. Friends or foes, you will have to fight them and prove yourself. Much later, you will encounter Team Aqua once again. can you stop their evil ambition?
- A new region called Crest is waiting. It is located far east of the Kanto Region. It usually welcomes countless thunderstorms due to the mass ocean around it.
- You are the hero from Hoenn Region.
- Your starter will be Eevee.
- All Pokemon from Gen I to Gen III.
- Team Aqua is back for more.
- The National Dex will be much better than a normal Pokedex.
- If you want to battle with wild trainers, you have to talk to them.
- After receiving a new badge, you can re-battle every trainer you have encountered before.
- If you beat a gym leader of a town, there will be an NPC who rewards you.
- The weather system is available.
- You will not be alone in this game. You have rivals.
- The Chip-Battle mini-game is back once more.

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