Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Moon Black 2 NDS Rom
- Creator: JrFort & Aster
- Hack of: Black 2
- Version: Beta v4.2.3
- Updated: June 22, 2023
Pokemon Moon Black 2 is an NDS Rom Hack Based on Pokemon Black 2 With Gen 7 Pokemon, Mega Evolution, Alolan Forms, New Regional Forms, New Protagonist & Much More!
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Platinum Entrance Randomizer.
After becoming the League Champion and defeating the final Hurrah Island challenge Prof. Kukui allowed Sun/Moon and others to travel to the Unova Region for a year and test what they learned in Alola. Your rival Gladion followed and together you chose new starters for the journey across Unova. Rumors say Team Skull has also been spotted in Unova. Sun/Moon was also granted permission to enter the Regional Tournament at the PWT representing the Alola region if they defeat the Unova Champion!
- New Pokemon
- Mega Evolution (Outside of battle)
- Pokemon from Unova, Kalos, Alola & Galar
- Unova Forms and Alola Forms
- New Rivals
- New Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Champion
- New Items
- New Moves
- New Events
- Harder Difficulty
- Fairy Type and the new type chart
- Brand New Pokemon World Tournament – With Trainers From Every Region
Beta v4.2.3 – June 22, 2023
- Made adjustments to the ROM image.
- Updated the title icon.
- Fixed the pure Fairy-type hall of fame crash.
- Fixed the Wi-Fi settings error that occurred in DSi mode.

Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
JrFort & Aster
why no playable on nintendo dsi??
It has already been updated to version v4.2.4
Where can I get the latest version ?
What Pokemon (Dex #) did Froakie replace?
How to change silvally type I done giving
Him some plate but it does not work
Is there any working cheat codes for android?
Needs some work. I played through and got stuck at the Movie part because of the save issue. Then I restarted the game and this time I do not recieve Xp. Hope there is a major update soon. Thanks
Is the inviseble Wall in front of the Join Avenue normal. I beat the Scientist and everthing in the desert…
Please made a version in french
Anyone know how to put my 4.2.2 save file on the 4.2.3 update? I’m using Drastic on android.
Like how do you playing in what n how im getting the file open in either of drastic n my boy enulater pls tell hiw u run it on Android
You can use RetroArch
Hello, I am stuck I think. I beat ash, done with the hall of fame thing, woke up in my bed, then the sister of my rival said that zoroak is calling my name. I went to victory road, found zoroak followed him to the caves and as soon as I enter the second cave the shadow triad (pikachu mask guys that teleport) they are blocking the entrance, I tried pressing every button but nothing happens. Dear creator is that a glitch?
The exp not working.
I have a problem when I beat Ash
Hi there
Having a strange glitch with latest version on DSi. I can’t gain experience from battle.
OOooooo……. its an anti piracy feature.
does that mean that the game is unplayable?
Nope I’ll just have to use an emulator like desune instead of loading it onto a flash cart.
The wiki page should be updated to show percentages of each wild pokémon, what season they appear and so on.
The wild encounters seem to be messed up? Can’t find all the pokémon listed at each location. I get season can affect the encounters, but even when I change time to get a different season, it doesn’t work. I.e. At Rockruff Ranch, 99% of wild encounters are Rockruff (I know it’s called Rockruff Ranch for a reason), and the last percent is reserved for like 2 other pokémon (Riolu+Taillow).
Media fire link isn’t working the file isn’t present pls fix it
fixed it
When I press Summary on pokemon my screen goes black
how to fix? (v 4.2.3)
J’ai fais une vidéo sur YouTube de votre rom et j’ai eu des retours de mes abonnés me disant que ils avait un problème sur la rom, ils n’arrivent pas à gagner de l’expérience, si vous avez une solution je suis preneur.
Merci bonne journée
Find the PokeCommunity page for this rom hack and enter the discord. The devs are active there and if you need help they’ll likely be able to. The person who posts the roms here is not the creator, simply a reuploader who already patched them so he can’t really help in regard to any glitches.
you gonna update it 4
2.3 is out
updated it
sir are we still need trade for evolve like haunter to gengar or get machamp in here?
I have a solution to fix the bug in the hall of fame, just used an older version (i used 4.2) to run the save file of the current version (4.2.2) and it passed the error black screen
Yo its just shows the zip download wat do i do im on ios
open file manager and click on the file, it’ll unzip it automatically.
Can i use ur links in my video??
Thankyou i will never forget to give u credit
You don’t have to give me credit, I haven’t done anything to deserve that. But, be sure to give credit to the creators (jr fort & aster)
wholesome interaction, glad to see you’re not trying to take any credit for the roms
1) L’affiche de notre héro ne s’affiche pas toujours , il montre des fois l’ancien protagoniste notamment dans la grande roue et au pokewood apres avoir tourner notre film
2) Gros problème du jeu , on a pas acces au Pointeau ADN qui nous permet de fusionné notre Pokemon Legendaire avec Nekrozma
3) Tout comme dans pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver , on aimerai avoir notre pokemon derriere nous quand nous marchons
4) Les staters de Pokemon Epée et Bouclier sont disponible mais de Type Glace et n’ont pas d’evolution
Il manque aussi Darkrai et Crysselia
J’ai beaucoup apprécier de revoir Jesse James et Miaous de la Team Rocket ainsi que toute les autres Teams
L’obtention de Dialga , Palkia et Giratina devrai etre unique et non illimité
On aimerai pouvoir visiter et affronté les arènes et les ligues des autres régions , comme : Hoenn , Jotho , Kanto , Sinnoh , Kalos ou encore Alola
Il y a quelque bug dans le pokedex notament dans les descriptions de certains pokemon et l’absence de Darkrai et Crysselia
Et la vraie apparence de Colress n’est pas disponible
Please, fix the hall of fame :/
How to play
you need a ds emulator. if you’re on PC use desmume, on android use drastic and on mac use open emu.
I don’t now if it’s a bug or is part of the game but when I defeat other trainers or wild Pokemon I don’t get the experience to level up my Pokemon
Did they delete the fairy type? I chose popplio as starter and it didn’t learn disharming voice when it was supposed to, also pichu’s charm move is still normal type.
I’ve just actually caught ralts and it is indeed fairy type in battles, my bad. You’ve done an amazing job with this rom, it’s definetely the most enjoyable I’ve ever played so far. Thank you for your efforts.
If u have any fairy types with u it will go black honestly I think they should fix that issue but check to see if u have any fairy types in your party.
If you enter elite 4 don’t bring fairy types it will bug your hall of fame
i have glitch when i win with ash on pokemon league . how do i fix it ?
Hall of Fame…
Which emulator I can play this game
drastic (android) desmume (pc)
If on iOS you can use delta
I have drastic on my Phone, but even If i download, with both mega and mediafire, i dont see it there
extract the zip file and then check
Y’all need to fix the hall of fame bug
How do i get the z-cell for zygarde?
This gane bruh hall of fame bug is fcking annoying u played the gane for so long just tl get hall of fame bug
there is a bug where when finished fighting pokemon does not get exp
Where I could find pherimosa?
can i emulate this on my 2ds?
How on earth did you guys missed the hall of fame bug 😳😳
Whenever I check my pokemons in pokemon screen and try to return the screen goes black.Someone please guide me.
Mais pourquoi mon exp monte pas
Can we get a hall of fame fix
Yes please, I managed to finally win the elite 4 but but after I beat the 5th and go to register my win the screen goes black with the music still playing.
It says on original website that don’t bring any “fairy type” to hall of fame.