Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Cathode Version GBC ROM Hack
- Creator: KaenSoul
- Version: v0.3.2 (Completed)
- Hack of: Crystal
- Updated: July 3, 2018
Pokemon Cathode Version is a Pokemon GBC Rom Hack based on Pokemon Crystal in English. And It is now available to download. It was last updated on July 3, 2018.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Revolução XY!
It has the same story as Crystal, with updates to mechanics, Fakemons, and other features.
- 170 new Fakemon (all with animations, icons and everything else you know)
- Two new regions, with their own gyms, obviously
- Everything a modern crystal hack needs (running shoes, reusable TMs, new moves, Fairy-type and more)
- Metric system, because I don’t know how the American thing works, example below

Is the game complete? Because I don’t know what to do after the ice-type gym. Or is there any guide?
I have downloaded the game and it is in Spanish or Portuguese, is there an English link please,
Please can you upload the English version. I’ve found many YouTube videos of this in English
The pictures are misleading!
fixed it