Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Blaze Black NDS ROM Hack
- Creator: Drayano
- Version: Completed
- Hack of: Black
- Updated: October, 2019
Pokemon Blaze Black is a GBA Rom Hack by Drayano based on Pokemon Black in English. And It is now available to download now. It was last updated in 2019.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Sweet Version!
Pokemon Blaze Black and Pokemon Volt White are edits of the regular Pokemon Black and White versions which self-contain all 649 Pokemon, allowing a player a large amount of variety.
In addition, BB/VW also have edited trainers, an increased difficulty level, improvements to many Pokemon, and more. They are the spiritual successor of my two other hacks, Pokemon Fire Red Omega and Pokemon Spirit Gold. Blaze Black and Volt White were also – with one minor exception – the first of their kind to be made.
- New Pokedex.
- Custom Tiles, Sprites and Color Scheming
- Mega evolutions.
- Some Pokemon are modified genetically.
- Final Trainer Card is no longer Gold, but is ‘Platinum’ (well, not that literally, but it’s totally different than before)

Useful Stuff
How do I get this to work on the Delta emulator? It’s just a white screen for me and won’t load up properly.
Les Evs sont présents dans le jeu ?
Whenever i open it it just appears as the ds screen like its loading a nds file but the screen just turns white and never changes
What is the difference between the clean and full versions?
Pokemon get no new moves, types or abilites. It just raises original BW’s gym leaders’ difficulty.
how do i download the game?
use this link:
i cannot get the file to launch for me is there a bug with it or something?
Is there mega evolution in this game?
why in tarnator the size is 200 mb any idea why the gigantic sizee
Thanks for sharing Blaze Black! Will you be posting Volt White as well?
game just freezes on bootup fix plz?
Please is there a way I could get a dusk stone I want to evolve my kirlia to a gallade, and it mega stone
you need a dawn stone and in 5th gen aren’t the megas. They are only in X/Y/ORAS/S/M/US/UM, so 6th and 7th gen