Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Vega GBA Rom
- Creator: Pokemon Vega Team (anonymous)
- Version: 23rd August 2020 update
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: December 9, 2020
Pokemon Vega is probably the highest regarded of all foreign-language Pokemon hacks. Created by a group of Japanese hackers, it contains a new region, all sorts of new Pokemon and moves, and a significant challenge.
- New region- Tohoak
- 181 new Pokemon, plus 56 from newer gens
- 70 new moves, plus 87 from newer gens
- Custom soundtrack
- Rematches with important trainers
- Extensive postgame including a battle facility
Useful Stuff

Pokemon Vega Team, Dr. Akimbo, Asfia, Bevan7, Doesnt, Ganon’s Error, Hawkfire, K1seki, LightningLord2, Lucis, Mighty Revenant, quiggles, Silphver, SilverStrangequark, Toyotasomi no Miko, Z-nogyroP, Wizards of the Coast, Doesnt, Ketsuban, Mighty Revenant, Chrunch, El Diabeetus, Tailes, Diegoisawesome
For some reason only Vega (2019.04.20) is being linked even though later update is listet at the start…
This is the latest update from PokeCommunity.
Person who think what nidoran with poison touch on the start of the game when you haven’t antidotes is very funny…. IT’S NOT FUNNY! You ruin nuzlocke challenge for your players!
Well I laughed out loud after reading this, so I thought it was pretty funny 😂😂😂
Here’s my advice for you if you are having trouble with this.
Git gud.
It’s a…
Skill issue. 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
Is this completed?
This is the original and it’s complete, the other ones are just modifications.