Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Suri GBA Rom
- Creator: Jaizu
- Version: Beta 1
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: April 15, 2021
Pokemon Suri is not a remake, this happens after Pokemon HG/SS.
This hack won’t contain the Kanto region.
You recently moved to Johto.
Gold just won the Pokemon league, and now he prefers investigating stuff to battling.
Lyra is a Pokemon breeder, a good one.
Unow and Arceus are related.
Rowan appears to help Elm and Gold with the Ruins Alpha mysteries.
- Pokedex from Pokemon Crystal plus pre-evos and evos from other gens, including 4th gen.
- Arceus is the last Pokemon in the dex since he is related to uknow
- Default settings changed (battle asset, stereo music, fast text speed)
- Reusable TMs
- EXP when catching a Pokemon
- Easy to forget any attack, including HM.
- Music from HG/SS
- Updated graphics
- Revamped sprites. The ones who aren’t revamped yet are updated to the NDS standards.
- Animated title screen (It doesn’t work in real hardware, like a 2ds, so an alternative download without an animated screen will be provided)
- Story-based after Pokemon HG/SS
- Moves from other gens (Scad, Fire Fang, Aqua Jet…)
- Remade some Pokemon movesets, important one updated
- You can choose between two sets of starter Pokemon (Eevee, Elekid, Magby / Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile)
- PPS split
- Better pokemon level curve
- Changed wild Pokemon compared to HG/SS, so you can catch more stuff with better levels
- IVs and natures strength/weakness displayed in the summary screen
- Cries from Gen 7
- New characters and events, since it’s a new story
- Old moves updated, mostly damage and PP
- Pokemon League in Mt. Silver
- Pokemon will survive from poison with 1HP
- Eggs hatch at level 1
- You start the game with running shoes, and you can run indoors
- BW repel system
- You can Headbutt small trees
- Progressive Pokemon Mart based on the number of medals you’ve got
- RTC System: You can check the time in the indoor’s clocks. Also, you can evolve to Espeon and Umbreon
- Lots of grammar errors! Please give me suggestions and help me to improve my English and the game dialogues <3

Worst Pokemon game ever can’t even go to viridian city bc of the rocket guy I can’t I en progress I hate this screw this game
1st bug: PokeCenter in Viridian Town DOESN’T work, cannot trigger any conversation with the nurse the get my team healed
2nd bug: The Name Rater (also in Viridian Town) is a freak, once you enter his house he locked the god damn door, cannot exit his home. Deleted the rom right after.
Nice graphic
LMAO i feel bad for you bro hope other games will be funner to play than this one! ^.^