Download Patched Pokemon Black and White Advanced GBA Rom
- Creator: Vytron
- Version: Demo v2
- Hack of: Fire Red
- Updated: August 21, 2018
Pokemon Black & White Advanced is a remake which will have the same story from Pokemon Black & White, but will take elements from Black 2 & White 2 and other Pokemon games to be more colorful and unique.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Gold 97
- Black & White soundtrack
- Black & White graphics (tilesets)
- Gen 5 styled OW sprites
- Pokemon from Gen 4 to 7
- Expanded Pokedex
- Uodated cries
- Physical/Special split
- Fairy Type
- Newer Gen Moves, Items, and Abilities
- Nature colored stats
- Reusable TMs
- Capture experience system
- Poison survival

#Vytron, LukeeGD, WesleyFG, MrDollSteak, pokefreak890, Onion-kun
Wish this hadnt been discontinued, looked amazing.
Pokemon my love
File is down
updated it