Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Silver Yellow NDS ROM Hack
- Creator: brtatu
- Version: 2.0 (RemiXed)
- Hack of: SoulSilver
- Updated: July 25, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Silver Yellow is an NDS ROM Hack by brtatu based on Pokemon Soul Silver in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on July 25, 2024.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Polka Aqua
Hey people! I’m excited to share my latest ROM hack, which is based on Silver Blue/Soul Silver but with a twist—this time, you start your adventure in Kanto, making it feel like a remake of Pokémon Yellow!
In the RemiXed version, I’ve focused on creating an open-world experience. You can challenge Gym Leaders in any order and explore both Kanto and Johto freely. The adventure is yours to shape as you please, offering a new level of freedom and exploration across both continents!
- Freedom: you can go wherever you want and beat Kanto GYM leaders at any order!
- Pikachu as starter with edited moveset and status
- Redesign of Kanto’s wild Pokémon
- Squirtle, Charmander and Bulbasaur obtainable through Pokémon Yellow events
- Primal Town and Team Rocket epic event
- The God’s Garden as a new area
- Red as protagonist
- Mew, Deoxys, Jirachi, Suicune, Registeel, Regirock, Regice, and many more catchable overworld Pokémon!
- Blue is now at Mt. Silver with a team composed of some of his Pokémon of anime/games/manga
- The Pokémon who need to be traded to evolve can do it by reaching lvl 36 or using the required item (check Read Me)
- Trainers’ levels balanced
- Lucas (Platinum Hero) can be challenged at Victory Road
- Kanto starters (Blastoise, Charizard, and Venusaur) can now mega-evolve
- Almost all pokémon catchable (except for Arceus)
- Johto’s GYM leaders give you starter Pokémon if you win their 2×2 battles!
- Free move tutor from Blackthorn
- 9999 BP since the start to get TMs from Battle Frontier / PokéAthlon -> use them to get good items!
About Mega Evolutions
- They are in the game but just for the Kanto starters
- They work as a new evolution and are reversible
- To know how to mega-evolve, defeat Lucas at Victory Road. He will tell you
- The movesets of Mega-Pokémon are similar (not equal) to 6th gen (see Bulbapedia)
- There is not Charizard Y in-game
- The Mega-Pokémon oveworld sprites were not edited because in 6th gen they just appear in battles
- I replace them with Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit
Gameplay Tips
- Kanto Starters: You can get Kanto starters the same way as in Pokémon Yellow (you can google the method).
- Johto Starters: Johto Gym Leaders will gift you starters. For example, you can get Mudkip from Steven’s HGSS event.
- Bike: After beating Misty, head to the Bike Shop to get your bike.
- You can Explore Johto from the beginning:
- Through Vermilion City’s SS Anne
- Via the Magnet Train in Saffron City (after completing Steven’s HGSS event)
- Surfing from New Bark Town
- Visit Blackthorn City for a free Move Tutor.
- Battle Frontier/ Pokéathlon: Start with 9999 BP to buy TMs and other useful items right from the start.
- Mega Evolution: Meet Lucas, the Gen 4 hero, at Victory Road for Mega Evolution details.
- Team Rocket & Arceus Event: Trigger the Team Rocket and Arceus event in the cave between Route 47 and Cianwood City. It’s a must-play!
- Other Events: All other events can be triggered by HGSS standards.
- Ensure that the .sav file and the .nds file have the same name for proper compatibility. You can also rename the .sav file to .dsv if needed.
- All HMs are available, except for HM08.
- When starting the ROM, make sure to press “Play” to begin.
- Trade-evolved Pokémon now evolve by level (usually 36) or by using their trade item while leveling up (similar to Gligar and Sneasel’s method).
- Leafeon, Glaceon, and Magnezone can be obtained by using the Leaf Stone, Shiny Stone, and Thunder Stone, respectively.
How to play Pokemon Silver Yellow?
To play the game, you need to load the .sav file provided in the download section into the game. Simply follow the instructions below on how to do that on Windows, Android & iOS.
Before we start with the instructions, make sure to rename the .sav file to the same name as the Silver Yellow .nds ROM.
On DeSmuMe:
- File > Import Backup Memory > Select the .sav file.
- If it works, the game will let you run that .sav file when you run it up next time.
On Drastic:
- Using a file manager, find your Drastic data folder and put the two files into a folder named Backup.
- If it works, the game will let you run that .sav file when you run it up next time.
On Delta:
- On the emulator’s main menu, hold the silver yellow game icon > manage save file > import save file.
- If it works, the game will let you run that .sav file when you run it up next time.
Known Bugs
- Talking to Cameron or taking a picture may cause the game to freeze.
- When riding the Magnet Train, you’ll see Ethan’s sprite instead of your character’s.
Changelog v.2.0 (RemiXed)
The core philosophy of the RemiXed (2.0) update is to enhance exploration and give players more freedom:
- Open World Gameplay: You can go anywhere at any time! Catch water and flying Pokémon to unlock the full map. But be warned—the Gym Leaders and Elite Four are significantly stronger!
- Johto Surprises: Johto offers plenty of excitement. Win battles against Gym Leaders to receive starter Pokémon, catch legendary and previously unobtainable Pokémon, access the move tutor, take part in the Team Rocket event, and much more.
- Game Rebalanced: Stronger Gym Leaders and Elite Four; Flying locations from Johto removed; wild Pokémon encounters edited.
- Johto Gym Leader Rewards: Defeat Gym Leaders in 2×2 battles to receive starter Pokémon!
- Move Tutor: Free move tutor available in Blackthorn City.
- 9999 BP at Start: Use BP to get TMs and items from Battle Frontier/Pokéathlon.
- Mega Evolution Update: You must use the item from Lucas’ battle to Mega Evolve.
- Legendary Pokémon Available: Suicune, Raikou, Entei, Zapdos, and Red Gyarados are now obtainable again.
- Bug Fixes: Issues with Victory Road, Pokémon Club, and Suicune crashes fixed.
- Magnezone & Probopass: Now evolve with Thunderstone.
- Expanded Pokémon Availability: Almost all Pokémon can now be caught.
- Miscellaneous Changes: EV training road removed; Lucky Egg given as a starter item; 60 FPS patch applied.
- New Overworld Encounters: Added in Johto region.
- Jirachi Gift: Obtainable at any PokéMart.
- Pokémon Encounters File Added.
- ROM Adjustments: Courtesy of DeadSkullzJr.

brtatu (Creator)
Thanks to:
- migles for testing
- internet artists for doing Mega-Pokémon’s and Red’s sprites
- DS tool developers for making all edition possible
- DeadSkullzJr for fixing flashcard compatibility and adding new game icon and description
This game constantly crashes. You cannot do the elite four or travel to certain other locations because it will crash. It’s pretty much unplayable if you want to do the whole game
The game doesn’t work at all on delta emulator and I already got the zip files downloaded and everything I think the creator of the rom hack needs to playtest his stuff first before releasing it because he doesn’t see how we’re struggling and how he’s living off this shit rubbing his hands like birdman and lil Wayne
This game works fine on delta, I’m running it on delta myself. You just have to import the save file correctly
The item box is glitched…. Can’t get any item in the item box
To all ppl having difficulties on Drastic :
– Launch drastic
-> Options
->General Settings
->System directory
Now, create a folder in your downloads and select this file as directory
On your computer, linking you phone, you’ll be able to enter the drastic dirctory and find a “backup” folder.
Paste the save fil in this folder and it will work
still doesnt work on my phone…..and you dont have general settings on the menu of options in drastic
as soon as i start the first trainer battle it crashes every time
It says about making the save file same name but phone says file can’t be the same name. Any help?
did you extract the .zip files? and are you trying to change the extension (the part after the “.”) bc it shouldn’t be saying that. all you need to rename is the part before the “.”.
I loaded the came with the sav file just fine on iOS. However, there’s a glitch in the game where my item pack dont show, they’re just blank spaces with the description of the item showing. I noticed it happened after receiving a nugget from a guy . I mistakenly removed my exp share and can’t equip anymore because I cant select.
Any solutions?
Happen to me to, did you find any way to fix it?
I did the procedure on Drastic but still not working, there are no saves when I start it.
I renamed both files as the game .nds, how can it be fixed?
I still need help with the .save file on delta emulator. When I import the save file and I start the game there is no option asking if you would like to load the save file.
did you rename the .sav file to the same name as the rom?
After downloading both the game and save file they are both .zip what should I name both that I can start playing on the Delta emulator?
Download the game, in the main menu, hold the silver yellow game icon > manage save file > import save file. then when you start the game you should see an option to play that save file
I did that and doesn’t give me option. Just dude standing at top of stairs
1. you need to extract them first (using a zip extractor, your phone’s file manager might be able to do it as well)
2. after extracting both files you’ll get 3 files: a .nds file, a.sav file, and a .dsv file
3. now rename the .sav file to be the same as the .nds file
for loading the save file on delta, follow these instructions:
1. on the emulator’s main menu, hold the silver yellow game icon > manage save file > import save file.
2. now launch the game and you should see an option to play the saved file after going past the title screen
Hello admin.
That means when I play on delta I don’t need to download the save file, right? If you have a video tutorial please let me know
you DO need to download the save file. when you click import save file you need to select the save file you downloaded.
To get the Save File working for Drastic.
Download the save files in the download and Unzip it. Then make sure the name of the two are exactly same as the .nds. Using a file manager, find your Drastic data and put the two file into a folder name Backup.
If it work the game will start with save game right there.
i can’t get access to a pc, only my android phone, how do i find drastic data in my phone? there’s nothing obvious with dr or drastic in the title
Even with the new version the creator couldn’t fix the sav.file problem.
use this sav file:
I tried to patch it and it did not work,the emulator says you cannot import sav files.
if you’re using desmume, file > load backup memory > choose the .sav file.
and if you’re using drastic, do what xenon said:
Download the save files in the download and Unzip it. Then make sure the name of the two are exactly the same as the .nds.
Using a file manager, find your Drastic data and put the two files into a folder named Backup.
If it works the game will start with save game right there.
Any idea on how to make it work on the delta emulator?
in the main menu, hold the silver yellow game icon > manage save file > import save file. then when you start the game you should see an option to play that save file.
I cannot believe I finally got it to work after months,thank you so much dude.
F it I’ll just suggest a different NDS yellow hack lol. Boss Man or Lady Admin please maybe something like Lightning Yellow NDS or something like that lol. I got it to work on mGBA
I could load and start the game, you have to modify both files from save files copying and pasting the name from your game, and than move the modified files to your emulator save file folder for drastic I pasted it on back up and works so far
Can’t get it to play. I get an error saying if you started here you didn’t load the .sav file
ah, use this sav file, i forgot to link it:
I followed your step on the delta emulator however, when I imported the .save file it doesn’t give me any other options.
make sure the name of the sav file is the same as the rom, you won’t see an option when you import the sav file but when you launch the game and go past the title screen.