Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Yellow Legacy GBC ROM Hack
- Creator: TheSmithPlays
- Version: 1.0.10
- Hack of: Yellow
- Updated: May 14, 2024
Pokemon Yellow Legacy is a GBC Rom Hack by TheSmithPlays based on Pokemon Yellow in English. And it is now available to download. It was updated on May 14, 2024.
Also, be sure to check out its sequel Pokemon Crystal Legacy
The Yellow Legacy project is a prequel to Crystal Legacy by content creator Patrick Smith (TheSmithPlays) and the second installment in his planned Legacy series. It’s based on the Pokémon Yellow disassembly. The Legacy project is focused on changing the base game in a way that improves quality of life and balances it with the benefit of twenty years of experience. The primary goal of each mod is to maintain the game’s original feel while also making meaningful improvements for the player. This means that some of the quirks of the first generation of Pokémon games will remain, as they are regarded as essential to the overall experience.
Pokémon Yellow holds a unique position in the franchise, being the first major overhaul influenced by the anime. It introduced color, tougher battles, access to all three starters, and Pikachu as a companion. Yellow Legacy aims to enhance the game while preserving its original charm, ensuring each Pokémon has a unique role. It maintains the essence of the original Generation 1 games, with balance changes designed to keep gameplay faithful while not altering core mechanics like sleep status or critical hit chance.
While not a “Kaizo” project, Yellow Legacy increases the difficulty of Pokémon trainer battles, particularly bosses, to enhance engagement without simply being hard for the sake of it. The goal is to provide a challenging yet rewarding experience, with major trainers having Pokémon and movesets tailored to counter players relying on single super-effective Pokémon. Players are encouraged to build diverse teams for these challenges. Pokémon availability adjusts as players progress, ensuring appropriately powerful encounters. Additionally, all 151 Pokémon can be obtained in one playthrough, and some post-game content is included.
General Changes
Quality of life changes are abundant in Yellow Legacy. Here is a list of changes that we have implemented to make the game more enjoyable to play through.
- Ask to reuse Repels
- HMs can be used from the overworld
- HMs can be forgotten
- To avoid softlocks, HMs cannot be stored in the PC
- Extended bag with more slots
- Items can be sorted with Start
- Items now have descriptions
- Party menu now shows StatEXP and DVs
- Press Select/Start respectively when selecting STATS
- TM names are shown in menus
- Updated Pokedex functionality (See Encounters & Learnsets for more details)
- Level-up and TM learnsets now displayed
- Location menu now includes gifts and fishing
World & NPCs
- Running Shoes added
- Faster Nurse Joy
- Faster Saves
- Updated Marts to include TMs and other rare items
- All TMs can now be repurchased
- Use Left/Right to change items by 10 when buying or selling
- You can now obtain the Old Rod from an NPC in Viridian City Mart
- The Old Rod’s original location has been replaced with the Good Rod
- All rods now have improved encounter tables
- Game Corner Pokémon & TMs prices lowered
- Coins can also be bought in bulk
- Enabled easier access to Fuchsia Pokécenter
- Surge’s Trash Puzzle no longer resets after every check
- Faster spinning tiles
- A Move Reminder and Move Deleter have been added to Cinnabar Lab
- The Cerulean City Jynx trade has been re-added in Saffron City
- Miscellaneous dialogue changes have been made
- Some story and character moments have been updated
- Several NPCs now hint at gameplay changes
Visuals & Music
- Female character option for Green
- Pokémon Palette changes
- Various backsprite updates
- Unique Party Icons
- Overworld sprites for Pokémon and Gym Leaders
- Improved Battle UI
- EXP bar
- Already Caught icon
- Full Box reminder Text after catch
- EXP. All text shortens non-participants to “Party gained…”
- Seafoam Islands now uses a blue pallet
- Elite Four battles now use more fitting battle music
- A previously unused song in the game has been added to Viridian Gym
- The buttons in Victory Road now make a sound when pressed
Battle Changes
Here is a list of changes to the battle system, evolutions, and trainers. In addition there are links to various documents listed below for more details.
Battles & Difficulty
- Improved AI
- Dynamic scaling level teams for gyms 4-6 (Similar to Crystal Legacy gyms 5-7)
- Removed items from gym leaders and Elite 4
- The only trainers who can still use items are Cooltrainers
- Hard mode: Forced Set mode, Items disabled in battle, Level caps by gym.
- Damage Over Time effects increased to 1/8 of max HP
- Most status moves are now neutral against all types (for AI)
- Removed boosted enemy chance to miss status moves
- Removed 1/256 chance to miss from normal mode
- The chance is still present in Hard mode
- Removed catch requirement to acquire EXP. All
- Buffed efficacy of Rocks/Bait in the Safari Game
- Buffed efficacy of Safari and Ultra Balls
Pokémon, Types, & Moves
- TM04 Whirlwind has been changed to Flamethrower
- TM04 Flamethrower replaces TM02 in the Rocket Hideout
- TM02 Razor Wind has moved to Whirlwind’s old location on Route 4
- Alakazam and Gengar evolve at 42, and not by trade
- Golem and Machamp evolve at 38, and not by trade
- Poliwhirl evolves at 18
- Pikachu has been given extra boosts to extend its viability into late-game
- Now receives 25% stat bonus from badge boosts (instead of the normal 12.5%)
- Can now learn all 5 HMs (yes, this enables the Surf minigame)
- Ghost is now Special, and is super effective against Psychic.
- Bug is no longer super effective against Poison.
- Psywave now works the same for AI as it does for the player (Deals 75%-150% of level)
Battle System Bug Fixes
- Pokémon can skip learning moves when gaining multiple level ups at once
- Focus Energy quarters the critical hit chance instead of quadrupling it when used
- Substitute may leave the user with 0 HP after it’s used
- Dual-type move effectiveness may be misreported
- Fly and Dig do not remove the invulnerable status when prevented from reaching their second stage by Paralysis or Confusion triggering
- Healing moves will fail if max HP is 255 or 511 points higher than current HP
- Haze can prevent a Pokémon from attacking after curing freeze
Note: There might be slight differences between these and actual gameplay, depending on when they were last updated. These are the most detailed Docs on each subject though and are updated quite frequently.
Changelog v1.0.10
Important Note:
- Save your game in a Pokémon Center before updating if using a save from a previous version to avoid potential save corruption.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the Viridian Gym music bug that occurred after speaking to Giovanni post-battle.
- Corrected Trainer Tips description of Guard Spec.
- Fixed a sign in Area 1 of the Safari Zone incorrectly labeled as “Central Area.”
- Addressed issues with HP draining moves and Dream Eater hitting when they shouldn’t.
- Fixed Bide damage not clearing properly in link battles if you are the host.
- Removed outdated comments about screen tearing bugs that were already fixed.
Move and TM Changes:
- Exeggcute and Exeggutor now learn Dream Eater by TM.
- Cubone and Marowak can now learn Swords Dance by TM.
- Nidorina now learns Sludge and Earthquake, aligning closer with Nidoqueen.
- Move Parity Changes with CL:
- Fury Attack: 15 BP to 18 BP
- Dig: 15 PP to 20 PP
- Fury Swipes: 15 PP to 20 PP
- Ice Beam: 10 PP to 15 PP
- Psychic: 10 PP to 15 PP
- Double-Edge: 10 PP to 15 PP
- Egg Bomb: 10 PP to 15 PP
- Sky Attack: 5 PP to 10 PP
- Explosion: 130 BP to 250 BP
- Self-Destruct: 170 BP to 200 BP
Additional Adjustments:
- Made PP-restoring items account for PP Ups used.
- Fixed an issue where all transformed Pokémon were assumed to be Ditto.

Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
Special thanks to those who have contributed to the project:
- Patrick Smith (TheSmithPlays) for his vision and leadership of the project.
- Craig for his technical skills and willingness to wade through the cosmic horrors of Generation 1 assembly
- Weebra for her editing of all Legacy YouTube videos which help detail the project and promote the hack.
- The Discord admin team: Aero, Karlos, Regi, and ZuperZach who help lead the Discord.
- The playtesting team: JanitorOPplznerf, Disq, Isona, Obelisk, Reader Dragon, Rwne, Sable, Talos, Tiberius, and Alakadoof.
- The various other members of the Romhacking community that assisted with this romhack. Please click on Credits from the doc outline to see the full list, their tutorials, and links to their various rom hacks as well. We would also like to thank the PRET Discord community.
Full Credits
- TheSmithPlays – Developer
- cRz Shadows – Devoloper
- Weebra – Video Editor
- Aerogod
- Disq
- Karlos
- ZuperZACH
- Regi
- Isona
- Obelisk
- JanitorOPplznerf
- Sable
- Alakadoof
- ReaderDragon
- Rwne
- Talos
- Tiberius
- SoulXCross
- Mogul
Sprite Artists:
- Backsprites – Anyone is welcome to use any of our backsprites so long as you credit the artists listed here
- ZuperZACH
- Isona
- Karlos
- Reader Dragon
- Alakadoof
- Pokémon Overworld Sprites – Anyone is welcome to use any of our overworld sprites so long as you credit the artists listed here
- Isona
- Alakadoof
- Karlos
- Pokémon Party Sprites
- Chamber
- Soloo993
- Blue Emerald
- Lake
- Neslug
- Tom Wang
- Green Sprite
- Madame Frog/Hatun
- Ghost-MissingNo
- Porygon Front Sprite
- Zeta_Null
- Nurse Joy Battle Sprite
- ZuperZACH
- Officer Jenny Battle Sprite
- Karlos
- Misty overworld sprite
- Isona
Code + Tutorials:
Massive thank you to everyone involved with the Pokeyellow Disassembly!
- Where you can find all Pret Tutorials:
- Talk to Surf water, Cut trees, and Strength boulders
- Item Descriptions (Tutorial written by YakiNeen)
- KEP’s AI is based on Vortyne’s PureRGB AI, with elements from Jojobear13’s Shinred AI
- Already Caught Icon
- Move Relearner & Move Deleter
- Safari zone rock buff
- DV / Stat Exp display in stat menu
- Overworld Strength
- Faster Spinners
- Shorter Exp All Message
- Player animation is faster when running
- Pokémon can now learn more than 1 move per level
- TM names display on pick up
- Remove Redundant TrainerNamePointers
- Remove Redundant Card Key Function
- Remove Some Japanese Text Grammar Functions
- Remove Unused Tile in gfx overworld fishing_rod.png
- Remove Dakutens and Handakutens feature
- Remove Japanese Opening Quote and put BOLD P in gfx font font_battle_extra.png
- Remove Blank Leader Names
- Out of Bounds don’t Crash the Game
- Fix No Mon Scenarios Softlock
- Collision check when Jumping a Ledge
- Running Shoes (This required some extra work for yellow if you want to implement)
- Remove Artificial Save Delay
– Add All Unique Party Menu Sprite Icons
– Move overworld tile anim code out of home bank
– (presumably more people worked on these but SatoMew is the only page author) – Bugs and Glitches
People that generally helped out with advice or otherwise – Idain, Nayru62, JaaShooUhh, and Fortello with his document linked below which gave a ton of detailed info for the playtesters to get in the gen 1 mindset.
The Potential Yellow Legacy – Google Docs
Massive thank you to these hacks:
Admin you should make legacy its own series thing
For some reason, Pokemon Yellow Legacy won’t boot or run anymore after updating to version v1.0.10, just a white screen, v1.0.9 of Yellow Legacy and Pokemon Crystal Legacy v1.3.1 work fine though.
I have tried running it on my PSP (RIN Emulator) and 3DS (GameYob Emulator), and it won’t boot—just a white screen. I have not tried playing them natively yet, like on hardware or GBa Firm (3DS backward compatibility), but from what I have seen from the comments, it does not work in native hardware so basically it might not work there as well. I just hope they quickly fix this issue and patch it up real quickly.
Change pokémons graphics to second gen, please!
Apparently this does not work on original hardware. Locks up and never loads.
Yup the previous version works but 1.0.10 won’t work. Really annoying me it hasn’t been fixed!
Please update this to the newest version, the 1.0.10 is available.
Add the 1.0.10 version
Patch 1.0.10 just dropped yesterday!
Please update this to 1.0.10 versión.
how do i get the new version? even the links provided are still 1.0.9
i get an error saying it cannot initialize the sound driver. Anyone have a fix?
Yo, emerald legacy dropped
i hate that bite is a ”normal” move 🙁
Is there a way to edit the starter in this rom? UPR isn’t working for me (gives me an error). I just want a Farfetch’d lol <3 <3 <3
Hey Admin, Pokemon Recharged Emerald got an update on May 19. I’m gonna comment this under that game’s link too but this is the most recent article on website and wanted to let you know
Nvm I see that you never made a post about that game lol, I see you do have recharged yellow its from the same creator
The latest version still doesn’t work! Please fix!
Better learn sets and moves would be so much appreciated.
Where is Horsea? Pokedex says area unknown. Is it a trade?
What’s new on this update??
Is this like crystal legacy where I have to have a normal crystal rom
1.0.9 update was dropped!
Hey Admin. Pokemon GS chronicles got a new update. Thanks
Canr seem to play this. Tried 3 android emulators all say bad file
Please add the update to Pokémon Orange GBC as it fixes the form bug, and several others.
will do
Can you upload pokemon kosmo please
Ancient Ruby & Sapphire appear to be missing from site.
Upload Pokémon Crystal Shards Cartridge Version Fire Red hack for GBA please
will do
This rom deletes its save file alot
Patch 1.0.3 came out recently, which fixed a lot of bugs and glitches.
The first patch is out
Hey admin please add righteous red version
will do