Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Modern Emerald GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: resetes12
- Version: 2.3.1
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: August 2, 2024
Pokemon Modern Emerald is a GBA Rom Hack by resetes12 based on Pokemon Emerald in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on August 2, 2024.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Rocket Red Verse
Simply put, “Pokémon Modern Emerald” is a modernized edition of the original “Pokémon Emerald” game. This game includes all of the QOL features and improvements that I’ve been looking for since I first played the original game in 2005. Consider this a 2.0 update for the original game. This game is not and will never be a “difficulty hack-rom”. If you want a super difficult version of Pokémon Emerald, there are plenty of good hack-roms available. The idea behind this game is to play it instead of the original “Pokémon Emerald”, especially for those who want a vanilla experience with more features: simple difficulty modes, move splits, QOL features, new Pokémon, new areas, new rematches, and a large, etc.
This hack is a “3rd generation hack,” which means that it does not attempt to mimic later generations. While some features and improvements from later generations are included, this hack is fundamentally a 3rd generation game. Don’t expect to be able to catch all 900 different Pokémon or learn all of the new moves from later generations. This hack does not include the “Battle Engine Upgrade” or anything similar, but it does include some of its mechanics (such as the optional Physical / Special split that occurred in Generation IV or the Fairy Type). There are 423 Pokémon, with two from Generation 8 and three from Generation 9.
In addition, the game is incredibly modular. When you start a new game, a menu that contains dozens of options to customize your experience will appear. This includes:
- Gamemode: Select a preset to have a closer experience to the original Emerald, or a more up-to-date experience.
- Features: Select a ton of new features that will enhance the game. Includes a Fake-RTC for those with flashcards/emulators without RTC.
- Randomizer: Randomize every aspect of the game, from inside the game.
- Nuzlocke: Create your Nuzlocke rules!
- Difficulty: Customize the difficulty of the game with pretty simple options. Hard, or easy? Your choice.
- Challenges: Select some challenges to test yourself.
The code is available on Github, and you can report bugs either there or in this thread. The game is compatible with any good emulator (tested on: mGBA on PC / Switch) as well as real hardware (tested on: EZ Flash Omega (BUT YOU MUST SELECT FLASH TYPE 128KB MANUALLY), Everdrive Mini).
This is my “dream emerald” version but now even better!
Some emulators, such as OpenEMU, MyBoy, and VBA, may cause crashes due to their age or lack of features compared to better options.
Selectable options (at the start of the game):
- Choose between a “Classic” or “Modern” preset, or customize it to your liking.
- Modern Spawns: You can now capture the 423 new Pokémon available. Only changes wild Pokémon, not trainers. Modern Spawns have also a Night encounter version for each route, making certain Pokémon night exclusive.
- Modern Typings: Some Pokémon have their types changed to buff them.
- Fairy Type: Adds Fairy Type to Pokémon that had it added in Generation 6.
- Better Stats: Some Pokémon have their stats changed to buff them.
- Extra Legendaries: Adds new legendaries that weren’t available in vanilla Emerald.
- Legendary abilities: Buffs some legendaries giving them a better ability than “Pressure”.
- Modern Movepool: Adds 15 new moves, and modifies all Pokémon movepool to add them.
- Nature mints: Adds nature mints to the game, available after the 4th gym.
- Synchronize: Choose if this ability works like in modern games or like in Gen 3.
- Sturdy: Choose if this ability works like in modern games or like in Gen 3.
- Reusable TMs: Choose between a faithful usage of TMs or a simplistic option that makes TMs infinite. All TMs can be bought in the Battlefrontier PokéMart only if you have Reusable TMs off, and makes Move Tutors one time only just like in the original (Move tutors are infinite if you enable Reusable TMs).
- Citrus berry: Choose if it works like Gen 3 or like Gen 4+.
- Survive Poison: If enabled, your Pokémon will survive poison damage with 1hp when outside of battle.
- RTC Type: Choose between using a real clock, or using a fake clock. Fake clock rate is 1h irl, 1 day ingame.
- Shiny Chance: 8192 (Emerald default) – 4096 (Gen VI+) – 2048 – 1024 – 512.
- Item Drops: Items held by wild Pokémon, when defeated, will be dropped and obtained by the player. Forget about catching it or using Thief!
- Pokémon Faint: Your Pokémon will stay in the FAINTED status, meaning that you can’t use them again. CAREFUL as it could end your adventure if you lose all your Pokémon (Previously known as Perma Faint).
- Uncaped wondertrade. No 3-daily limit.
- Easier Feebas: If enabled, Feebas have a 5% chance to appear around all Route 119.
Randomizer: - Includes every option that any randomizer can have, and it’s completely modular.
Nuzlocke: - Any option that any Nuzlocker would want to use.
Difficulty: - Lock difficulty: locks the current select option that was selected during Birch’s Speech and can’t be changed ingame. Hard sets “Battle Style” to “Set” always. Beating the game disables the lock.
- Number of Party Members limit: From 1 to 5
- Level caps
- Exp. Multipliers
- Player items
- Trainer items
- Player IVs: Sets all IVs from wild Pokémon to 31, or if you choose “No (HP) , between 30 and 31 to allow for different Hidden Powers.
- Trainer IVs: If hard is selected together with “Player IVs”, you’ll completely remove IVs from the game.
- Player EVs
- Trainer EVs
Challenges: - Play without Pokémon Centers
- PC doesn’t heal
- Evolution limits
- One type only challenges
- Stat equalizers
- Mirror Mode
- Mirror Mode Thief
Story related:
- Gym rematches are easier to trigger. After 10 wild battles won, or 5 trainer battles won, there is a 50% chance of getting a rematch.
- The Elite Four can be rematched after battling with Steven, and they are double battles.
- After completing the Elite Four Rematch, a rematch with Steven will be available. You will get a unique, special prize.
- The Sealed Chambers puzzles have changed slightly. Learn braille and find out what changed!
- Also, there are 6 Regis. Try to discover where are the new 3!
- All the trainer rematches scale up a lot more than in the original game, and their parties have been changed.
- All the trainers in the Battle Frontier have new Pokémon in their teams and have been buffed or modified.
- All the gym leaders, Elite Four, the 2 champions, Wally, Magma / Aqua leaders, and Red and Leaf will appear during the Battle Frontier challenges.
Pokémon related:
- Following Pokémon (Optional, with a second option to enable or not Big Followers like Rayquaza).
- 40 new Pokémon species, mostly from Gen. IV and 3 from Gen 9 (Annihilape, Dudunsparce, Farigiraf).
- 1 new box space since 2.0, for a total of 450 Pokémon box space.
- Night encounters. Certain species will have a higher rate during night and others will only be available during night (the latter only with Modern Spawns).
- All the buffs from later generations are in (Optional).
- Extra buffs for other Pokémon are in. Includes stats, abilities and/or typings. (Ex. Arbok is now POISON / DARK and Meganium is now GRASS / FAIRY). You can have a look at them in my personal document, on the “3. Pokémon changes” tab. (Optional)
- All the move buffs AND nerfs from later generations are in, with small changes to make them work in a 3rd gen game (Optional).
- All Egg moves and tutor moves have been improved with data from later generations.
- New evolution methods.
- Pokémon inherit 5 IV’s from their parents, no item is needed.
- Everstone works on male or female Pokémon and guarantees nature.
- Gen. VIII Synchronize (Optional).
- Kanto fossils are available in different caves.
- Shuckle can make berry juice just like in Gen. II!! Yay?
- Nature Mints are available to buy in the Flower Shop after the 4th Gym (Optional).
- Deoxys forms can be changed.
- Custom Shiny forms for some Pokémon.
Battle related:
- Modern Battle Frontier, Battle Tents and Trainer Hill. Your Pokémon will be limited to level 50 when playing in those battle facilities, even if your level is 100.
- 15 new moves from Gen IV to buff typings that didn’t have a certain Physical / Special move. (Ex. Dark Pulse, as Dark type didn’t have a Special Dark type move). (Optional).
- Fairy type introduced (Optional)
- 3 New abilities for Regidrago, Regieleki and Arceus.
- Gen. VI EXP. SHARE and Gen III EXP. SHARE in the same game. “EXP. SHARE S” can be obtained at the Slateport Mart after obtaining the “EXP. SHARE” at Devon Corp.
- HM01 Cut is now Grass type, NightShade does 50 static damage, Hidden power is now 60 always, and shows the type in the summary screen and in battle, Charge now ups Sp. Def., and more move move buffs.
- EV Training is available in Lilycove.
- IV Maximizer is available in Lylicove, after beating the game. Needs a lvl.100 Pokémon.
- A nurse NPC is available after beating the game to farm EXP in Lilycove.
- New battle backgrounds, completely optional, in the options menu.
- Faster battle intros. Enable “Fast Intros” option in the options menu.
- Faster-paced battles. Enable “Fast Battles” option in the options menu.
- 3 beeps when low-health, then it stops.
- Press START while selecting a move to open a new Submenu with information about the selected move.
- Trainer class-based Pokéballs.
- Catching EXP.
- Macho Brace multiplies EV gain * 5.
- Gen. IV Sitrus Berry (Optional).
UI related:
- New Pokédex! You can now see important information on the new “Stats” page. It’s very, VERY useful and it’s like having the game documentation in-game.
- The Pokédex can now be scrolled faster: if you hold left or right, it will advance like before but without the need to keep pressing left and right.
- The Pokédex can now be scrolled faster than faster! If you hold left or right AND you hold the R button it will scroll even faster than explained above!
- Faster trainer transitions ported from Fire Red.
- Hold L+R, then A when entering a Wild Battle to instantly run (Optional).
- You can now register 2 key items: Pressing (as usual) and holding SELECT!
- Swap Pokémon by pressing SELECT.
- Colored Stats (red = good, blue = bad).
- Pressing L in the stats section of a Pokémon will bring the EVs, pressing R will bring the IVs, and pressing START will bring the default stats.
- HM moves don’t need to be taught anymore. If you have a Pokémon that can use a certain HM, if you have the correct HM in the bag, and if you have the required badge, you will be able to perform an HM move.
- (Nuzlocke only) HMs do not impede advancing in the game. Pokémon that usually don’t learn certain HMs will now do in order to not halt your progress.
- HM moves can be deleted since they are not that important anymore.
- TMs had their price changed, especially if you are not using Infinite TMs.
- The bag now holds up to 90 items and item capacity has been upgraded to x999.
- When the bag is full, items go to the PC.
- You can change the ball your Pokémon is in using a different ball from the bag.
- Reusable repel prompt.
- The time on the clock can be changed (Although it halts berry tree growth, be mindful of it! Fix it by using Growth Mulch.)
- Three pages with additional options in the options menu.
- Debug menu can be enabled by everybody so you can cheat or modify whatever you want. Refer to the Faq to learn how.
Gameplay related:
- Wonder-trade is available on the second floor of the Pokémon Center after the fifth badge (unless you’re using a randomizer, which makes it available right away, or a challenge, which enables WT after beating the game). Can be uncapped now.
- 3 difficulty modes (EASY, NORMAL, and HARD). Selected at the start of the game, can be changed anytime from the options menu.
Mode Details
EASY mode: Makes the game quite a lot easier by scaling levels down, and obtaining more EXP (+20%).
- Trainer Pokémon and Wild Pokémon scale down to 10 levels compared to the original game. More badges, less level.
- There are no restrictions on the Battle Frontier.
NORMAL mode: Vanilla.
- No changes, except rematches and small things (also on EASY mode).
HARD mode: Makes the game a bit more difficult by scaling levels up, and obtaining less EXP (-40%). This mode does not intend to be a “super difficult difficulty”. It only tries to be a bit more difficult than vanilla.
- Trainer Pokémon and Wild Pokémon scale up to 10 levels compared to the original game. More badges, more level.
- Certain ace Pokémon have had their abilities or items changed to make everything a bit more difficult. This mode does not change anything else in trainer parties, or their strategies.
- SET MODE is automatically selected and can’t be disabled if you lock the difficulty.
- There are more restrictions on the Battle Frontier.
- The GEN VI Exp. Share will give less Exp. to the battling Pokémon.
- Legendaries will have higher stats WHILE battling, to make it more challenging.
- (OPTIONAL but recommended) Use in combination with scaling IV/EV trainers, or any of the other options available at the start of the game. You can also lock your difficulty to not cheat!
- Optional but recommended PHYSICAL/SPECIAL MOVE split from Gen. IV. Selected in the options menu, second page.
- Day / Night System with Day / Night encounters. Now Daytime is from 6 AM to 8 PM. Night-time is from 8 PM to 6 AM. For (2 new) evolutions, the Morning is from 6 AM to 9 AM. There’s also cool lighting at night!
- Run everywhere.
- Autorun (in the options menu).
- HM moves text and interaction is way faster.
- Link with Fire Red / Leaf Green available from the start.
- One-time tutors are infinite, but you have to pay now (only if Infinite TMs is on).
- Trainer HIll prizes are the berries that were not available in the GBA games.
- Match and Acro Bike are now one. Change between them by pressing “R”.
- Chain fishing has been added.
- Easier fishing has been added to the options menu (FR/LG fishing).
- All tickets are available to buy, together with its events.
- Faster nurse Joy healing, and now with an even faster version in options.
- A new item, the Big Nugget! Can be sold for a very high price. Available from Clamperl, or Rich trainers (rematch only).
- You can check the Soot Sack to know how much ash you have.
- Interacting with berry trees is faster, berry trees that are in rainy routes don’t need to be watered, and berry trees don’t decay.
- Higher berry yield (6 max, 4 min).
- A new “Growth Mulch” item which makes berries instantly grow.
- New Self-trader to force trade evolutions (trading with another game still works).
- PokéMarts items change with every badge.
- AI improvements.
- Amulet coin works always, doesn’t matter who has it.
Map related:
- Altering cave is now an Unown cave.
- A few new maps to introduce the new Regis and the legendary events.
- Mirage Island can be forced with a certain Pokémon in the party, apart from its unusual rate.
Changelog v2.3.1
- Kingler is now Water/Steel with modern typings.
- Snubull and Granbull are now Fairy/Normal with modern typings.
- Hidden Power is now “??? Type” because why not.
- Added new moves and egg moves to some Pokémon.
- Fixed some moves being unreachable if the Pokémon had more than 20 moves.
- Pikachu can learn Play Rough just like Pichu and Raichu.
- Fixed Meganium’s BST (540 -> 535).
- Fixed Steven’s movement in Sootopolis.
- Fixed Mewtwo’s island collision.
- Fixed Castform OW palette.
- Fixed Hidden Power type display in double battles.
- Fixed Suicune’s cry at the entrance of Shoal Cave.
Known Bugs
PLEASE DON’T REPORT BUGS IF YOU ARE NOT USING MGBA EMULATOR OR REAL HARDWARE. Decompilation hack-roms may crash or have strange bugs if you are using other emulators. To report a bug first use mGBA or real hardware, then DM the author or comment on their PokeCommunity Thread.
- None as of now

Does anyone know other romhacks that have debug menu like this? I only know this and pokemon quetzal
pokemon emerald cross has it too if i remember correctly. pokemon bismuth has it too but it’s only available in the current demo version.
ahh thank youu
Can you use cheats?
Version 2.3 is out, can you pls update?
will do
Thanks for the update. There’s a new 2.3.1 version , the creator is so fast updating this
could you update this to 2.3 please?
Admin, my screen become white for the latest v2.2, but i tried 1.5, is no problem. help!
I play this on MyBoy for an android phone and it wont load the previous version worked without any issues. I downloafed the prepatched version and its just a white screen. Is there a setting i need to adjust? Or do i need to patch the rom .ips file to a blank copy of emerald? Any help is appreciated
MyBoy is no good, use mGBA if you want to play romhacks with no issues.
Same here
could you update this to 2.2 please?
updated it
could you update this to 2.2 please?
updated it
thank youu 👍
could you update this to 2.1 please?
Could you please update it to v2.0
Thank you!
Can we talk about how Items going to the PC when you bag is full is the best QOL feature like, ever?
Amazing! I’ve been waiting for a modern version of Pokemon Emerald for so long. The original game was so much fun and I’m excited to see what changes and improvements have been made. Can’t wait to download and start playing! 🐠💥
New update is out version 1.5
My game has a bug in the cave that will wake up the registers… what do I do?
Pokemon Odyssey Beta v2.5 was just released with a ton of stuff added. Please add it when possible!
I’ve been playing this for a couple months. It has revitalized Emerald for me! The ability to customize spawns to be randomly from multiple generations has changed the whole game! You can now immediately develop a unique party from the get go!
You can even have all trainers have randomized teams, meaning you have no idea what’s coming next!
I have one single issue, Flash Cannon immediately crashes the game for me. I’ve worked around this by paralyzing or hypnotizing any Pokemon I know will use it. It’s a workable bug.
I absolutely love the customability allowed to players. This rom breathes new life into Emerald! I enjoy the Nuzlock mode, too. No more disciplining yourself to have one Pokemon per route, the game straight up forces you to if you choose that mode! It makes it feel more “real”.
Oh, and being able to see your Pokemons IVs and EVs is also quite incredible. Major props for adding that. I’m still discovering how cool this rom is.
Could you upload 1.4.1? Thanks for your work!
Is there cheat codes for this?
Did you find any?
Helppp the game is crashed
Is Rayquaza shiny locked?
1.4 out
I had already uploaded v1.4, I just forgot to changed the text on the post.
I’m doing a Pokémon Dragon Typelocke with the options gave. I have the shiny clause active and bumped into a Shiny Machop but I wasn’t allowed to to catch it basically making the Shiny Clause useless unless I missed something when I started the challenge.
How to Evo the magneton bruh
Use youtube for guides or use this site.
”IV Maximizer available in Lylicove, after beating the game. Needs a lvl.100 Pokémon.” why? why do people insist on doing this kind of content only after x gym badges or beating elite 4? this is even worse because it requires lvl 100. bro just do it like Radical Red with high difficulty but with early smooth grind… :/
Please update to 1.3.4
My bad, please ignore.
anyone know where to find a dawn stone?
It’s been already updated to
updated it
SKR your the best
There is a way that i can get all the starters, i want to complete the pokedex of the hackrom
This is literally exactly what I’ve been looking for! Thanks so much for making this. You are awesome!
Whenever I make it though the cave to get to cerulean city, I have to battle the nerd were the fossils are at I beat both of his Pokémon but he sends out a third one were I can’t see it. Is anyone else having issues with that?
Como eu faço para evoluir a roselia
Como eu Baixo? Tô tentando a um tempo mas a ROM n entra…
Can you please add Pokémon Emerald Techno?
added it
How Do I Evolve Magneton Into Magnezone?
Give it a thunder stone to hold and level it up in the day or night
So regarding the pokemon ball swapping can you catch a pokemon in a masterball then change their PokeBall for a different one thus having an infinite master ball?
Can you guys please update Pokémon Inclement Emerald its been years since the last update and can you guys make a toxic patch for the new update as well. Please update the game as soon as possible 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I’m not the author, Jaimie. We can only get an update when the author releases it. I’ll check and let you know if they’re working on it or not.
Where to get a Primate? Is there doccumentary