Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Dark Worship GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: André Freitas
- Version: v3.0 Portuguese / v2.8 English
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: March 18, 2023
- Language: Portuguese/English
Pokemon Dark Worship is a GBA ROM Hack by André Freitas based on Pokemon Fire Red in English & Portuguese. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on March 18, 2023.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Girls Hunter
A Fire Red Hack with a New Region, New Story, Mega Evolution, Z Moves, Dynamax/Gigantamax, YouTubers as NPCs & Much More!
- Dark Worship is a hack with its own story that takes place in the Seafood Region.
- An Evil Sect invades the region to try to capture the Holy Pokémon.
- Do they intend to do any harm to the Pokémon world?
- Our protagonist will go on a journey to win the title of champion of the Seafood Region.
- On your adventure, you will meet familiar characters from other games, make friends, and battle against the terrible Sect of Evil.
- New Region
- New Story
- 24 Starters
- Mega Evolution
- Z Moves
- Dynamax/Gigantamax
- YouTubers as NPCs
- DexNav
- Exp. Share
- Several Side Quests that will give you important items
- NDS-style graphics
- Items that replace HMs (Crazy Axe, Crazy Mass, Crazy Climber e Crazy Hammer)
- Possibility to choose the starter Treecko with Physical or Special Split
- Pokemon up to Hisui
- Puzzles during the journey and inside the gyms
- All TMs available
- Poke Center with item shop and NPC with some options. (Name Rater, Move Relearn, Move deleter e Move Tutor)
- You can choose the difficulty level at the start.(Easy, Normal, Hard & Expert)
- NPCs with reference to real people
- & Much More!
- Arceus event added
- Zygarde event added
- Shock Drive item added
- Meadow Plate added
- Pixie Plate added
- Dreadplate added
- Earth Plate added
- Phantom Pokémon added in the first routes (Night)
- Water Pokémon added in the first routes (Night)
Difficulty adjusted
Some skills banned from Expert Mode:- Desolate Land, Primordial Sea, Snow Warning, Sandstram,
Sandspit, Speed Boost, Contrary, Defiant, Competitive,
Magic Bounce, Psychic Surge, Misty Surge, Electric Surge
Grassy Surge, Moxie, Soul Heart, Beast Boost, Imposter
Storm Drain, Motor Drive, Triage, Trace, Stamina.
- Desolate Land, Primordial Sea, Snow Warning, Sandstram,
- Beta Tower rewards can now be chosen.
- Genesect event added
- New encounters added on Route 19 (Night)
- Izac’s Luris Cave event rewritten!
- Safari Zone added
- TM74 (Gyro Ball) added
- TM95 (Struggle Bug) added
- Groundium Z added
- Mesprit event added
- Uxie event added
- Skull Fossil added
- Buginium Z added
- Missing Pokémon added to Safari Zone
- Added Fossil Armor
- Poisonium Z added
- Phione event added
- Psychium Z added
- Tapu Fini event added
- Tapu koko event added
- Volcanion added to Mystery Gift
- Meloetta added to Mystery Gift
- Zarude event added
- Calyrex event added
- Glastrier event added
- Spectrier event added
- Modified Beta Tower battles
- Jirachi event added
- Fossil Helix added
- Keldeo added to Mystery Gift
- Eternatus event added
- New Pokémon added to Graveyard (Day and Night)
- Victini added to Mystery Gift
- Sufokia Town and Shell Town now have Flying Position.
- Beta Tower overhauled.
- Modified League teams.
- Mew event added.
- Mewnium Z added.
- Mind Plate added.
- Rock Plate added.
- Splash Plate added.
- HM07 (Waterfall) added.
- Zacian added.
- Zamazenta added.
- Desert Flower is now stored in Pocket Items.
- Sky Plate added.
- Sylvally’s Memory Store was added.
- Fixed Power Lens price.
- Cresselia added to Mystery Gift.
- Fix the Limia City Sect event.
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Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
André Freitas
This game looks fascinating! I can’t believe I hadn’t heard about Pokémon Dark Worship before. Can’t wait to try it out and see how it differs from the main series. Thanks for sharing the download link!
Why is the screen black when I open my bag?
cant even use items without the game crashing. this is unplayable.
please fix the level chaos on this game. You’re fighting level 50+ trainers while the wild Pokemon I on their level 20s. And a cave filled with level 1 zubats LOL. At least add a location where we can refight trainers to get experience. like in Pokemon unbound and blazed glazed
this game is trying sooo hard to be like Pokemon Unbound
Pokemon unbound was copied by by this game not Pokemon dark worship is copied by Pokemon unbound
F##k why cant you teach us how to get past this munchlax that thing is a manic to games
What do they Munchlax and Snorlax love the most? HONEY lol. Try to talk to more people and you might be able to find them lol.
bro the English version has a shit ton of bugs, for some weird reason i can’t progress past the 2nd town because both npcs are blocking the road and doing anything else won’t make them leave it
tienes que darle la miel al pokemon para que se quite del camino, la miel te la da un npc mujer en la ruta anterior a la ciudad
Game tolol bet masa kita lawan gym tapi kuatan gym dari pada kitanya dah mana trainernya sedikit mana ada bisa granding
Game tolol bet masa kita lawan gym tapi kuatan gym dari pada kitanya dah mana trainernya sedikit mana ada bisa granding males orang mainya
everytime i try to download English version it says file not supported the fuck is this
Is there any changes in evolution of vaspequin and salazzle? Female pre-evolusions are not showing up entirely in the game. Please help
is there a different way to evolve feebas in this, I need help
if anyone can link documents to this game its be helpful
This on set mode
guys how to get alola pokemon
love the game so far, but there is quite a bit that isn’t translated into English. Like the signs, asking what your Pokemon will do during battle, and some other things. When I got the lucky egg at the beginning of the game, it was all in Portuguese.
The Pompano Gym gets glitches when playing Easy. I can’t finish it
Does anyone know how to evolve basculin
Game crashes when I use my bag
me too. pls help
Everytime i defeat a pokemon i am gaining only 1 exp!wtf!!!!
Bro, try using mGBA emulator. Same thing happened to me now it is working. I think you used VisualBoyAdvance emulator
Game keeps crashing every time I open the bag to use an item, is there a fix for this. It seems dope n I really wanna play it 🙁
Same I really want to play this game it’s great.
Change your emulator
Fuck the creator of this game, the fuck is wrong with the first gym? That gyga shit something is too powerful that you lose all of your pokemon team before you can even defeat the scraggy pokemon of the gym leader. I’m telling you, don’t waste your time with this stupid rom hack.
Any rare candy cheats that work??
Yeah. Game shark codes work on the “my boy!” Emulator. The rare candies will be found in your PC after inputting the code
Why don’t have pokeball in shop
How do i turn off turbo mode? My game started with turbo mode on and theres no audio.
Game crashes anytime you use the bag. Any recommendations? Really want to play this.
How does trade evolution work in ROM
Where i can get an electrike???
I’ve really been enjoying the English version of this game, I just got the 7th badge and now I’m on otomi island to fight the evil team however once I go down a level the npcs disappear and even if I correctly enter the code to unlock the door and I get text and the screen shakes, there are no npcs on that level and now I can’t continue bc once I leave the temple I can’t get back in and the hiker won’t let me pass back in the city.
Hello Guys, the game is really good and promising, i have reached the second gym and its really interesting, however the english version is lagging alot ,also i cannot find any pokeballs or any kind of ball to buy in any of the markets !!! Please do update the english version to be in sync with the Portuguese version. Best of luck.
I got stuck aswell
the game crash when i use the bag someone can help me?
game crashes when i try to walk in to hero grave yard thing and in the ruins there surposs to be evil team members that you have to fight but not only their not here i can’t get into the door since they close the door i’m using this website called retro games to play a non english version of it good game but can’t make it through
If you want the game to be better then you should add the rare Candies code in the game and let the Pokémon relearn their moves 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I’ve just started this ROM and are stil in the starting area where you get you pokemone from Yami, but i cant use any items, without the game crashing (so far i got the lucky egg and TM Case) have i done something wrong with the install? Using the Nostalgia.GBA Lite on android Phone.
Tried using another Emulator, seems to have fixed problem for now
There’s a big with the exp.share
If you use it on one of your Pokemon, it’s ruins the exp gain and fix it to 1p per battle….
Removing it won’t fix the problem either.
The game seems great, but the bugs ruins the experience.
Does anyone know if starters are shiny locked in this rom?
It’s a nice ROM hack I download all ROM hacks from this site only best site ever
Cheats not working? Anyone?
Are there cheats
Is there no post gameplay for english version?It all went black after beating champion.
Why is that Ican’t get the crazy mace to smash the rocks on the pompano city…the hiker guy won’t give it to me..
Hola buenas a todos , en el Pokémon dark worship tengo un bug que no me deja acceder al cementerio de los héroes , me han dicho que actualice el juego, pero ya tengo la versión mas reciente, que es la 2.8 , alguien me puede ayudar??
Im playing on an rg35xx and my game freezes when I open the bag in a battle (blackscreen) tried with both cores none seem to work, anyone else having the same problems?
I have this issue to. Anyone have a fix for it? I’m playing the most recent English translation version if that helps. Thank you
After I beat the 8th gym it’s no longer in English
i got a bug at the first puzzle in the cave,i opened the door and now it s blocked and i can t do the puzzle again because it s bugged,what should i do?
Does this game have Physical Special split ?
does pokemon evolved via trade like magmar and electabuzz can be evolve?
Is there a way to change natures, IVs or DVs?
i played for a while in the english version and got to Otomai island, after i went into the temple where you are supposed to fight the guy with zygarde, xerneas, I only see the first 2 members of the cult that you fight and when i go to another room they all disappear couldnt find them in other rooms too. Not sure what I should do…
Same problem with me bro
When do you get mystery gift? in the changelog it says about it but it’s not in the menu anywhere.
You need to head over to “beta island”, there you’ll find a blue building. Talk to the lady on the leftmost booth and enter the codes to get the mystery gifts.
Below are the mystery gift codes that I know of:
LostLight (Cosmog)
GSCRaikou (Raikou)
GSCEntei (Entei)
GSCSuicune (Suicune)
PsyWings (Galarian Articuno)
DarkWings (Galarian Moltres)
FightWings (Galarian Zapdos)
GSCLugia (Lugia)
GSCHoOh (Ho-Oh)
LoveMachine (Magearna)
AceKombat (Marshadow)
PsyDimention (Celebi)
WeedGarden (Shaymin)
GodCreation (Arceus)
UnboundHope (Hoopa)
SadnessRuin (Floette)
IceWings (Articuno)
FireWings (Moltres)
ElecWings (Zapdos)
There is a english version now btw can u add that?
I’m hold my breath that one comes out. Game looks very promising 👌
Is the shiny rate increased because it says many more
I cant get through to the “Hero cemetery” area. My game crashes when i try to walk to it everytime. Im using Delta emulator on IOS. Does anyone know a fix for this?
some of these are clearly in English, and not in a different language. I have seen stuff in other languages and it doesn’t say press start but something like pulsa entre and who has a game with major parts of it in 2 languages?
Is there any good translator app so I can play this knowing what they are saying? If not thats ok I’ll just play it anyway.
Aww man i thought it’s gonna be english, well for those who know Portuguese, happy playing!
Brazilians don’t complain when the Rom hack is in English they play it anyway, why can’t you guys do the same?
Hey, you know how to get to starboard city? Police is blocking the cave entrance
Hello the English version has a bug where everyone in the ruins after the 7th gym disappears making progress past that point impossible.Someone needs to find the creator or patcher to fix this.
Didn’t mean to replay to the above person my bad
UPDATE: While the games story in that area becomes lost you CAN continue the story!After entering the password “Condemnatus” enter the room,pick up the item then leg it outside then you go back to Pompeino City and get the Crazy Mace.Head north then west to the graveyard and your rival should be waiting there thus the story starts again!
Bug when playing english version and opening the bag in battle
Or you know, learn how to read? It literally won’t take you 5 seconds to check what language the ROM hack is. The information’s right there at the top, see? Stop being entitled. And if you can’t, then go make your own site and upload your hacks there.
No English version? Please don’t upload here if there is no English game. Too bad for us
Stop crying because you are only monolingual. Also it is stated that it is not in english so just move on.
1. I can’t just filter out languages which I don’t use
2. You can literally have a separate website for their language and AIMED AT THEIR DEMOGRAPHIC. This site is in english and it is expected that is the language of romhacks posted here.
3. If you can’t have separate website at least have a tag/category so you can filter your results.
tl;dr no u. You stop crying that people are monolingual. It is their default state you mongrol.
L. America isn’t the only place in the world. Grow up. If it isn’t in English quit crying, learn a new language or play a different game. That simple.
Stop Posting ROM hacks not in English no one that lives in the USA can play it.
Sorry Jeffrey but not everyone who uses this website is from the USA.
Agree with your decision. As long as you clarify at the start that it’s not in english, I don’t see why you wouldn’t upload stuff like these.
hahahhahha well deserved Ajeffery
Are there cheats
Lots of cheat code from unbound work in this rom hack
English version is available please can u give me the link?
I’ve trying to find a download link for the English for hours and I can’t seem to find it. A couple of people have posted videos about the english version but no one has provided a download link. I’ll post the link for the English version as soon as I find it.
Have no time to check if this is the legit complete english version but maybe you can try it out:
SKR thanks for all the hard work you do in uploading these rom hacks i for one i appreciate your efforts. Just a shame some people don’t see that and post negative comments. Always have my support keep up the good work and have a great day.
How will I evolve kufbu to urshifu?
How do you open the door again on otomai island. I walked out now it’s closed…
The Portuguese version has an update since April 4th, v3.8. hopefully someone could stay on top of the updates and share them when possible.
My game crashed when i try to give my froakie an item is there any way i can fix this?
Looks promising, it’s a shame its not english
Its in english now
I hate that they change that glitch for money 3 quarters in the English version
I wish version 3 would get english update
Is this the link of English ver. 3.0?
the english version is v2.8
Oh okay.
Say when is ver 3.0 gonna be uploaded?