Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Blaze Black 2 Redux NDS ROM
- Creator: AphexCubed & Drayano
- Version: Completed v1.4.1
- Hack of: Black 2
- Updated: June 24, 2023
Pokemon Blaze Black 2 Redux is an NDS ROM Hack by AphexCubed & Dryano based on Pokemon Black 2. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on June 24, 2023.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Volt White 2 Redux
This REDUX Project Is An More Enhanced Edition Of Original Blaze Black 2!
Features Introduced in the Redux Version
- Maximum Evolution Methods Changed!
- More Good Variety Of Gift Pokemon.
- Used Drayno’s Engine & New Important NPCs.
- 3 Game Modes: Easy, Challenge, Black City!
- Every Legendary & Mythical Can Be Captured.
- Redux Documentation Added In The Game File!
- Item Locations Changes & Updated Pokemon Moves.
- Changes For Type Combo, Trainers, Trade & Wild Area!
Features from the Original Blaze Black 2
- The wild Pokémon have been edited in each and every area of the game. Most areas now contain at least 8 Pokémon species, and in most cases, more! You’ll be able to attain a complete PokéDex within the limits of the game itself, and the majority of Pokémon are available no later than the seventh badge, meaning you can form basically any team you want! There are a couple of legendaries that you can’t get until after the Elite Four, but aside from that…
- The rosters of almost all of the trainers in the game have been edited. The exception to this at present is the Dome trainers, as they aren’t really necessary and there’s no proper trainer editing tool available for B2W2 yet. This has also raised the level curve of the game, meaning you can expect to beat the first round of the Elite Four somewhere in the 70s level-wise. Most notably Gym Leaders, your rival, and the Elite Four have all been made significantly tougher. Gym Leaders will also have differing Pokémon amounts depending on the mode you play; Normal Mode will have them with anywhere from 3 to 5 Pokémon, whereas Challenge Mode will pit you against a full team of six. The Elite Four and Champion also hold some surprises in Challenge Mode…
- There’s been a large number of edits to Pokémon. These can include the level-up moves they learn, the abilities they get, their compatibility with Move Tutors and TMs, and even their base stats. There’s a document included that will tell you all you need to know. This also makes Dream World abilities significantly easier to obtain. However, if this particular point doesn’t appeal to you, the Vanilla version of the hack cuts it out.
- Some attacks have also been edited, for example, the Pledge moves to have 100 base power or Cut now being a Grass-type move. This is also removed from the Vanilla version of the hack.
- There have also been some changes to evolutions. The majority of these involve editing the trade evolutions; in most cases you will now simply be able to ‘Use’ the item like an evolution stone – for example, using a Magmarizer on a Magmar to evolve it – to do what you would normally need to trade for. For those who evolve by trade but don’t need an item, a new item called the Covenant Ore has been introduced and is available in several places throughout the game; it works as an evolutionary stone, so you’re still able to evolve them at any time. Leafeon and Glaceon are now obtainable through new items known as Woodland Ore and Frozen Ore, to get around their areas being postgame. Shelmet and Karrablast instead follow a Mantyke routine where the other needs to be in the party for them to evolve. Finally, some of the Unovian Pokémon such as Scraggy, Mienfoo, and Larvesta have had reductions in their evolution levels to make them more usable in comparison to the older species.
- Items that you receive and find lying in the field have been changed considerably – this is generally done in order to bring almost all TMs available before the Elite Four are defeated. Notable changes include much earlier Flamethrower and Thunderbolt TMs, and even an Earthquake TM as early as the fifth gym! Doesn’t quite beat Platinum, but it’s close to. You’ll also be able to find a lot of evolution items on the map somewhere, such as the Reaper Cloth, Up-Grade, and Protector.
- A couple of the Poké Marts around the region have had some edits. Examples include the ability to buy Luxury Balls in Virbank City, Heart Scales and shards in Driftveil City, and any sort of evolution item you want in the Route 9 department store.
- There have been some text edits; a couple of these are sprinkled references, but for the most part, it’s to make the item changes make sense with the dialogue. In addition, Juniper’s speech at the beginning has been changed; this is the tip-off that you’ve got the hack working correctly.
- One-time encounter Pokémon such as Cobalion, Virizion, Volcarona, Braviary, etc. have had their levels raised in order to fit with the new level curve. In addition, there’s also a much bigger variety of one-time encounters, mostly dealing with legendaries. Ever thought you couldn’t find Articuno in front of Twist Mountain, or Kyogre within the Abyssal Ruins? Well, now you can! You’ll be able to unlock a fraction of these around the eighth gym badge, then the rest sometime after the Pokémon League. Are you up to catch them all?
- Some of the trades within the game have also been edited, and given much better IVs. Players will now be able to trade for a Togepi, a Gengar, and an Exeggutor before the Elite Four is dealt with. Note that any trades with Yancy and Curtis are not changed.
- New events have been added to the game. Apart from the aforementioned overworlds, there are also Gym Leader rematches outside the PWT, the ability to challenge Hoenn Leaders at various points in the game, Harlequins who will give out starters, and even the ability to battle with Hilbert and Hilda! You’ll also be given the keys for Easy Mode and Challenge Mode almost right at the beginning of the game!
- The Pokémon that appear within the Hidden Grottos around Unova have also been changed. This is a primary way to get the starter Pokémon that you don’t receive, but also has a large assortment of other Pokémon. If you play the Vanilla version, that’ll be important in order to keep your Pokémon on par! Most Pokémon with useful DW abilities will be present somewhere.
- There have also been some TM replacements. Say goodbye to Sky Drop, Quash and Struggle Bug, for they’ve now been replaced by Hurricane, Sucker Punch, and Bug Buzz respectively.
Changelog v1.4.1
Balance Changes:
- Walrien line.
- Spheal now evolves into Sealeo at level 16.
- Nerfed Normal mode Burgh’s Masquerain.
Bug Fixes:
- Eevee now evolves into Glaceon correctly.
- Snorunt now evolves into Glalie correctly.
- All Hall of Fame screens show the project’s version number.
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Useful Stuff
AphexCubed & Drayano
Please update to 2.0
it’s not out, it has only been announced as of now.
Does it work on DS or not?
Because i got a thing that can play anygame on DS and i do want this on it so?
Does it?
how do i download the rom🙁 im kinda slow
you can find the download buttons below the screenshots and useful stuff section. just click on the version you want and you’ll be redirected to mediafire. then just click on the download button.

For some reason my DeSmume Lags hard when I use the Shiny cheat code
Can i update without losing my save file
i downloaded the non evless version of bb2r and it has no sound. its not my computers fault or my emulators fault, my file just seems to be acting up. Help.
anyone knows and emulater for pc that can run roms and stuff
I really love that some of the pokemon have type changes but im sad that Milotic is not fairy type it’s says in the doc that pokemon that are fairy type in x and y and fairy type on renegade platinum are added in this game I’ve used milotic in renegade platinum and she is fairy type on that game.
Milotic isn’t fairy type
I cannot use the reveal glass to access therian forms, it says “It won’t have any effect.” on all of them. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Is there a calculator you can use to nuzlocke the current version of this?
Could you please update the volt white 2 link please. It seems not many people play it. But i would really appreciate it.
updated it:
When I try running it in the Twilight Menu (latest version installed), it says to me that the game has AP. How can I get rid of it?
Are you planning to put mega evolution, gigantamax and z move in the future
New update? Bug fix or something else?
what’s the difference between regular and evless? just want some confirmation
You play with or without EV’s
New update (1.4.0) just dropped on AphexCubed and Drayano’s twitter! Could you please update the download as well? 🙂
Fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥
The links are broken can you please fix them
The links are broken
Where can i find Rock Smash TM???
I’m on post game and still can’t find it, i need it to help the workers clear the path inside the Clay Tunnel…
Honestly it feels like an itchy on my balls and i hate it…
Can someone please confirm that the complete download for this version has a shiny odds of 1/512? I’m starting to lose hope soft-resetting for a shiny starter here…
please update bbr2 to 1.30, it’s own drayano’s twitter
whats the best emulator for this? Desmume does not work
Help, my snorunt won’t evolve into glalie. It’s male and using the ice stone says “unable”. Am I doing something wrong or is it bugged?
Which should i download completed or evless? Which is better & best? Differences? Tell me pls.
The game is not working with nosgba, it can’t save, there is any fix?
try using desmume
The links are no longer working
updated them
Anyone know why Ho-oh has Sacred Fire replaced with Scorching Sands? Its a physical attacker and it was given that move in place of its signature move. Lugia kept its special signature move.
Is this safe? Like 142 mb seems sus I’m not hating I’m just trying to be safe cuz I have trust issues (Not me hating)
it’s an nds rom hack obviously its size is gonna be more than a gba file
is there a rare candy cheat for this rom?
I don’t think so
Does the game have a bit higher chances to get a shiny or still the same as the original???
I think it’s the same because the creator has not mentioned anything about the shiny odds in the info
shiny odds are 1/512
i put the file in but it says its not in the right format
There a new update 1.4.1
where do you get the list of items locations and other stuff?
you can find a link to all the documentation right above the screenshots
New update 1.2.1
thanks for letting me know, i’ve updated the post.
Could you upload the newest version(1.2.1)? It’s on AphexCubed’s twitter
thanks for letting me know, i’ve updated the post.
does anyone know if theres a usrcheat.dat for this version. my old one doesn’t seem to work
Do you guys know how transfer the 1.2.1 save files to the new update i don’t wanna lose my entire progess
Hey can u pls update this to 1.2
I got a shiny starter. is that scripted?
hey not to sound dumb n all but just wanted to know how many pokemon and from all regions? is it like all pokemon or just select couple from the 8 regions, aka can i trip and fall into like a urishifu by accident or somthing *or more realisicly a impadimp or however its spelled
No its only the first 5 gens all pokemon in 🙂
Does anyone have a ARC for no exp
how am i able to play it? i have the file but what do i do with it?
load the file in an nds emulator (drastic – android, desmume – windows)
What’s the difference of complete and classic bb and vw2?
can you upload volt white 2 redux 1.1.1???
here ya go just posted it
Hey what’s the difference of complete and classic bb and vw2?
Can this version use the Internet?
Will you be uploading the new version? 1.1.1?
Thanks for letting me know. I’ve updated the post.
Can you please tell me if there is a ARC for no exp
will you be uploading to 1.30?
it is already updated to 1.3.0
can you update blaze black 2 redux to 1.30
already did it 2 days ago dude
can you update bbr2 (blaze black redux) to 1.30?
already updated my guy
Game is amazing but is there anything you guys can do to update the graphics ? Pokémon are like pixilized while in battle I’m also playing the most recent release
Are you dumb? Lmao. This is how the game looks. The best looking 2D sprites of all time. They can’t “update the graphics” lmao
Go play a Switch game if you want “better graphics”.
lmao kids these days didnt know that older Pokemon games are made out of 2D sprite/pixels
Stick to pokemon go noob
I have a strong feeling the person who made that mention of pixelated graphics was trolling you… so well done, you played into is hands… both you and one other person lol.
Btw, good graphics in my opinion started to disappear around the early 2010s on handhelds, but prior to that, 2000s on consoles.
Just my two cents
I tried to run the game on desmume latest edition, but it will not go further than the starting window, why?
what is the difference between complete and complete EVIess
well played troll, well played.