Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Blazing GBA Rom
- Creator: blaze
- Version: Beta 1
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: ???
Pokemon Blazing is a Pokemon GBA Rom Hack by blaze based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And It is now available to download.
With the image of a Charizard as the main symbol, we can feel and see the Fire spirit of a Pokemon game is burning. And so does Pokemon Blazing. The main theme of this hack is Fire. Professor Oak is performing an experiment that requires a lot of fire from his Pokemon. Moreover, from the north of the Kanto region… snow is everywhere. The air is so cold, the wind is covering everything. After checking and preparing enough Pokemon of the Fire-type, Oak calls you and his grandson to his lab. You two will get the very first Pokemon here. Yep, the burning mission is out there. Burn out all the snow!
Also Check Out Pokemon Black Orb!
- Changed all the starters: Charmander, Cindaquil, Torchic, Flaon.
- New gameplay.

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