Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Moemon Emerald Fore GBA Rom
- Creator: DoesntKnowHowToPlay
- Version: Beta
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: March 31st, 2014
Pokemon Moemon Emerald Fore is a GBA Rom Hack by DoesntKnowHowToPlay based on Pokemon Fire Red. It has 4 Entirely Custom Regions, 39 Gyms, Over 20 Rivals & a lot more to discover!
Also, be sure to check out other hacks in the Moemon Series
- Four entirely custom regions, with 39 badges to obtain.
- 721 Pokemon
- Engaging plotline. Face off against the evil forces of TEAM BAD GUY, as they seek to awaken Dark Xerneas. What could be the evil plan of their master, Darkman?
- High-quality mapping with custom tiles! (Courtesy of XxMl33tCharzardXxX)
- Over 20 rivals to fight over in this living, breathing world.
- Absolutely no changes to the beloved mechanics of gen 3!

DoesntKnowHowToPlay, Layell (for 64×64 Sprite Resource), Karatekid51 (for physical/special split)
This is the most random and broken thing I have ever seen, No. It is NOT any moemon anything. Just broken junk.