Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Fools Gold GBC ROM Hack
- Creator: celadonk
- Version: v1.3.2
- Hack of: Crystal
- Updated: August 2, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Fools Gold is a GBC ROM Hack by celadonk based on Pokemon Crystal in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on August 2, 2024.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Noon Version
In Pokemon Fools Gold, all of the Pokémon have been reworked… think Alolan/Galarian forms, for all the Pokemon. All 251 Pokémon are available in-game without trading. All of the trainers and wild encounters have been reworked to fit as well. In addition, there have been a few visual tweaks, and a few new places to explore, too!
This is not the official site for this ROM hack. You are highly encouraged to obtain the game from the official source or Pokecommunity and patch it yourself. But if you absolutely need them, the download links below will be preserved and kept up-to-date as best possible.
- All 251 Pokémon redesigned, with new types and movesets to fit
- All wild encounter data changed, to better fit the new designs to the environments
- All Pokémon available without trading, including trade evolutions and starters
- A variety of aesthetic changes to the overworld
- A few new optional areas to explore
- Shiny rate raised to 1/1028… we wanted everyone to at least run into one shiny throughout their playthrough
- A few new moves, both from other Pokémon games and original moves
Changelog v1.3.2
New Additions
- Added new regional forms, including Kantonian Teddiursa (thanks to Chairry).
- Wobbuffet: Now Fighting/Ghost with a new moveset.
- Wynaut: Redesigned as a separate species.
- Stat adjustments: Weezings, Jynx, Latios, and Rayquaza.
- Enemy stat-lowering moves no longer have a 25% failure chance.
- Shedinja is now immune to Sandstorm.
- HM07 in Ice Path is now yellow like other TM balls.
- Improved level-up and TM learnset consistency.
- AI improvements and better level caps in “Hard” mode.
- Minor resprites, redesigns, tileset tweaks, moveset, encounter, and NPC party adjustments.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed inverse type issues, Lapras text, Budew/Dugtrio egg groups, Snorunt’s sprite, Elm’s call behavior, and glitches with Belly Drum, Assimilate, and Conversion2.

Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
kingbigb0y, froqpond, g.eeb, hamandswiss, celadonk
1.3.2 has been released a few days ago! Would it be okay if this gets updated? Thank you!
updated it
Love the updated version of Pokemon Fools Gold! The graphics and gameplay improvements are amazing. Can’t wait to see what’s next from the devs 😃
a new bug fix patch got posted for this, plus a new variation that swaps all Johto wild pokemon for the Hoenn/Sevii wild pokemon, among other things
This really needs an update.
so… uhmmm… hear me out… a new patch was released in April this year… but… I forgot to update it… but worry not, I have updated it now. So, download it and have fun!