Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Clover GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: 4chan’s /vp/
- Version: v1.3.3
- Hack of: Fire Red
- Updated: October 4, 2023
Pokemon Clover is a GBA ROM Hack by 4chan’s /vp/ based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And is now available to download. It was last updated on October 4, 2023.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Trick-or-Treat House
Pokemon Clover is a ROM hack of Pokémon Fire Red that includes the two new regions of Fochun and the Ebin Isles, as well as 386 unique fakemon!
Started as a sloppy rehash of Pokémon Fire Red in late 2014, Pokemon Clover has since evolved into a complete reimagining with all-new characters, story, maps, music, and gameplay mechanics.
The main point of Clover is to be both a parody of 4chan’s imageboard culture and a parody of Pokémon in general. As a result, it contains themes and language that are not for the faint of heart.
Clover’s current version has been in the works for over 4 years, with thousands of hours of effort by over 40 contributors, and with an estimated play time of over 100 hours, Clover is sure to bring you moments of joy, frustration, laughter, and suffering!
So, what are you holding out for? As Professor Stump’s Pokédex assistant, you will travel through fields, oceans, deserts, and mountains, battling tough rivals and Gym Leaders along the way!
- A full-scale adventure between two fully featured regions
- 386 monsters designed by /vp/
- Completely custom soundtrack
- Gen 7/8 standard battle engine
- Competitive-grade battle AI that switches
- Difficulty for veterans of the series
- Custom battle backgrounds
- Custom exp gain mechanics
- GSC-style berry trees
- Wonder trading
- Sprite portraits for important characters
- New custom Poké Balls
- Black/White 2 repel system and item usage
- Hidden Grottos and Phenomena
- Reusable TMs and deletable HMs
- And a grand world rich with sidequests and secrets!
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Useful Stuff
Camerupt, Chemical Man, DG, Dimbus Maximus, Editanon, Fifz, Le Ruse Bird, Mantager, Megaloceros, Menu-Guy, NewDenverCity, Satanicle, Squeetz, Ungracious, Benis, CAPSLOCK PRIME, D1nomite, DasWeit, Dexanon, Digidex, Doktor Donothing, Drawingpad anon, DSAl-Quaeda, FireB-. Foxdrive, Iluminatii, Inane, LizardFungus, LorekeeperM, Palette Guy, Yenatch
This game is so good and have weird and funny dialogue. Playing this, I didn’t even realize that it was under FireRed Hacks🥰 So the cheat you MUST AVOID ARE: walkthrough walls, rare candies, wild pokemon modifier, masterball, money, and complete PokeDex. This is the cheat that I tried but ended up in a jail or automatically reset the game. While THIS CHEAT IS WORKING FINE and don’t caught you even after the League: no wild encounter, one hit kill (sometimes it takes 3 turns to work), PokeMart $0, Infinite PP, Catch trainer Pokemon, and Max Stats. I guarantee you that using only this cheat won’t get you caught and play this game, battling is so hard so One hit kill cheat will definitely you need(if you just want) 👍🏻👍🏻
Good to know about the cheats that work and won’t get you punished
I might try this one again with the listed cheats. Hopefully you’re correct about the bs anti-cheat not picking up on them. Would suck to beat it then get shafted like before. LoL
Let me know if they work, I haven’t played it in almost a year cos the further you get, the more impossible it gets
this i one of the worst rom hacks i have played. at least radical red doesn’t force you to exp grind for hours just to beat a single gym.
Pokemon Clover… More like Pokemon Cucker.
Can’t even use cheats without getting trolled with some stupid game ruining punishment? Not to mention the grind in here is real. The difficulty for this game is absolutely ridiculous to the point to where it’s like the opponent is borderline cheating. Seems kind of hypocritical tbh. If the person that created this hack wanted people to enjoy this game, why not let us play it without restrictions? This whole dumb anti-cheat thing just seems kind of silly imo.
The most funny thing is that you are right and yet a couple of fanboys Gave you deslikes.
Pokemon Clover becomes quite unfair after the third gym,gym leaders start getting ev trained Pokemon when you don’t have acess to ev training facilities.
So depending on your team you might actually lose a lot or it becomes Impossible to win against a gym leader with it thus forcing you to Change your team constantly.
To make matters worse they even abuse stat boosting moves like swords dance for example or even a couple boss fights that you won’t win without prediction(looking at you Carlito).
Clover is a great game ruined by it’s difficulty and should take a note from radicar red that after many complaints included a easy mode that’s still challenging but no terribly so.
Exactly, that was the reason I gave up playing the game, it’s ridiculous because it’s such a fun game, but the insane level curve is shit, the grinding you have to do to even get a CHANCE to beat the gyms is mental, especially since it’s so damn slow, especially since there’s an exp cap as far as I remember
Good enough game, just sucks ass that the first gym is so damn difficult because you can’t even use cheats for rare candy without getting punished for it, just let us play the game the way we want FFS
GG git gud bozo
Grow up clown
Get good…
Can i have 1.1 version
They really have cheat proofed this hack, I can’t do anything I want, not even make a custom team. This bites really hard
Use the rare candy cheat atleast 32, THEN OF THE CHEAT! I tried it and it works ngl
New update
Does this just not work or is it a mobile only thing?
It is a gba rom hack, you need a gba emulator to play it. You can download an emulator for your respective device (android, ios, pc, mac) from here:
I don’t get something, spoilers! How to beat the burrial tower?
Does anyone know how to get the Vs Seeker?
hey, you forgot something, exp for all team!
do cheats work in this game
yes but i EXTREMELY not recommend doing so. if you did, when you beat the champion, and begin to be in the hall of fame, the police will arrest you for cheating if cheats were ever used. you will get the cheater ending and erases you save file. so i would suggest not using cheats.
I used them and nothing happened in the end
Is it possible to download it on to a micro SD card? I don’t know much about technology
Chrome > Three Dot Menu > Downloads > Settings Icon > Turn on “Ask where to save files” > Download the rom and select SD Card when asked where to download it.
Why can’t I download it? when I tried downloading it the mediafire one worked but when I tried downloading it again it says that “The resource you are trying access belongs to an account that has been suspended.”
I just wanna download it so I can play it again(because I deleted it accidentally)
and dowloading the mega one is a pain in the ass so if anyone has a good and safe link to download clover pls reply pls
thank u srly i really wanted tp play this rom hack again it one of my favs and i genuinely thank u
Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience. Our Mediafire account got suspended so I had to re-upload a lot of hacks.
eh its ok
Updated to 1.3.1 big fixes
New update has been released bro
New update has been released
For everyone who reads this, don’t use a rare candy or master ball cheat, the game had an anticheat that detects it and gives you a bad ending
Has* my bad my spelling is off today
New update has been released
thanks for letting me know I have updated the post