Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Blazing Emerald GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Struedelmuffin
- Version: v1.6
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: August 6, 2021
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Blazing Emerald is a GBA ROM Hack by Struedelmuffin based on Pokemon Emerald in English. And it is now available to download. It was released on August 6, 2021.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Unova Red.
Pokemon Blazing Emerald is a graphical and gameplay restlying of Emerald designed around rebalancing and improving mechanics while still staying true to the original design and story. Many visual and quality of life improvements have been added to enhance the experience.
You begin your journey with Clefairy, Eevee, or Pikachu, each of which offers a distinct gameplay experience due to updated stats, abilities, and learnsets. The battles will be difficult, but you have many tools at your disposal! New Pokemon that are exciting and diverse are scattered throughout Hoenn, making each trainer’s party feel truly unique!
Discover hidden caves, mysterious groves, and more as you play Pokemon Emerald in a new and exciting way!
- New Starters (28 options)
- A few Pokemon from later generations (up until Gen 8)
- Most Pokemon got buffed with increased stats, new abilities, or better movepools
- Regional Forms
- Several Fakemon
- New shiny palettes
- National Dex is completable, with some hidden extras
- Improved Trainer AI
- Improved teams of important trainers
- Hard Mode
- Physical/Special Split
- New and buffed weather effects
- New and unique moves
- New and unique abilities
- New weather effect
- Wild Double Battles
- All PokeBalls up to Gen 7
- Reusable TMs
- Buffed and removable HMs
- Trade evolutions now utilize evolution items
- New and unique items
- Easy obtainable Shiny Charm
- Music from the Sinnoh games and custom soundtracks
- New tilesets
- New locations
- New events
- New NPC’s, bosses, and portraits for important characters
- Run indoors
- You can fly to certain Routes
- Custom UI
- EV training
- IV training
- Ability switcher
- Dex scan
- Stats checker
- Wonder trading
- New mini-games
- The shiny rate has increased to 1/1000
- Random match calls can be disabled at Professor Birch’s Lab
- Updated Pokémon Contests featuring Master Rank ribbon boosts that give your Pokémon stat buffs in all areas outside the Frontier
- Decapitalization
Changelog v1.6
Major Changes:
- Visual Enhancements: Entire Hoenn region updated.
- Fallarbor Town: Redesigned as a mining town with new areas for exploration and treasure hunting.
- Hard Mode: Enhanced difficulty with level caps that increase with each badge.
- Weather Changes: Moves set weather permanently; abilities last 5 turns.
- New Elite Four Member: Bede from Sword/Shield as the third Elite Four member.
- Custom Starters: New starter options available at the beginning.
- New Weather Type: Eclipse, boosting secondary effects for Dark, Ghost, and Psychic moves, with unique effects on battles.
General Changes:
- Egg Move Rework: Updated egg move data.
- Level Curve: Increased difficulty in later game areas.
- New Move Tutor: Available in Fallarbor Town, teaching unique moves for shards.
- Mossdeep Library: Expanded and updated for better item and information access.
- Gym Leader Changes: Juan is now an Ice-Type leader.
- Item Adjustments: Various held items and berries have improved effects.
- Accessibility: Desert Underpass now opens after the sixth gym badge.
- Sprite Updates: New sprites for Shinx, Luxio, Luxray, and Pikachu.
Pokemon Changes:
- New Hoennian Forms: 11 new forms with unique types and encounter locations.
- Stat Adjustments: Numerous Pokemon have received stat changes.
- New Moves: 11 new moves added.
- Move Balances: Power and secondary effects of many moves have been adjusted.
- Ability Changes: 16 new abilities introduced.
Bug Fixes:
- Various bug fixes including AI improvements, encounter corrections, and minor errors.
- Some moves and Pokemon have been replaced to keep the game balanced and manageable.

Useful Stuff
Struedelmuffin, Wednesday, Skeli, Ghoulslash, Jessjackdaw, PageofSean, PlusSizeScribe, SageDeoxys, C7XL, Hillsy & SkyVortex
Somehow, I can’t get the game when it’s done download. Any chance for help?
how to download it?
use the “mediafire’ button below the downloads heading OR use this link:
I can download the game but it wont go on Delta so I can play it
Hi, just heard from someone that original assets from my ROM hack (CosmicEmerald Version) are in this game; such as several battle backgrounds and the “Space” map. Confirmed via gameplay video on YouTube from a couple years back. My star animations for that map are also used heavily. Could you add my name (SkyVortex) to the credits list? I had asked the original creator to do so before and I haven’t seen it anywhere this game is posted.
Perhaps leaving some links in this comment thread and photo-video evidence of those assets being original to your rom hack can help persuade SKR to put your name on the credits list? Trying to give you benefit of the doubt, as any can leave a comment asking for credit.
Here’s a link to an image of this ROM opened in A-Map 1.92, of the map I’m talking about. It’s a ripped and somewhat modified version of what I designed, and even has my custom ‘star animation’ tiles up at the top. I never even implied anyone could use it. There’s probably other stuff of mine in there but I could honestly let it slide since little of it is even original.
Look, I’m not trying to harm the creator here (and I don’t want anyone brigading them). I’ve had conversations with them before and they were never a jerk. We’ve helped each other out, and I also showed him how to insert the Battle Backgrounds used in this hack (which are also straight from my hack, but I actually said they could use them).
It’s just that after all the effort I put into designing that Moon map and other stuff, and all the credit I’ve given others for what I used, this just bothered me a bit. Having my efforts to kindly reach out get ignored was just insult to injury. Meanwhile, the one time I mistakenly plagiarized someone online, I got flamed and chased off, despite apologizing and fixing the problem. I was 13 years old back then.
The credits list I made for my project is massive, because I respected other people’s part in why it got any real recognition in the first place. It wouldn’t be anywhere near what it became without their help.
Also here’s a video showing my tiles in this game (including my animations), and making it seem like this hack completely pioneered an idea that was already in my project:
As a final note, I just want to reiterate that I have nothing against Struedelmuffin personally. There’s been no hostility between us, just a mistake was made here (similarly to what I accidentally did years ago). I just wanted to point out that my work is in an iconic part of this project and I got no credit where others did.
I hate to complain like this but the longer I waited the more I felt I should have spoken up sooner.
Maybe I just haven’t given it enough time, but no luck so far. That’s totally fine, this isn’t likely a huge priority when managing the site and I have no idea what SKR’s life is like.
However: “any can leave a comment asking for credit”? That doesn’t apply here. My own hack is on this website, and has my name as creator. It’s obvious what assets I’m talking about, since it’s literally one of the images used to showcase the game in the first place. It’s even animated too, so it stands out. It’s probably been on the source thread since before the hack above was even released.
Either way, I’m ending the whole complaint right here and moving on for good. Should have just listened to my gut, as there was never a need to go into so much detail trying to prove anything.
Shut up! Accept the LOSS!
He gave you no credit!
LMFAO. My comment you’re replying to literally says at the end that I was willing to let this go and move on.
What the hell makes it wrong of me to want my name to be on something I made, that wasn’t intended to be stolen and used under someone else’s?
You have no valid argument, so you should take your own advice and put your greasy keyboard away.
hey, sorry for not getting to you sooner. There have been thousands upon thousands of spam comments on the site for a while and I’ve been trying to sort them out and get rid of the spam. I keep missing actual comments bc of them. I’ll add the missing credits today. thank you for your patience
Thank you too, I appreciate you responding to my request. I understand you can’t be everywhere at once, and dealing with spam can be very difficult.
Hi, i didn’t see any updates for this game, maybe you should look on the discord server…
I’ve checked the their discord server and unfortunately, there’s not a new update for this yet.
It says it’s impossible to accept the discord invitation, it’s weird
Is 1.6 the latest version? I remember there being a 1.6.1. just wanted to ask
HEY! WHAT IS GOING ON WITH UR GAME IT IS FREEZING NOW I CANT EVEN PKAY. Pretty good game if I could play it though!
I think this is alright if it was a randomizer it would be a lot better
Hey, this is game not updated..
when i download it said v1.1 mini update..
I’ve updated the download link, it should be the latest version now.
i think this isn’t the complete version bc there was another version with a lot of new starters