Pokemon Crystallos

Pokemon Crystallos

Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Crystallos GBA Rom

  • Creator: Markusfer47
  • Version: Alpha
  • Hack of: Fire Red
  • Updated: May 14, 2018

In Pokemon Crystallos, you’re a kid raised in a far away island, but your adventure into the Ninguit Region starts with a little request from Professor Prudens, he found a particular frozen feather that can’t be defrosted. As you make your way through different towns and cities to find out the origins of said feather you have the adventure of your life, as you’re finally able to leave that isolated island.


There’s nothing really impressive, there’s a new Region called Ninguit, with their respectives Gym Leaders, Trainers, and the like, Pokemon from the First Gen to the Third Gen will be available, and I plan on making a nice postgame to go with.




Markusfer47, minorthreat0987, Calls Project, Dewitty, phyromatical, Alistair, Silentninja, Furs The Fox, GregarLink10 

Unreasonably gorgeous proprietor of PokeHarbor