Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Ash Gray GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: metapod23
- Version: Beta 4.6 (Unofficial Continuation by RevKenHack)
- Hack of: FireRed
- Updated: January 22, 2022
Pokemon Ash Gray is a GBA ROM Hack by metapod23 based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on January 22, 2022.
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Trick-or-Treat House
Your name is Ash Ketchum and you’re about to embark on your big Pokémon adventure. Unfortunately, you stayed up all night watching Pokémon battles and woke up late! With all your rivals from Pallet Town (the most annoying being Gary) having taken all the starters available, it looks like you’ll just have to go home … unless you want Pikachu instead.
You are about to embark on a 116-event adventure (plus two movie events) that will put you in Ash’s shoes, allowing you to catch the Pokémon he catches and make the decisions he makes. What will your journey as Ash Ketchum entail? There’s only one way to discover!
- Follows the same events as in the Pokemon Anime series
- Catch all of the Pokémon Ash does
- Be rewarded for carrying Ash’s team
- New Tiles, Sprites and Maps
- New Tools to replace HMs-
- Hatchet replaces Cut
- Computer Teleport System replaces Fly
- Raft replaces Surf
- Pickaxe replaces Rock Smash
- Climb Kit is used instead of Rock Climb
- Whirlpuller is used to cross whirlpools
Changelog Beta v4.6
- Changed default names for the player to Ash, Satoshi, Red, Yellow, Indigo and Orange.
- Changed default names for the rival to Gary, Shigeru, Blue and Green.
- Now you can get 3 Potions from your PC.
- Removed flashbacks when loading a saved game.
- Updated Pokémon stats to match Sun/Moon
- EVs capped at 252.
- Removed the images that appear when you enter in caves, forests, etc.
- Ash faces the trainers before battling them.
- All PC boxes use a different Wallpaper.
- Fixed Pokémon categories in Pokédex.
- Fixed Master Ball, Sacred Ash and S.S. Ticket descriptions.
- Fixed some move descriptions.
- HM moves are deletable.
- Now Pokémon Center healing animation doesn’t count Eggs.
- Eggs hatch at Lv 1.
- Pokémon can evolve without having obtained the National Dex.
-Text speed set to Fast and sound set to Stereo. - Removed the animation shown when teaching a TM to a Pokémon.
- Fixed mispelling in Kaz, Mimey and Erika’s names.
- Fixed some typos in NPC dialogs.
- Fixed Bike not being usable in some maps.
- The “Donut” is now properly named Rice Ball (only in the Bag menu, the other texts has not been edited yet)
- Fixed colors of Helix Fossil and Dome Fossil.
- New sprites for Poké Ball, Safari Ball, Pickaxe and various key items.
- Fixed Day & Night palletes blinking when a screen change occurs.
- Outside of battle, a Pokémon will be cured of poison if it’s brought down to 1 HP.
- Removed Help system.
- New trainer sprites and overworlds.
- Fully colored badges.
- Fixed Protect, Detect and Endure probability.
- Updated Volt Absorb, Flash Fire, Rough Skin, Synchronize.
- Hidden Power now has 60 Power.
- Now Crunch lowers Defense instead of Sp. Def, as it should be.
- *** Bad Eggs appear in your Storage Boxes. DO NOT MOVE THEM!
- *** Teachy TV is broken. DO NOT USE IT!
- Can’t get on/off the bike in certain areas
- Ashley’s backsprite/HP bar is sometimes discolored
- Pallet Town berry system doesn’t work right
- Slight hitch in Pallet Town Windmill
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metapod23, colcolstyles, JPAN, TheDarkShark, Jambo51, doesntknowhowtoplay, Darthatron, KDS, diegoisawesome, HackMew, RevKenHack
Je viens d’installer cette Rom et dès le début le jeu bug
En effet, après le combat contre Piafabec, je n’ai aucune échappatoire au nord je suis bloqué par l’eau et un arbre avec coupe
[EN: Hello, I just installed this Rom and from the beginning the game bugs. Indeed, after the fight against Piafabec, I have no escape to the north I am blocked by water and a tree with cut]
When will the bug get fixed where you can’t get to Butwal Island since you are stuck on Shamuti
Why is it in Spanish? English download please.
i think there’s olivia r’s guide that can be placed in usefull stuff
is this completed? any ETA of the completed version?
Could you please update to Latest Unofficial Version from January 25th, 2022 on, please?
Hey there, an unofficial update of Ash gray was released which fixes quite a few issues:
the screenshots show English dialogue but it’s Spanish
bro its in spanish
Bro in this update can we challenge the orange league pls reply bro
i can’t get into Koga’s gym for some reason
Is there a English version?